Even when Yao Xiaoyan thought like this, she still felt that it was a little ridiculous. Dugu Ling was the movie emperor, but who was she? He was willing to marry him in order to survive. Was this kind of person worthy of her love?

Bai Xiaobai talked for a long time. When he saw Yao Xiaoyan staring blankly, he could not help but step forward and ask, "Yan Yan Yan, did you hear that?"

Yao Xiaoyan calmly looked back and asked, "Do you think that is possible?"

Bai Xiaobai was stunned. "Why is that impossible?" "Yan Yan, even though you are not famous right now, you will definitely become popular in the future. I think very highly of you!"

Yao Xiaoyan sighed in her heart. If it wasn't for the fact that Ou Kangniang happened to have gotten into a car accident, her acting career would have ended. She was now a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

Yao Xiaoyan did not answer Bai Xiaobai's question. She only went to the bathroom to take a bath and change her clothes.

Hot water washed over her face. Yao Xiaoyan could feel the carefree feeling of the water flowing out of her eyes.

Why was she different from the others? Why didn't she even cry? Why could she see ghosts? Why couldn't she live like an ordinary person?

Yao Xiaoyan tightly clenched her fist and slammed it against the wall. Her small hand was in pain, but it couldn't match the stifled feeling in her heart.

"Yan Yan, how are we going to spend the next two days?" Bai Xiaobai's voice sounded again from outside.

Bai Xiaobai was such a person. When he encountered something bad, he would only be sad for three minutes. When he thought of eating and playing, he immediately forgot all about the pain.

Sometimes, Yao Xiaoyan envied such a person. At the very least, he wouldn't be as gloomy and emotional as her.

Yao Xiaoyan wore a bathrobe and came out while wiping her hair, "I'll let you have two days off, you can go play by yourself!"

Bai Xiaobai's eyes were immediately filled with excitement, but he quickly asked again, "What about you?"

"I'm reading the script in the hotel!" Yao Xiaoyan said. Even if it was a holiday, she had nowhere to go because if she went out, she would see those things everywhere!

"Why don't I accompany you to soak in a hot spring? I checked and found that there's a pretty good hot spring nearby! " Bai Xiaobai asked excitedly.

Yao Xiaoyan shook her head. Last time she was scared to death by that Tian Xiaoji. She was now able to see the water far, far away from her!

"Then can we go shopping?" Bai Xiaobai thought that Yao Xiaoyan did not like hot springs and said.

Yao Xiaoyan hesitated for a moment. It was fine as there were too many people in the mall and they were full of Yang energy. Even if they saw a little kid, they could pretend not to see it.

"Alright!" Yao Xiaoyan said.

Bai Xiaobai nodded happily.

That night, when Yao Xiaoyan was resting in the hotel, she actually dreamed of being a child.

In the dream, her mother smiled as she hung the talisman around her neck. Holding her small hand, she said, "Yan Yan Yan, there are some things that cannot be changed. You have to learn to face them. This is how your mother came here!"

Ta'er, Little Hui, Lin Nian, and Zhang Dazhi. Although they were ghosts, they did not have any malicious intent towards anyone. Compared to that Ou Kangniang from today, they were actually ten times better than him!

Opening her eyes, Yao Xiaoyan looked out the window. Moonlight poured in through the window and she extended her arms to embrace Moonlight.

"Mom, I will slowly learn to face it!" Yao Xiaoyan said in a low voice.

The next day, after having breakfast at the hotel, Bai Xiaobai called the company to confirm that the company didn't know about O'Connell. Then she called him to ask about the news and heard that he might become a vegetable.

"Yan Yan, the heavens are really helping us this time!" Bai Xiaobai said.

Yao Xiaoyan, on the other hand, still had lingering fears. In the entertainment circle, there were many people like O'Connell.

"Xiaobai, you have to be more careful when receiving advertisements in the future!" Yao Xiaoyan said, "I'm not very famous right now, but I can only receive some messy work. When 'Thousand Year Love' is released, I believe that it will definitely be better than this. When that time comes, the company will come out and help us!"

Bai Xiaobai nodded. "Alright, Yan Yan, don't worry. This won't happen again! "Because this is your first ad, I …"

"Because you're the first, you have to be careful!" Yao Xiaoyan said.

Bai Xiaobai nodded.

In the shopping mall, Yao Xiaoyan and Bai Xiaobai went to a brand they frequented. This brand often sponsored clothing for artists. However, it was restricted to celebrities like Yao Xiaoyan, who could only buy it for money.

Yao Xiaoyan normally didn't dress up much, but the reason she came out today was because she didn't want to stay in the hotel.

Bai Xiaobai went in to pick out some clothes for Yao Xiaoyan, who was sitting on a rattan chair by the door. She raised her head to look at the crowd.

The first part she wanted to become strong was to face the world head on!

There was a white-faced, black-nailed shopaholic with a load of shopping bags on both arms and ten centimeters of high-heeled shoes, walking back and forth in the shop; a smoker squatted by the trash can, throwing cigarette butts into the trash, and in front of the bathroom, a grey-faced woman was mechanically sweeping the floor and dumping garbage.

Yao Xiaoyan could see these ghosts, but these were ghosts that were locked in place for a long time. They couldn't leave this place, so they could only watch from the sidelines. No one could see them, hear them, or touch them.

Yao Xiaoyan slowly looked on and suddenly felt that these ghosts were very pitiful. Other than their appearance being a little scarier, there really didn't seem to be any difference!

"Have you seen my child?" Suddenly, a woman rushed forward and tugged on Yao Xiaoyan's arm as she asked.

Yao Xiaoyan shook her head.

The woman was so anxious that she kept going back and forth between the shops, asking the customers in the mall again and again, "Has anyone seen a little girl about five and a half years old wearing a yellow skirt? She's about this tall!"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Has the child been lost?"

"Aiya, didn't the news a few days ago say that a little girl was also lost? After finding the corpse, her eyes were no longer there!"

"Why don't we hurry up and call the police!"

When the people at the mall heard that someone lost a child, they kept coming up with ideas.

"Yan Yan Yan, do you think this piece looks good? This is the little evening gift, it's the best thing to wear to the event! " At this moment, Bai Xiao picked up a small blue crystal ball and pulled Yao Xiaoyan along to try her luck.

When Yao Xiaoyan entered the store to put on her clothes, she saw the security guard running over.

The small, crystal-blue dinner was as beautiful as a mermaid swimming in the sea. It was fresh and beautiful, and when paired with Yao Xiaoyan's innocent face, it was a perfect match!

"Too beautiful! This one! " Bai Xiaobai said.

However, Yao Xiaoyan's thoughts were not on her clothes. She quickly took it off and told Bai Xiaobai to take care of it himself before walking to the entrance of the store.

The security guards of the mall were all activated, but with so many people here, in such a big place, it would be difficult to find a child.

Many kind-hearted people were helping to find children.

Yao Xiaoyan suddenly thought of Ta'er. She could not help but worry about the possibility that another cute child had been killed.

Many people were running around the shopping mall. The radio in the mall was also looking for someone. Everyone's faces were filled with anxiety and anxiety.

Yao Xiaoyan looked around and saw that the toilet auntie, Ghost, had her head lowered. She pointed at the bathroom with her pale arm.

Yao Xiao Yan's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the toilet auntie was going to tell her that her child was in the toilet?

Yao Xiaoyan came forward and pulled at the crying parent and asked, "Have you looked for the restroom yet?"

"I just took the child and came out from inside, and in the blink of an eye, I can't see the child anymore!" The woman said.

"Let's look inside again. Maybe the child ran inside again!" Yao Xiaoyan said.

The woman rushed to the bathroom, but found nothing.

The toilet auntie slowly floated in front of the men's restroom door. She lowered her head, her hair hung down, and her arms were slowly raised.

Yao Xiaoyan immediately reacted, "The men's restroom!"

The woman suddenly thought of something and rushed into the men's restroom. After a while, there was the sound of fighting and crying, "My child!" You return my child! "

The security guard heard the commotion and immediately rushed in.

Ten minutes later, the security guard came out with a small, wretched man. Behind him was the woman holding a lifeless five-year-old child in her arms. The child's hair had been shaved, and he was wearing a boy's T-shirt and jeans.

The woman called the girl's name over and over again, but the girl didn't respond.

"Did you take some medicine?" Hurry and send him to the hospital! " someone shouted.

The woman was extremely anxious. After bowing to Yao Xiaoyan, she quickly rushed out of the mall with the child in her arms.

After a while, the police arrived and the security guards handed the man over to the police.

After the man was taken away by the police, a few people stared at Yao Xiaoyan. One of them actually recognized her.

"You are Yao Xiaoyan, right?" The man stepped forward and asked.

Yao Xiaoyan nodded.

She had played a small part in two or three episodes previously, but who would have thought that it would still be remembered.

"I didn't expect to meet a celebrity in a shopping mall!" Can you give me an autograph? " The man became excited and took out his cell phone to take photos while asking for his autograph.

When other people heard that Yao Xiaoyan was a celebrity, regardless of whether they knew each other or not, they all went up to get her autograph for a photo. In an instant, Yao Xiaoyan was surrounded by a crowd.

Bai Xiaobai was shocked when he saw the situation in front of him after he handed over the money. She had followed Yao Xiaoyan for three years but had never been recognized by a passerby. Thus, she hurried forward.

"You're so beautiful!"

"He's really a celebrity!"

"Sign one for my son!"

Yao Xiaoyan was in a very good mood as she was surrounded by autographs and photos. Perhaps it was because she had used her superpower to help people.

Seeing that it was almost done, Bai Yixue went forward to stop her and said, "Sorry, Yan Yan still has some activities to attend today, so let's end it here for now. Thank you for everyone's support!"

Yao Xiaoyan waved goodbye with a smile and left the mall with Bai Xiaobai.

A group of people chased after her from behind, watching her get into the car and leave.

"Yan Yan, are you going to turn red? Someone actually recognized you! " Bai Xiaobai said, in disbelief.

Yao Xiaoyan smiled. It was only today that she realized it wasn't all a bad thing to see ghosts. Perhaps in the future, she could make good use of this skill!

"Little White, I want to go home and take a look!" Yao Xiaoyan said, "Let's go back to our old home!"

Ever since Yao Fei's mother died, Yao Xiaoyan had never returned to her home. She was afraid that she would not be able to hold back from feeling sad. After all, her mother's death was definitely related to her.

"Alright, we don't have any other arrangements anyway!" This was the first time Bai Xiaobai heard Yao Xiaoyan mention the situation at home, so he said, "Should we prepare something? What do aunts and uncles like to eat? "

Yao Xiaoyan lowered her eyes and said, "No need to prepare, my parents are all dead!"

Bai Xiaobai was stunned and did not know what to say.

No wonder Yao Xiaoyan never told her about her family's situation. So it turned out that …

Yao Xiao Yan looked out of the window, her expression calm.

No matter what, she was already beginning to accept the damned truth! Perhaps one day, she would no longer need Dugu Ling's protection! In front of Dugu Ling, she had the personality of an independent individual!

As Yao Xiaoyan thought this, her heart actually had a small bit of expectation.

Two hours later, Bai Xiaobai parked the car in front of an old residential complex.

The residential complex was undergoing renovation. It had rained yesterday, making the road extremely difficult to walk on. The cars of the residential complex were all parked outside the main gate.

Bai Xiaobai went to find a place to park the car while Yao Xiaoyan stood outside the door and waited. She looked at the rusted and mottled gate with a sour look in her eyes.

Ever since they had moved to the countryside, her mother had always lived here with her. After her mother had died, what she had hoped to see the most at that time was her mother's soul. However, after her mother had left, she had never come looking for her. Now that so many years had passed, perhaps his mother had already been reincarnated!

Yao Xiaoyan's door was already heavily embroidered with cobwebs.

Yao Xiaoyan opened the door to her room and a burst of dust filled the room.

A few years had passed, and the house was covered with a thick layer of dust. However, the sofa, the tea table, and the bed in the room were all imprinted with traces of Yao Xiaoyan's previous life.

"You are... "You're Little Yan Yan?" Suddenly, someone spoke at the door and called out to her.

When Yao Xiaoyan came back to her senses, she saw a woman in her forties standing at the door with a smile on her face. It was her neighbor, Auntie Lin, who had the best relationship with her mother.

In the past, Auntie Lin's son had messed with unclean things, and it was always her mother who helped her drive them away. Auntie Lin treated Yao Xiaoyan very well and often gave her food, even though she always looked a little weird.

"Auntie Lin!" Perhaps it was because when she saw Auntie Lin, she thought of her mother and her eyes became moist.

"Are you really Little Yan Yan? "Oh, are you finally willing to come back and see?" Auntie Lin sighed, and she couldn't help but wipe away her tears, "Your mother died of an illness, so you locked yourself up in your house for three days and three nights. After coming out, you left without a word. A few days ago, the sea said that an actor on TV was like you, and I even said that he was talking nonsense, maybe coincidentally looks like you, but I didn't expect … "

Auntie Lin could not help but laugh. "You've grown up and become beautiful. You've really become an actress!"

Yao Xiaoyan tightly held Auntie Lin's hand and was speechless for a long time.

In the past, she couldn't accept the news of her mother's sudden death. After her mother had passed away, the little ghosts that her mother had chased away had come to bully her in her house. She was too scared to run away, so now she wanted to start living a life of her own.

Aunt Lin suddenly asked, "Yan Yan, are you 20 years old this year?"

Yao Xiaoyan nodded.

I left something with Auntie here before you gave it to you after you turned 20. A few days ago, I found it and thought I'd go to the ocean to find you. Now that you're back, there's no need to trouble. Auntie Lin turned around and entered the house. After a while, she came out with a red box filled with snacks. It seemed like she had been here for quite some time.

"When your mother was sick in the hospital, I went to see her. She gave this to me. Take a look at what's inside!" Auntie Lin said, "Don't worry, I've been lying like this all these years. I've never seen it before!"

Yao Xiaoyan hurriedly thanked him.

Auntie Lin nodded, "Sure, then you do what you need to do. I'll go cook. Hai Yang will be back for dinner today. You can come over to my place to eat. I'll introduce you to Hai Yang!"

When Yao Xiaoyan and her mother moved here, Aunt Lin would often mention it, but it was said that she had attended a physical education school and never came back. Once, she had gone to the countryside and had somehow gotten involved in some dirty business, which was driven out of him by his mother. At that time, Yao Xiaoyan had met the sea once before, and later, Yao Xiaoyan had left.

At this moment, Bai Xiaobai was cleaning up to at least find a place where Yao Xiaoyan could sit down.

"Yan Yan, how are the housing prices over here? If you don't want to come back and live in this house, then rent it; it's good if you don't want to sell it! " Bai Xiaobai said as he strolled around.

Yao Xiaoyan shook her head. This was the last place where her mother would live with her; she was unwilling to part with it!

Seeing Yao Xiaoyan not saying a word, Bai Xiaobai stopped talking and walked around the room looking around. When she saw the yellow talismans and the deity statue that was on the wall, she could not help but frown.

Yao Xiaoyan opened the metal box and found a letter inside. It was a letter from her mother to Yao Xiaoyan.

"Yanyan, when you see this letter, your mother might already be dead. You must not be sad to be left by yourself. Because not much more than forty years of age is the destiny of our Yao family's women!" Yao Xiaoyan was shocked when she read the first sentence.

Could the Yao family not live past forty years of age?

"Actually, Mom doesn't know why either. Our Yao family only has girls who can see that stuff. I heard your grandma say that too!" Yao Yao's mother's letter continued, "Your grandma said that our Yao family had been cursed. These words might sound absurd to outsiders, but we have all seen people from another world, so I believe in your grandma's words. However, we truly do not know when this curse of the Yao family will be broken!"

The more Yao Xiaoyan read her mother's letter, the more her brow furrowed.

Yao Xiaoyan did not have any memory of her grandma. Not long after she was born, her grandma passed away!

"The reason my grandmother and mother were able to safely live to the age of forty was all because of the protection of that sigil. But my poor child, you met someone from the Leng Clan and lost your sigil. What will happen to you in the future? Even mother doesn't know!" At the end of the letter, his mother mentioned the Leng Clan.

"There is one more thing I want to tell you, because you are now an adult and I should explain it clearly to you! Do not fall in love with the Leng Clan, because the Leng Clan would never accept a wife with the surname Yao! " At the end of the letter, there were still some wrinkles on the bottom of the letter.

Yao Xiaoyan stared at the slightly yellowed letter for a long time before replying.

Why did the Yao family have so many secrets? In the past, her mother and her grandmother had relied on that protective talisman to survive until the day they gave birth to children, but the protective talisman that could protect the descendants of the Yao family had been lost by her.

"Yan Yan Yan, why don't we leave? I always feel that this place …" Bai Xiaobai did not notice anything at first, but when she saw the yellow talismans and the deity statue, she was a bit scared.

At this moment, footsteps sounded on the stairs. It was likely someone had come upstairs, so Bai Xiaobai took the opportunity to run out.

"Ah, Officer Yu?" Why are you here? " Bai Xiaobai's surprised voice sounded.

Yao Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment. She walked out of the room and saw Captain Yu, dressed in police uniform, coming up the stairs. When she saw Yao Xiaoyan, she was also stunned.

"Captain Yu?" "Could it be that you are …" Yao Xiaoyan couldn't hold back her laughter. Was Captain Yu the ocean as Auntie Lin said?

"You …" Captain Yu was also surprised.

At this moment, Auntie Lin came out of her room. When she saw Captain Yu, she said, "Hai Shui, you're off work. Look quickly, the celebrity you mentioned last time was really Yan Yan!"

Auntie Lin said while affectionately holding Yao Xiaoyan's hand.

Captain Yu was also stunned for a moment, then he laughed, "I didn't expect it to be you!"

Aunt Lin said, "Yan Yan, quickly come in and eat with this young miss. I've already prepared everything!"

Auntie Lin pulled Yao Xiaoyan inside the house.

Yao Xiaoyan's heart felt heavy. She shook her head and said, "Auntie, no, I still have things to do. How about next time?"

Auntie Lin did not force Yao Xiaoyan and said, "Then you'll definitely remember it next time!"

Yao Xiaoyan nodded.

"Hai Yang, see Yan Yan Yan out. He's repairing the road below. He's wearing high heels!" Auntie Lin tugged at Captain Yu.

Captain Yu nodded his head. After entering the house, he withdrew his foot and walked Yao Xiaoyan downstairs.

Yao Xiaoyan smiled, not rejecting Auntie Lin's good intentions.

When he went downstairs, the sky was already dark. The residential complex was being renovated. There was no street light, so Bai Xiaobai ran out to drive.

"I didn't expect you to really be the Yao Xiaoyan that my mom mentioned!" Captain Yu said as they walked, "At first I thought they were all of the same name!"

Yao Xiaoyan nodded, "This world is really too small!"

"When I was young, I met those things. It was your mother who helped me, so I believe that those things exist in this world!" Captain Yu added, "Besides, I've indeed come across something unexplainable in the past few years as a police officer!"

Yao Xiaoyan raised her head to look at Captain Yu. Perhaps it was because she was believed, but her heart was at ease.

The road out of the residential complex was too difficult. Yao Xiaoyan's high heels sank into the cement she had just paved. Her body tilted and she was almost brought into the arms of a man just as she was about to fall.

Squadron Leader Yu hugged Yao Xiaoyan by her waist, her dark, thin cheeks unconsciously flushed red. He quickly let go of Yao Xiaoyan and silently pulled out her high heels from the cement before carefully drying them.

"I'll deal with it when I get back!" Yao Xiaoyan said.

"This is difficult to clean, so you should just put it on first!" Squatting down, Captain Yu helped Yao Xiaoyan put on her shoes.

"I'll do it myself!" Yao Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment before she hurriedly took the shoes.

In the dark night, Captain Yu's eyes shone brightly.

On the way back, a look of excitement appeared on Bai Xiaobai's face. "Aiya, Captain Yu looks too handsome in his police uniform. I've taken a few photos. When I go back to pass on my Weibo, it'll be called the seduction of men in uniform!"

Yao Xiaoyan, who was originally in a heavy mood because of the Yao family's rent, burst out laughing due to Bai Xiaobai's infatuation.

Now that he thought about it, Captain Yu looked really handsome in that uniform. He had strong facial features and a good figure. Coupled with that uniform, he looked even better than some male actors!

I feel that the movie emperor's facial features are a bit feminine. Captain Yu's skin is dark, but he's very heroic!" Bai Xiao then compared Dugu Ling to Captain Yu, "It's a pity that Captain Yu is just a little policeman. Look at that house, the neighborhood is a mess!

Yao Xiaoyan stared at Bai Xiaobai and said, "You are always this picky and have high standards, so you still don't have a boyfriend!"

Bai Xiaobai immediately glared back at Yao Xiaoyan, "You're copying my mom's words again!"

Yao Xiaoyan smiled.

Although Bai Xiaobai was heartless, at the very least, she had been with him for so many years. That was enough!

Yao Xiaoyan received a call from the director on her way back.

"Xiao Yan, come to the hotel. It's a big matter!" The director's voice was somewhat heavy, making it hard for Yao Xiaoyan to tell if it was a good or bad thing.

"Lil 'White, drive faster. The director said that there's a meeting going on!" Yao Xiaoyan said.

Bai Xiaobai quickly nodded.

Yao Xiaoyan felt a little apprehensive. She did not know what the director meant by 'big deal'!

At this moment, in the meeting room of the hotel, Dugu Ling was sitting cross-legged with a cold and gloomy expression. Zhu Zhiqiang and the director were both flushed red, looking extremely excited.

"The ancient storyline has almost been annihilated. If we take another shot, the hard work of the entire film crew in the past two months would be wasted!" The director also had a temper. In the past, those scenes were filmed by him and his crew.

"Yeah, we have to rush to the New Year slot for this movie. The SARFT has already found a good relationship with us. If we delay it again and again, we might have to wait for next year's slot!" Zhu Wei said.

Ever since the last incident with Leng Hao, the president of the Leng Group had sent him abroad. Zhu Wei was now in charge of this movie.

Dugu Ling didn't say anything. The decision he made wouldn't be changed!

"If Emperor Dugu insists on changing Shi Jiayin and Yao Xiaoyan to become the female lead, then our Leng Clan will have no choice but to withdraw our capital. This entire 'Thousand Year Love' movie was approved by our Leng Clan. We have the right to disband the crew!" Zhu Wei used his final trump card.

Dugu Ling finally reacted and narrowed his eyes coldly.

Yao Xiaoyan walked in and was stunned when she heard Zhu Wei's words.

Dugu Ling wanted to remove Shi Jiayin and take her as a female?

Yao Xiaoyan's first thought was not ecstasy, but rather, "Why?"

"Yan Yan, I feel that the film emperor likes you!" She instinctively turned her gaze towards Dugu Ling, only to see him raise his head lazily. His eyes were filled with a domineering and domineering look as he stared at Zhu Wei, coldly throwing out three words, "Do as you wish!"

Zhu Wei's face turned red.

If "Thousand Year Love" really broke away from Dugu Lingtian and the male lead was gone, then what was left in the movie? Zhu Wei was only trying to coerce Dugu Ling, but who would've thought ….

The atmosphere in the room immediately heated up.

Yao Xiaoyan stepped forward and asked, "May I share my thoughts? After all, this matter concerns me too! "

The director hurriedly said, "Come on, Little Yan, tell us what you think!"

Zhu Wei glared at the director, thinking, who wouldn't want to be a female lead? If the director asked Yao Xiaoyan this question, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?

Zhu Wei did not know about Little Jiu Jiu in the director's heart.

Dugu Ling had previously rejected Ou Family's offer to take care of the entire commercial. Furthermore, he had also lost his temper over Yao Xiaoyan's drinking with CEO Ou. The director was more or less aware of the situation, and although he felt that it was impossible, it was hard to say what he was thinking.

Today, Dugu Ling suddenly informed them that he was going to overturn the plot and replace Shi Jiayin with Yao Xiaoyan. The director felt that his conjecture had been confirmed.

Therefore, the director was trying to curry favor with Yao Xiaoyan!

Dugu Ling sat there with his usual cold expression, but he did not open his mouth to stop them.

"I feel that since the movie emperors are determined to cripple the first female lead, we should make some modifications to the story later on. The first part can be left untouched!" Yao Xiaoyan said.

"That's right, that's good. Later on, you can change it to 'Bei Tai will attack'. Recently, I have been liking this kind of drama!" The director said, "Anyway, the settings for the supporting female lead were quite impressive. Later on, when the male lead said that the female lead died in order to save the male lead, only then did the male lead find out that he liked the female lead. In such a modern era, the male lead was looking for the female lead!"

Zhu Wei was stunned for a moment. He quickly clapped his hands and said, "Good, good, this is good. Some people like diaosi very much. A counterattack is perfect for this kind of scenario!"

Dugu Ling lazily glanced at Yao Xiaoyan with an expressionless face and asked, "When is it her turn to speak?"

Zhu Wei and the director were stunned, their faces full of awkwardness.

After calming down for a moment, Yao Xiaoyan lightly said, "I'm just recommending it!"

Dugu Ling stood up impatiently and walked out, "It's decided then!"

Zhu Wei and the director looked at each other.

It was decided just like that? What exactly was it arranged to be?

Yao Xiao Yan's heart skipped a beat as she chased after him.

In the basement parking lot, Yao Xiaoyan opened Dugu Ling's car door and got in.

Dugu Ling blanked out for a moment before shifting his gaze to Yao Xiaoyan.

This was the first time Yao Xiaoyan took the initiative to get into his car!

"I want to know why!" Yao Xiaoyan looked up into Dugu Ling's eyes and asked, "Why do you want me to be the female lead?"

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