"There are indeed some trivial things, I want to ask Junior Brother for help." Jingting looked at Jiang Lan and said.

   Selling pictures of goddesses out of the bath is a big crime.

  He was also very helpless, otherwise he would not come today.

   Lin Siya has been threatening him.

   makes him very uncomfortable.

   If he can choose, he will definitely not accept the bead.

   Then there is no trouble today.

   "What's the matter?" Jiang Lan asked.

   This kind of help problem, he has always been very vigilant.

   Especially after being tracked recently, he became more vigilant, but it just didn't show it.

   It is easy to get rid of the grass.

   "Do you still remember the bead I gave you? When I left the Ninth Peak." Jingting tried to ask.

   He didn't say the name of the bead for the first time.

   Hearing this question, Jiang Lan thought about it.

   When Jingting left the Ninth Peak.

   At that time, he did give him something, and there was a bead in these things. If he remembered correctly, the bead should be...Ao Longyu's bathing picture.

   Thinking of this, Jiang Lan understood their intention.

   Especially this sister Lin is Ao Longyu's sister.

   He didn't ask much, but took out this bead from the red gourd:

   "Senior brother said this?"

   In fact, it might be better to say that the beads are destroyed, but the other party may not believe it. If he wants to get it back, it may be a trouble for him.

   It's better to hand it over, after all, this thing has no value.

   But for me, it may be a thorn.

   Lin Siya was delighted the moment he saw the beads.

   Jingting also breathed a sigh of relief, Junior Apprentice Brother Ninth Peak is relatively withdrawn, as expected, he would not resell such things.

   Otherwise, God knows how long it will take.

   Anyway, he knew that Lin Siya had been searching for many years before he found this place.

   Lin Siya immediately reached out and took the beads, and then said:

   "We want to take this back. We can say clearly what kind of compensation the younger brother needs."

   Naturally, they will not take it by force.

   That would cause them a lot of trouble.

   It's okay to have a little trouble between the peaks, the ninth peak is different.

   is just one disciple, Master Ninth Peak should take it seriously.

make up?

   Jianglan actually does not need compensation, after all, this thing has no value.

   He will accept whatever they are willing to give.

   just to not owe each other.

   There will be no need for too many intersections in the future.

   Lin Siya was originally very happy, but when she checked the beads, she was suddenly stunned.

   The smile also solidified on his face.

   He looked at Jiang Lan and tried to ask:

   "Senior brother, have you seen the content inside?"

   was shocked when he heard this sentence, he immediately said:

   "When I gave it to Junior Brother Jiang, but you never saw it before, Junior Brother Jiang, you can tell the truth."

   Jianglan looked at Lin Siya and Jing Ting said:

   "There must be something strange inside, I just make sure."

   He was telling the truth. When he got the beads, he knew that the beads were definitely not what normal people thought.

   Then he was sure.

  The content is actually nothing.

  Dragon scales are also considered clothes, right?

   "Brother, take the beads." Lin Siya handed the beads to Jiang Lan and continued:

   "We will come back another day. By the way, don't lose the beads. Please ask brother."

   While Jiang Lan was holding the beads, Lin Siya ran away.

   have to go back and explore the wind.

   Jingting also ran away.

   Jiang Lan didn't understand what these people were doing.


   "This bead seems to be a trouble."

   Looking at the beads in his hand, Jiang Lan felt this way.

   But it should not be exaggerated, so there is nothing to care about.

   As for coming over another day.

   When he is not going down the mountain, these people can't find him.

   He also doesn't care when they will come.

   After putting away the beads, Jiang Lan walked outside.

   This time he plans to go to the place where Kunlun disciples practice magic techniques.

   Maybe you can find a way to lead the person in secret, as long as you know the other party's cultivation base.

   don't know anything, which makes him a little bit unsure.

   If there is no other way, I can only take the immortal rope (pseudo) out of Kunlun and have a try.

   Fortunately, the opponent did not dare to climb the ninth peak.

   Jianglan walked all the way to the place where Kunlun disciples practiced magic techniques.

   He walked for a long time, passing by some crowded places.

   I just haven't noticed that person appears.

   just when he was almost there, he finally felt his eyes staring at the back.

   He didn't care.

   I don’t know.

   This has been the case for several years.


   Why didn't the other party cover up at all this time?

   seems to be behind him.

  Don't hide it?

   "No." Jiang Lan felt different from the past.

   "The gaze is wrong, not only is the other party not malicious, but hesitating if his gaze is anything or not?"

   This is completely different from the past.

   And he heard footsteps, as long as he perceives, he can perceive the other's cultivation.

  The mid-primary stage?

   The other party is behind him, he can't pretend.

   then stopped and looked back.

   At this look, Jiang Lan frowned.

   is a little girl.

   tied high ponytail, wearing blue and white clothes, big eyes, very cute.

   Seeing Jiang Lan look over, the other party was a little nervous, but did not avoid it.

   "Something?" Jiang Lan asked.

   He was sure that he had never seen this little girl, nor did he think that the other party was the person who followed him before.

   The tracking levels of the two are completely different.

   But Jiang Lan did not let go of his vigilance.

   The other party may pretend.

   Now the little girl followed blatantly, he didn't notice it, she couldn't explain it.

   Therefore, I can only ask actively.

   "Are you the younger brother of Ninth Peak?" The little girl quickly stabilized, and then asked.

   "Yes, who is Senior Sister?" Jiang Lan asked.

   He has no idea who the other party is.

   As for the fact that she looks like a child but is a sister, he is not surprised.

   There are no wonders in the Great Wilderness World. Some people cultivate and cultivate, the smaller and smaller they are.

   There are magical powers, races, and exercises.

  Don't talk about the elder sister, the possibility that a little girl is a mentor is very high.

   "Third Peak Disciple..." The little girl paused, as if swallowing something, and then continued:

  "Master and they called me Xiaoyu~www.readwn.com~ and she also took out the Third Peak token.

   is indeed the third peak disciple.

   "Then senior sister is looking for me?" Jiang Lan asked.

  The third peak?

   He was pretty sure that he had no feud with Third Peak.

   In other words, from his perspective, he has no feud with Quanzong.

   There are very few intersections.

   There shouldn't be someone who will trouble him somehow, at most someone can't understand how fast he is promoted.

   But it doesn’t hurt.

   However, it is hard to say whether there are any spies in the third peak.

   He had a grudge against the spies, and he accidentally killed a lot of them.

   Mainly those people refused to let him go.

   "Where is the younger brother going?" Xiao Yu asked.

   "Walk around." Jiang Lan replied.

   He doesn't know the purpose of the other party, so he doesn't intend to say more.

   So far, the person who is following him has not appeared, this little girl, the possibility is very high.



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