Jianglan started his normal practice days. He read many books about formations and tried it himself.

   does have some progress, but obviously not enough.

   Enlightenment tea is still useless, so he will use it later.

   That's all in all, it's a pity that it was wasted.

   Tian Jianglan is cultivating, and improvement in his cultivation is a must.

   is also resting relatively speaking.

   The formation is very troublesome.


   Jiang Lan, who was still in retreat, suddenly heard a roar.

   He was startled, and immediately got up and went outside.

   The roar just now is not only a sound, but even a surging breath.

   "Long Wei?"

   "It seems that there was a big problem in the negotiation."

   Jiang Lan had some guesses in his heart.

   As expected.

   After he walked out of the Nether Cave, what he saw was the extremely distorted light of Kunlun.

   The light on the hall was almost distorted.

   There are power fluctuations spreading from above, as if it can break the light at any time.

   This is the sixth month of the appearance of light.

   Half a year has passed, is this talking about the final stage?

   Jiang Lan didn't know, but he knew that this negotiation was really very difficult.

   The storm cannot be imagined.

   Jiang Lan is sitting in the main hall square today. He reads the book, and then pays attention to the light above.

   There was no more sound in the morning.

   And in the afternoon, a dragon chant came out, and the power was even spreading.

  Anger, this is Jiang Lan's first feeling.

  The dragon people are very angry.

   "You Kunlun deceived people too much, and my dragon clan would never agree to such a thing.

   If you insist on this, then there is nothing to say and there is no need to continue. "

   The angry voice of the dragon clan came out from the hall.

   At this time, a dragon shadow spread out, as if to pull away.

   The light above will shatter at any time.


   There was a crisp sound, as if something was broken.

   Then a very majestic and angry voice followed:

   "Today, if your dragon takes a step out of my Kunlun, he will no longer be my Kunlun guest in the future."

   This is a voice with anger and determination.

   is a female voice.

   Jiang Lan knows who she is.

   But I didn't expect this uncle to be so strong.

   Does this mean that as long as the dragons dare to leave, there is no room for negotiation?

   Is this going to be an enemy directly against the dragon clan, or even go to war?

   "Will Kunlun go to war with my dragon clan?"

  The dragon's voice was murderous.

   doesn't seem to mind fighting with Kunlun.

   At this time, a sword intent rose to the sky, and went into the sky with pride:

   "If you want to fight, then fight."

  The two sides are at war, as if they would fight in an instant.

   Jiang Lan looked at all this and didn't know for a moment whether it was a good deal or a break.

   got engaged to him and Ao Longyu, and when he collapsed, he wanted to go to war with the dragon clan.

   doesn't seem to be of any benefit.

   Be engaged, he is on the cusp of the storm.

   There are too many changes in the war, and no one knows what it will become in the end.

   It's better to get engaged than to start a war.

   The others in Kunlun didn't even know what happened, but they knew that the situation was a bit serious now.

   seems to be able to fight the dragon at any time.

   "What are you discussing to reach this point?"

   "I don't know, but this matter is serious enough to go to war, then it shows that the matter is important."

   "No, I have to find a way to find out what's going on."

   "Don't think about it, the disciples of the peaks don't know what it should be."

   "It is said that it will be announced in a while."

   "It's really curious, what's going on."


   Jiang Lan looked at Skyrim. He didn't know what others thought, but when this happened, many people must be paying attention to the matter itself.

   "The dragon people are still confronting Kunlun. It seems that they really dare not leave Kunlun."

   "Master is right, no one wants to talk about it."

   "However, Master Fifth Peak is really strong."

   Just now, don’t you dare to talk to someone else?

   Saying that I don’t want to talk about collapse, Master Miaoyue directly pressed the opponent to the edge of collapse.

   "If harmony is the most important thing, we might as well take a step back and discuss it."

   At this time another voice sounded.

   is the owner of the first peak.

   At this time, the aura of war slowly fell.

   Everything is back to normal again.

   "It seems to be stable."

  The dragon people dare not leave, the Kunlun people have the upper hand, and the following dragon people will not be able to bow their heads.

   The monster clan is at war with the dragon clan, that is to say, once the dragon clan now fights with Kunlun again, there is even the possibility of annihilating the clan.

   They used the goddess to obtain aid to defeat the Yaozu.

   Instead of coming to be an enemy of Kunlun, it is against the enemy.

   "So Uncle Fifth Peak, are they afraid to leave because they are eaten to death?"

   Jiang Lan shook his head, he didn't understand what it was like.

   But he knew that the plan could not keep up with the changes, and this kind of remark is really not something ordinary people would dare to say.

   bears too much responsibility.

   Then Jiang Lan continued to look down.

   Time flies and another three months.

   The light on Kunlun fell this day, and two dragons left Kunlun.

   So there is a dragon staying in Kunlun.

   "It looks like the result is coming."

   Jiang Lan didn't have to think about it, he must have succeeded.

   His marriage to Ao Longyu should have also been decided.

   Sure enough, Tian Jiang Lan was called by his master this time.

   "Master." Jiang Lan called softly.

   "It seems that you also know, and the result is out." Mo Zhengdong said, looking at Jiang Lan.

   There is no change in his face.

   Seeing his master like this, he knew that there was no bad news.

   There is no bad news, which means that nothing has changed.

  "Five years later, the day Kunlun prepared things, it was the day when you announced your marriage contract with the goddess.

   The marriage contract is very dead, whether you are a fairy or not, the goddess must marry you.

   It is impossible to marry someone else.

   But the marriage is about to wait for you to become a fairy.

   This is proposed by the dragon clan.

   And you only marry the dragon Ao Longyu, you can never marry anyone else.

   This was proposed by Kunlun. "Mo Zhengdong explained.

   Jianglan: "......"

  The dragons are betting that I can't become a fairy, and Kunlun is preventing the dragons from substituting to complete the marriage contract?

   But five years before the announcement, it's okay.

   These five years are fairly stable.

After   , Kunlun should be upset.

   He is like this~www.readwn.com~ Is he a big shot?

  "The matter of learning the formation will be set in three years.

   Over the past three years, I will look at some related to the formation, and then take you to the Fifth Peak for the teacher. "Mo Zhengdong said.

   Hearing this, Jiang Lan looked forward to it.

   can finally learn the formation, and it is still within five years.

   If he goes to learn this way, it shouldn't cause any onlookers.

   If you can learn the Dragon Slashing Sword in the last two years, it will be perfect.

   The engagement will basically not affect him.

   "Thank you, Master." Jiang Lan said immediately.

this is a good news.

   "Go and prepare." Mo Zhengdong said.

   Watching Jiang Lan leave, Mo Zhengdong didn't know whether Jiang Lan liked this marriage or not.

   Goddess is actually very good in all aspects.

   But like it or not is another matter.

   "I'm still young, I should still be looking at the age of the face, so that's not a big problem."

   After all, the appearance of the goddess should be ranked in Kunlun.

I guess so.



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