sounded, Dong Guoyang immediately moved forward some distance.

   When he turned and looked back, he saw a young man, calm and indifferent.

   Yuanshen's initial cultivation base.

   This person is Jiang Lan that Dong Guoyang is staring at.

   At this time, Jiang Lan didn't do anything for the first time. It wasn't that the other party only wanted the early stage of the soul and despised the other party, but wanted to ask why this person stared at him.

   is the Celestial Race, the Monster Race, or the Dragon Race.

   These people are motivated.

   Tianren race is the most prosperous, the other two are very unlikely.

   But no one knows the minds of the Monster Race and the Dragon Race, they act in different styles, and they don't necessarily ignore him.

   "Master, brother, are you here like this?" Dong Guoyang immediately asked.

   Hearing these words, Jiang Lan glanced at Dong Guoyang, he did not speak, but stepped out.

  In an instant, his hand caught Dong Guoyang's shoulder.


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   A crisp voice sounded, and Dong Guoyang's arm was directly crushed.

   turns into blood mist.


   A scream sounded, and Dong Guoyang clutched his arm with horror on his face.

   He looked at Jiang Lan in disbelief.

   "Master, brother, what is this?" Dong Guoyang was in awe, and the opponent was much better than him.

   He thought that Jiang Lan should be that kind of indecisive person, but he didn't expect that when the other party came over, he would directly crush his arm.

  Severe pain came.

   seems to be telling him that today he is going to die.

   "They still refuse to let me go?" Jiang Lan's voice came out.

   muffled, indifferent.

   Dong Guoyang took two steps back, and Jiang Lan's impression in his mind changed drastically.

   In the years since he entered Kunlun, it can be concluded from the side that the disciples of Ninth Peak are lonely, low self-esteem, and have never communicated with anyone.

   The cultivation base depends on the resources of the Ninth Peak, and later by luck, he became a puppet of Kunlun and married with the dragon clan.

   The only thing that is praised is probably the xinxing problem.

   But this is also criticized.

   is just an incompetent retreat, the silence of the weak.

   But today Dong Guoyang found out that the opponent had taken a tough shot, and had never left his hand to kill the enemy.

   Kill all the way.

   What kind of incompetent is this weak, this is the strong bloodthirsty.


   There was one of the four people who had returned to the void, which is not something ordinary people can deal with.

   These people must have been killed by Jiang Lan.

   The ninth peak, Jiang Lan, has nothing to do with rumors.

   Everyone thought this man was a bully, but he was actually a cannibal tiger and a murderous demon.

   Listening to the other party's tone, he already knew that someone was staring, and in all likelihood, the person staring before was also killed by the other party.

   Thinking of this, Dong Guoyang no longer has the will to fight and has no intention of resistance.

   "Brother, it's not what you think." The more Dong Guoyang thought about it, the more he felt the terrible Jiang Lan, and the fear in his heart began to occupy his whole body.

  "And I can help the brother, the brother is very strong.

  The people of the Celestial Race are still secretly guarding not far from Kunlun. I can help the brothers and deal with them together. "Dong Guoyang feels that he should be valuable:

  "People who are staring at the brother, if they die again and again, they will definitely be suspicious, and let an immortal pay attention to the brother all the time.

   is not impossible. "

   seems to be the Celestial Race.

   Jiang Lan had a judgment in his heart.

   "People who are still lurking, what cultivation base?" Jiang Lan asked.

   "I heard that one has just become immortal, but the others have not yet become immortal.

   Senior brother should also become immortal, it is not difficult to deal with. "Dong Guoyang said.

   "Did you notify him?" Jiang Lan asked.

   If a fairy shoots at him, it is really dangerous.

   It seemed that the Celestial Clan could not tolerate him more than he expected.

   "No, no, it is impossible to contact under normal circumstances."

   "Zhongyuan Nanjia, Nanxin, who is it?"

   "The killer invited by the Celestial Race was here to deal with the senior, but for some reason, they returned the order fifty years ago." Dong Guoyang was a little confused.

   But suddenly he seemed to think of something.

   Jiang Lan is so strong, is the other party aware of it?

   Hearing Dong Guoyang's words, Jiang Lan was also surprised, and the two people really came to deal with him.

   But after only one face, he left?

   Why did the other party retreat? He doesn't know, but he needs to pay attention to it later.

   "Do you know the location of the Celestial Race?" Jiang Lan asked.

   "They refused to say, but I checked, it should be near Donglu Bridge."

   "Why didn't you notify them to come?"

   "Pass, I can't notify, only a fixed time can be contacted..." Seeing Jiang Lan coming, Dong Guoyang said in shock:

   "Master, brother, don't kill me."

   "If it was me who fell to the ground today, would you...will you let me go?" Jiang Lan stretched out his hand and said calmly:

   "If you are me, I may not be merciful.

   At least I will give you a happy one. "


   In the panic of the opponent, Jiang Lan ended his life.

   He doesn't like to waste time torturing the enemy.

   Killing will not have many nights and dreams.

   If there is no inquiry value, I will send them on the road.

   After confirming that all of these people were dead, Jiang Lan opened a blind eye, and then disappeared in place.

   This time he changed direction and detoured towards the Xizhou Mountains.

   is not flying with a sword, but nine steps in the sky.

   This time he was able to use the Nine Steps of the Sky to the limit. Perhaps he could not reach the peak of the Nine Steps for a long time, and he could also reach the peak state.

   As for the Celestial Race of Dongluqiao, they need to wait for the immortal, and then come back to deal with it.

   Now that I know, there is no need to keep it.

   This time I went out for up to three to five years.

   The opponent has just become a fairy, and he must be in a solid state.

   Both are immortals, Jiang Lan has the power of nine tribulations, and should be able to determine the outcome with one punch.

   Of course, everything needs to be a fairy first.

   Also, count whether the other party is lying or not.

   Even if you have to deal with those people, you have to figure out the outline, otherwise you will be ruined.



   Qingcheng is a small town about five days away from Kunlun.

   There is a big mountain behind the small town. There is a natural bridge halfway down the big mountain, connecting the mountain peaks at the back, and there seems to be a small town over there.

   The natural bridge connecting the two mountains is called Donglu Bridge.

   is said to be named after the head of Kunlun.

   I don’t know whether it’s true or not.

   And there is an endless abyss under the bridge.

   can't look to the end.

When    falls, the world evaporates.

   Only the powerful immortal cultivator can get a glimpse of If the cultivation base is enough, they can go all the way down, and there is a cave near the dark abyss.

   At this time, a deep voice came from the cave.

   "The spies who stayed in Kunlun are dead."

  Light appeared in the hole.

   Four people sat at the table, with a haze on their faces.

   The most central position is a middle-aged man, who just said what he said.

  Miao Qinghe, soon after he became a fairy, he wanted to come here to deal with Jiang Lan.

   He has been waiting for opportunities.

   is not only because Jiang Lan stepped onto the ladder, but also because Miao Xiu and the others died because of Jiang Lan.

   But the spy is dead again.

   He didn't know the death of the wind trail before, but this time he put something on Dong Guoyang.

   This thing is useless, it can only be known for the first time.

   Now they know that Dong Guoyang is dead, but they don't know what the other party did.

   At this time a woman walked to the cave.

   "There is news." The Celestial Clan Miao Xin was a little anxious.

   The communication method is abnormal this time.



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