Xizhou Mountains.

   Two figures appeared in the air.

   A thunder and lightning raged, and a flame surged.



   The two kept colliding in the air, disappearing and reappearing, and the breath of strength began to be transmitted.

   swept the mountains.


   The two fell into the mountains from the sky.

   There is a big hole in the ground under the feet because of the powerful force.

   A young man stood on the spot holding a Fang Tianji, with a dragon horn on his head and lightning flashes on his body.

   Fang Tianji even touched the earth with thunder.

   Ao Yun looked at the flame middle-aged man ahead with a look of disdain:

   "Sneak attack, it's not that you can't take me down.

   Is there no one in the monster clan? "

   "The eight princes of the Dragon Clan have amazing talents. They were immortals at the beginning of their birth. It is an honor to be equal to the six princes." Huo Zhi looked at Ao Man with a cold smile.

   They came here for a treasure, but they just met by chance.

   thus fought.

  I haven't found the thing yet, but everyone knows what it came for.

   Therefore, the winner is determined to live and die.

  The treasure is naturally the winner.

   "It is also your honor to be killed by me." Ao Man stepped out.

   There was thunder raging on the Fang Tianji in his hand, and as Ao Man stepped out, his body began to be covered by thunder.

   Then there was thunder in the sky, and the roar was deafening.

   At this moment, Ao Man waved his halberd, evoking a violent thunder, sweeping across the square.


   Fang Tian thunder halberd hit the fire directly.

   The flames burned, the earth was covered with flames, and the flames gushed out.

   Like a fire snake, the thunder is involved.

   "Well, being able to kill the sixth prince is an extraordinary skill.

   For my merits, I can only ask you to die. "

  The flame is like a giant flood, sweeping across all directions, and the thunder dissipates under the fire snake.

   "It's up to you?" Ao Man was covered by thunder, Fang Tianji waved, thunder let out:

   "Thunder is falling."


   There is endless thunder in the sky.

  The power is shocking, the violent aura destroys everything, the fire snake is extinguished by the thunder like a flame.

   "Hmph, the fight of the trapped beast." Huozhi put his hands together, and the flames bloomed:

   "Wanding melting pot."


   The flames began to extend and began to cover.

   In a moment, the flame turned into a furnace and surrounded the thunder and trapped Ao Man.

   "I want to trap myself, you tinder demon, really don't mind." Ao Man grabbed Fang Tianji and rushed directly to Huozhi.

   Huozhi waved his hand, and a fire-like spear appeared in his hand.

   Welcome to Ao Man.


   Power clashes, sparks scattered.

   Their movements are very fast, their power swept all over like a hurricane, and their figures appeared like electric lights.

   This battle seems to be a long time.


   The other side of the Xizhou Mountains.

   Jianglan sat in the underground space.

   For safety's sake, he has been hiding underground.

   I won’t go to the cave either.

  Many people would look for caves, but few would dig the ground.

   In this way, when he is in retreat, he will not be easily disturbed.

   is also true.

   Jiang Lan sat here and practiced for three years.

   also prepared for three years.

   has been set up with many formations around him, some are to be wary of others, and some are to deal with the catastrophe.

  His formations are all hidden, even if someone comes, they will not be discovered.

   And he arranged a lot of places in order to confuse others.

   In case it is discovered, it will lead people to other places.

   Here is set as the outermost formation.

   If someone sees through, then the formation skills are definitely not weak.

   Jiang Lan prepared a way for himself, and had time to escape.

   Of course, if the opponent is weak, you don't need to care.

   Qiang fled immediately.

When    came over, his nine steps in the sky had reached the extreme.

  Xian may not be able to catch up with him~www.readwn.com~Welfare]Follow the public account [Book Friends Base Camp] Every day I read books and draw cash/points!

   Theoretically, but there is no need, he will not run to compete with a fairy.

   Once it fails, the cost is extremely heavy.

   These three years are considered lucky. Although people have been here twice, nothing has been found.

   He has also cultivated smoothly to this day.

   And today Jiang Lan feels that his state has been elevated to the peak.

   was not so fast, but when he arrived at the Xizhou Mountains, he signed a special elixir, which improved his cultivation a lot.

   has reached the pinnacle of consummation and is at the critical point of promotion.

   Continue to practice, it will lead to the catastrophe.

   At this time, immortal energy began to appear on his body, which is a sign that he is about to be promoted to immortal.

   is also the reason why he wants to come out early.

   Immortal Qi is special, and it’s hard to control if it’s not immortal.

   He is not sure if he will be noticed, and he is not sure if there will be any abnormalities when it appears.

   So it’s safer to come out and rise to the top.

   In the underground space, Jiang Lan exhaled.

  He took the Pill of Good Fortune in his hand.

   Now that everything is ready, I'm just short of it.

   Cross the catastrophe to become a fairy.

   "I don't know if the bottleneck of becoming immortal will be resolved as before. If not, I need to find the immortal door again."

   Good Fortune Pill can resolve the bottleneck in other realms, but the immortal doesn't know if it is a bottleneck.

   For the sake of safety, he also prepared the last enlightenment tea. If it doesn’t work, he will eat the enlightenment tea again.

   Then try to break through.

   At this point, Jiang Lan put the good luck pill into his mouth.

   Whether it can become a fairy depends on the results this time.

   After the Pill of Good Fortune was swallowed by Jiang Lan, he instantly came into the void. Like the previous encounter, it was the place to look for the immortal gate.

   But at that time, he felt the good luck pill reacted.

   The void has changed, as if it is evolving on its own, and the fairy gate that could be seen but not touched begins to approach.

   The door suddenly disappeared just as it approached, and then countless doors appeared around them, all of them flickering.

   Every flicker represents an obstacle.

   Jianglan finally understood why he couldn't get close to the fairy gates, because only one of these gates was real and would only be replaced when they were close.

   But how to find it depends on yourself.

   Finding the truth, or finding the one with the highest fit, may be his gate of becoming immortal.

   Jiang Lan clearly realized, and then stepped out.

   In the end, all the doors disappeared, leaving only a door standing still in the depths of the void.

   The door is blooming with golden light.

   Jiang Lan knew that this was his gate to becoming immortal.

   He stepped forward and came directly to the gate.

   As long as you open this door, then the one who greets him is the celestial robbery~www.readwn.com~ Wow!

   Jiang Lan stretched out his hand, and with the help of the power of good luck pills, opened the door.

   The door opened and the fairy gas spurted, and the light shone.

   At this moment, he has a kind of enlightenment and a kind of mind.

   seems to understand the realm of immortals all at once.

  Becoming immortal means life changes and new possibilities in the future. As long as you go far, you can see for a long time.

   Like a person walking on the earth, suddenly came to the sky.

   overlooks the earth and the sky.

   understand the infinite possibilities that immortal brings.

   Immortals are different, just like the heavens.

   If you step past, you will leap over the dragon's gate. If you can't step past, the loess will be scratched.

   Feeling all this, Jiang Lan took a step forward and took the step that he had always wanted to take.

   More than two hundred years ago, he entered the immortal gate and practiced immortality.

   The initial goal in his heart is to become immortal.

The word "  仙" makes people yearn for.

   At this time Jiang Lan stepped into the fairy gate.

   Today, he became a fairy.



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