Hearing what Xiao Yu said, Jiang Lan asked curiously:

   "Senior sister was also called to be the leader?"

   "What's wrong?" Xiao Yu tilted her head and looked at Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows, hesitated, and heard a soft voice:

   "Sister Sister always focuses on improving her cultivation, right?"

   Xiao Yu blinked, and then said:

   "Does the younger brother think my formation is bad?"

   "Just curious." Jiang Lan didn't say so directly.

   He held the mirror in his hand, without any extra movements.

  "Compared to Junior Brother, it's a bit worse. Compared to those golden cores, I am very good.

  And..." Xiao Yu glanced at Jiang Lan with a smile in her voice:

   "At that time, I can't help but I can ask the younger brother for help, will the younger brother help?"

   Jiang Lan is very good at formation.

   Xiaoyu knew it from the beginning, or she knew it earlier than everyone else.

   In the Third Secret Realm, she used Jiang Lan's repulsive formation to persevere.

   At that time, there was no Jiang Lan's formation, even if an unknown senior was killed in the middle, she would still die.

   Behind the Mingshen array, they had good luck with Jiang Lan's guidance.

   There is also Yao Chi cooperating with Jiang Lan, plus entering Yao Chi.

   "Speaking of it, I seem to have dragged my brother a lot of blessings."

   Xiaoyu said.

   "It was a fair deal at that time." Jiang Lan flipped through the book and said.

   There is no fairness in the subsequent transaction.

  In other words, they no longer pursue fairness.

   "Here." Xiao Yu handed a piece of paper to Jiang Lan:

   "The players who enter the secret realm this time are fixed. This is the list I brought from the master to the younger brother."

   Why didn’t Master give it to me?

   Jiang Lan was a little curious, but he still reached out to take the list. Maybe the master didn't think it was important.

   is really not important.

   "Thank you, Senior Sister." Jiang Lan, who took the list, said softly.

   Then he saw three names: Zhou Shu, Jin Yu, Zheng Xi.

   seems to have heard the name above.

   but no impression.

  "The elder sister's team is also three people~www.readwn.com~get red envelopes] Follow the official account [Book Friends Base Camp~www.readwn.com~ draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

   Jiang Lan retracted his gaze and looked at the light rain on the side.

   "No." Xiao Yu took out her wooden sword and continued:

   "I am the leader of the team."

   Jianglan: "......"

   I remembered, Xiao Yu returned to the initial stage of cultivation.

   and Yuanshen are indeed not at the same level.

   Then they stopped talking, Xiao Yu sat in the square and began to comprehend her dragon sword.

   Jianglan opened Jing Hua Shui Yue and began to check what was different in this book.

   There are no words on the books, but it doesn’t mean that they cannot be understood.

   Maintain a steady state of mind, and the books will automatically have no wind.

   Seeing the wordless book opened, Jiang Lan slowly closed his eyes.

   The next moment, he felt a book appeared before his eyes.

   An quaint book.

   At the top of the book, there is still Jinghuashuiyue written, but this time the text is a little different, as if full of life.

   The handwriting flows like water.

   can look closely, but never moved.

   "A book in your mind?"

   Jianglan was calm inside, but had to admire the innkeeper.

   A book can be made like this.

   He opened the book.

   The first sentence above is: virtual and real, true and false, beautiful and indistinct, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

   I didn't think too much, and kept reading.

   He discovered that this book is not teaching magic, but teaching space structure.

   is similar to the formation, but not at all.

   And it involves a writing spell, Xianshu.

   This is the basis for building the Xinshen Inn.

   Looking back, Jiang Lan found that what he was teaching was channel construction.

   uses mind as the connection point, or power as the connection point.

   Seeing this, Jiang Lan suddenly felt that this Jinghua Shuiyue was not an ordinary book at all.

The construction of    Xinshen Inn is just one of the usages.

   If this is used in the formation, it would be incredible.

   As long as he is strong enough and has enough understanding, he can even build a secret realm.


   No wonder the innkeeper said he couldn't pay the price.

   He really can't afford it.

   The more he can't afford to pay, the more it means that his master has paid more for him.

   It took a long time, and Jiang Lan looked at it roughly.

   I dare not think about building a secret world, but building a rudimentary Minshen Inn is not a big problem.

  With the strength of others, it is not a problem at all.

   It's just that his second level of strength is the mid-primary stage, so it's a bit more difficult.

   can try it.

  Thinking about this, Jiang Lan opened his eyes.

   The first person I saw when I opened my eyes was the light rain dancing sword in the sunset.

   moves barefoot, elegant posture.

   Every sword carries the true meaning of slashing the dragon.

   Seeing this, Jiang Lan was a little curious, if Xiao Yu fell over.

   Will you cut yourself off?

   The light rain in the early stage of returning to the virtual world will not make such a low-level mistake.


   half a month later.

   Zhou Shu rushed to the Fifth Peak, and Fairy Lu Qian followed him.

   "Finally caught up, almost missed the opportunity to enter the secret realm." Zhou Shu's face was excited:

   I heard that this time it was the goddess leading the team, and finally I was able to see the goddess. "

   is not how beautiful the goddess is, but the goddess represents the Yaochi, the unattainable existence of all people in Kunlun.

   For ordinary disciples like them, it may not be possible to see the goddess once in this life.

   Even if it is a direct disciple, it is impossible to see the goddess.

   So, seeing the goddess once is so rare and exciting for them.

  Because this will be their follow-up talk.

   "I don't know if I can see it, it's okay to look at it from a distance." Lu Qian admired.

   Goddess are women.

   She is also a woman, and the goddess is irreplaceable.

   surpassed everyone in Kunlun.

   So worship.

   "It should be possible, when entering the secret realm, the goddess will appear." Zhou Shu said.

   There is a gap to have a sense of superiority.

   Someone can't see it, someone can only look at it from a distance, and he can see it at a relatively close distance.

   "By the way, who is your leader?" Lu Qian asked curiously.

   "I don't know, it hasn't been decided yet, or it hasn't been notified yet.

   Hope not to be disgusted. "Zhou Shu said.

   is hated by the team leader, it is very dangerous.

   is considered to be lost to another team~www.readwn.com~ Once in danger, he will not do anything.

   or just do it at the end.



   "This is for you." Lu Qian gave Zhou Shu a fiery red bead:

   "It's just ordinary beads, but the inside blooms like fire, which is extremely rare."

   "I'm afraid that the other party will look down on it, but I prepared this." Zhou Shu took out a cold bead, and there seemed to be water flowing in the bead.

   Ice water beads.

   contains power, which can be used as a forging material, a spectacle, and an ice-making treasure.

   Luqian nodded, so it was safe.

   Luqian was left outside, she looked inside, she wanted to see the goddess.

   Worship, the object of envy.

   There is no jealousy, because it is almost too far to be jealous.

   Zhou Shu went to the secret realm of the fifth peak mountainside. This is a road dedicated to the secret realm. You cannot walk without being invited.

   just walked halfway, he noticed that there was someone in front of him who looked a little familiar. Looking sideways, isn't it that little second?



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