The sixth peak.

   Bamboo forest.

   A bamboo house is hidden in the mountains, surrounded by rivers.

   The bamboo house is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with flowers blooming everywhere.

   There are two people standing in front of the stream, one with a veil, quiet and graceful.

   There is a beautiful look between the eyebrows.

   is the fairy Miaoyue, the master of the fifth peak.

   Next to her is a heroic...fairy who is dressed in Zongmen costumes and has short hair and short hair.

   She stood there, giving people the feeling of a handsome scholar and a beautiful woman.

   "Sister, can you start?" Fairy Miaoyue asked softly.

   "Can't you be called Senior Brother?" a soft voice came out.

  The woman with short hair looked at Fairy Miaoyue.

   "Brother, can you start?" Fairy Miaoyue asked again.

   "Let's call it Senior Sister." The short-haired woman sighed.

   Chenxi Fairy, Master of the Sixth Peak.

   In costumes, there are sun and moon, and stars.

   At this time, the sun, the moon and the stars shimmer, and the fairy dawn seems to be standing in the starry sky.

   is superbly beautiful.

  "The entrance to the Nether is unstable recently, and someone is always targeting the entrance of the Nether.

   The next time the Nether portal erupts, something big may happen.

   Sister Sister doesn’t need to count too much, just count it roughly.

   We have a direction for preparation. Fairy Miaoyue stood on the side gracefully and said.

   This elder sister doesn't care about things, but the affairs of the sixth peak are also taken care of.

   Hiding here, no ordinary people can see.

   In Kunlun, Fairy Miaoyue and Fairy Zhuqing are easier to come here. Although it is not difficult for others, it is not easy.

   "The great famine is not at all peaceful recently, maybe something is brewing." Fairy Chenxi added:

   "The world is in great shape, sometimes you can't hide,"

   "Senior Sister, what is it?" Fairy Miaoyue asked curiously.

   "Finally, won't you tell me?" Fairy Chenxi said in an angry voice.

   Fairy Miaoyue smiled and said:

  "Senior Sister, don't you really want to try, how many seniors do you like?

   Or, look at the young talents outside. "

   "Let's calculate the situation of the Nether Cave first." Fairy Chenxi shook his head and said.

   At this time, her dress began to turn black.

   The sun, moon and stars above shine brightly.

   There seems to be a secret in it.


   Chenxi Fairy raised her brows.

   "Something happened?" Fairy Miaoyue asked immediately.

   The dragon clan is coming recently, if the matter of the entrance of the nether erupts.

   is a trouble for them.

   But for a moment, Fairy Chenxi received her magical powers, and her black dress did not fade.

   "Not counting." Fairy Chenxi looked at Fairy Miaoyue and said:

   "Junior Sister, do you think that I am the peak master of the Sixth Peak, but I have never participated in any major discussions, so I embarrassed me together?"

   "Why did Sister Sister say this?" Fairy Miaoyue looked at Fairy Chenxi somewhat puzzled.

   "Someone placed an array to cover the heavenly secrets at the entrance of the netherworld. The ordinary algorithm can't be calculated." Fairy Chenxi looked at Fairy Miaoyue.

   Chenxi fairy means Miaoyue fairy instantly understands.

   Her formation skills are relatively high, so the elder sister suspects it is her.

   "It may be Jiang Lan's deployment." Fairy Miaoyue said immediately.

   Senior Brother Ninth Peak, the formations are average.

   "A junior?" Fairy Chenxi didn't believe it.

   She could feel it clearly, and she couldn't perceive the existence of the Nether Portal at all.

   Is this something a younger generation can arrange?

   "Senior Sister doesn't believe it, you can see it at a glance in the past, and it may be clearer at the entrance to the netherworld." Fairy Miaoyue said.

"it is good."

   The fairy Chenxi nodded.

   agreed somewhat quickly.

   Fairy Miaoyue was a little surprised.

   Sister hasn’t been out for a long time.

   In just a moment, they reached the top of the Ninth Peak.

   At this time, Mo Zhengdong was practicing cross-legged.

   There is power to swim around.

   just quickly disappeared from the power in his body, and then looked at the two people who suddenly came forward:

   "Two teachers...what's the matter?"

   "For the sake of safety, Sister Sister wants to enter the Nether Cave to calculate the situation." Fairy Miaoyue laughed softly.

   Just now she could feel that the brother wanted to be called the sister.

   But the call cannot be exported.

  Because everyone before, Sister Six Peak is a brother brother.

   "Brother, lead the way." Fairy Chenxi said.

   Mo Zhengdong did not speak, and directly led them to the Nether Cave.

   Only for a moment, they appeared not far from the Nether Cave. They just walked for a long time, but they still couldn't get close to the Nether Cave.

   They all know that it is a formation.

   "Brother, don't you know there is a formation here?" Fairy Chenxi showed a bad face.

  Mo Zhengdong: "......"

   Normally the formation should be closed.

   "Jiang Lan loves toss, let him." Mo Zhengdong explained, then said:

   "I will break the formation."



   Fifth Peak Mountainside.

   Jianglan stood in front of the entrance of the secret realm, stopped and waited.

   is similar to the Third Peak Secret Realm.

   The Fifth Peak Secret Realm is also an altar.

   The passage is above the altar and has not been opened yet.

   There were a dozen people standing around in twos and threes.

   Yuan Shenqi should be the team leader, but he doesn't know anyone.

   His arrival did not attract much attention, but stood at a relatively marginal position, quietly waiting for the follow-up.

   Zhou Shu looked around and didn't know where his team leader was. In theory, the team leader would ask them to gather.

   But not now.

   In other words, the leader has not come yet.

   At this time, he saw the two of them, and immediately waved:

   "Brother Jin Yuan, Junior Sister Zheng Xi."

   When they knew the three-person team, they met.

   is convenient for gathering today.

   "Senior Brother Zhou."

   "Brother Zhou."

   When Jin Yuan and Zheng Xi came over, Jiang Lan glanced at the two of them.

   Jin Yuan, some rough man, Jin Dan's mid-term cultivation base, his whole body has the power to swim, it should be body training.

   is a costume with Jiang Lan.

   is the younger brother.

   Zheng Xi, a fairy who seems a little unconfident, the foundation of Jin Dan's initial cultivation is not so stable.

   should be barely entering the early stage of the golden core.

   The same clothes as Zhou Yuan.

   is not a disciple of nearly fifty years.

   When these two people saw Jiang Lan, they didn't know each other, so they nodded slightly to say hello.

   Jiang Lan also nodded in return.

   "Brother Zhou, is the senior brother in front of you a friend?" Zheng Xi asked.

   Looking relaxed at the Zhou Shu.

   They naturally don't feel that this is the leader.

  Be aware of other places, where the team leader can put tremendous pressure on juniors and younger sisters.

   How can it be easy.

   "Ah, almost." Zhou Shu was a little embarrassed.

   Then he immediately changed the subject:

   "Do you have something for the team leader?"

   This time the two were lost.


   The two did not understand. U U Reading

   Jiang Lan nodded slightly, it seems that Zhou Shu is indeed a minority.

   Is the weekly book bad?

   is not wrong, even safer than others.

   The only regret is that my luck is not so good.

   But Jiang Lan didn't care, he was waiting for the secret to open.

   After some time, the surrounding people gradually arrived.

   There are twenty people in total.

   "Everyone has arrived and started to enter the secret realm."

   There was a voice from the altar.

   At this moment, everyone stopped talking and looked at the secret realm.

   "Let's go."

   Jiang Lan's voice reached Zhou Shu's trio.

   then stepped forward.

   At this moment, the three of Zhou Shu were stunned.

   Then they found that there were four people around, and they were also four people here.

   Could it be...

   Zhou Shu and the three of them looked at Jiang Lan ahead.

   is over.



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