Jing Ting was fighting a giant wolf.


  He refined his body, so he fought head-on with the giant wolf from the beginning.


   At the same level, he has never been half-beaten.


   Give him some time to kill the giant wolf.


   While he was still fighting, he suddenly saw Jiang Lan and saw a giant wolf attacking Jiang Lan.


  In other words, he was attracted by the cry of the giant wolf, and then he discovered Jiang Lan.


   A Heavenly Wolf tribe with a perfect soul is attacking Jiang Lan, the late soul stage.


   This is absolutely crushing.


   Junior Brother Ninth Peak is actually not familiar with other people, Jingting has only met a few times and said hello several times.


   He is naturally more familiar than others.


   Ninth Peak Junior Brother is actually different from the rumors. He treats his fellow students with courtesy, that is, he talks less and does not laugh.


   So he didn't plan to watch Jiang Lan be killed.




   After knocking the giant wolf away with a punch, he went to Jiang Lan's side.


   was dragged by the giant wolf just halfway, unable to pass for a while.


   Jiang Lan also started to attack, and he hoped to hold on for longer.




   But when he repelled the enemy again, he suddenly saw Jiang Lan swinging a long sword around the giant wolf, the sword rising and falling, steady and orderly, with intention in the sword.


   seems to have gone through thousands of tempers.


   In just a moment, he saw Jiang Lan stop.


   This makes him a little unbelievable.


  Because... he saw Jiang Lan turn around and leave, and the giant wolf crashed down.


   Yuanshen was successfully crushed and killed by the late Yuanshen for a short time.




   "Is the Junior Brother really in the late Yuanshen?"


   He was a little surprised for a while.


   But the power he saw Jiang Lan used, definitely belonged to the late Yuanshen.


   is just his swordsmanship, his steps, and his attack timing are all very clever.


   Heaven rewards hard work.


   At this moment, he suddenly thought of the four words on the fifth peak.


   Maybe Ninth Peak Junior Brother is like this.


   But Jingting still came to the edge of Jianglan:


   "Does the younger brother consume too much? There is an elder sitting in the forest behind, and you can go there to heal the injured."


   He can feel that Junior Brother Ninth Peak is completely different from the rumors. According to the rumors, Junior Brother Ninth Peak relies on resources to pile up, and is the weakest of the same rank.


   When I see you today, the rumors are nothing but rumors.


   Ninth Peak Junior Brother, not only is not the weakest of the same rank, but can instead compete.


   Hearing Jingting's words, Jiang Lan just woke up, that he did use the power of the late Yuanshen.


   However, the consumption of higher levels is bound to be huge, and it is even possible to use secret methods to exchange injuries for injuries.


   "Thank you brother for reminding me."


   Jiang Lan bowed his head and thanked him.


   then left in shock, he wanted to continue to fight the giant wolf.


   This kind of fighting opportunity is extremely rare.


   Jiang Lan adjusted his state to make himself look weaker.


   The follow-up can no longer be overstepped.


   One time is normal, it can be the credit of the secret method, and it is often noticed.


   The rumors about him are so good now.


   can make most people look down on him.


   is good for him to kill the enemy.


   Furthermore, the Celestial Race or the Monster Race will not rush to deal with him.


   This way he has enough time.


   After a short break, Jiang Lan continued to join the battle, and they had already hit the ice cicada forest.


   This battle won't last long, and he can't rest much.


   Need to bring some record back to show Master.


   Make his old man happy.


   did not go out to experience, and behaved more positively near Kunlun.


   Jiang Lan has become an ordinary member of Kunlun's countless disciples. He has no outstanding record, but his figure has always been there.


   He has never gone out to experience, he can indeed learn a lot in this battle.


   Such as recognizing this world, the danger is always there, the gods and demons are everywhere in the wild, and if you are not careful, you will become the souls of others.


  Becoming stronger is the first priority.




   There was a loud noise from high above, and one of the two bright lights began to dim.


   "The above is about to end."


   This is Jiang Lan's first feeling.


   The top ends, the bottom is almost the same.

   has a completely different momentum.


   The time is far short of his imagination, it may not be there in one night.






   Kunlun Hall.


   There are two people sitting here in the dragon clan, and two peak owners in Kunlun are also sitting here.


  The dragon clan is sitting with a middle-aged man and a young woman.


   And Kunlun sitting is the second peak Liujing and the fifth peak Miaoyue fairy.


   "It was a coincidence that I met Kunlun as soon as I came over." Ao Li looked at Liu Jing and smiled:


  " I said it before, let the juniors fight against each other.


   Now it seems that the younger generation of Kunlun may not be able to get out.


   Our dragons don't bother to bully, let's talk about Long Yu directly.


  Furthermore, if you encounter a small battle in Kunlun today, you may encounter a big battle tomorrow.


   I can’t tell what the situation is. "


   Aoli's voice fell, Liu Jing looked calm and did not speak.


Fairy Miaoyue on the side of    looked at Aoli's voice with a smile:


  "It is true, your dragons have just experienced a battle that has lasted for a hundred years.


   should be very weak now, right?


   I think you should take precautions.


   Once someone takes advantage of the void, the dragon race may be gone. "


   As soon as the voice fell, Aoli looked at Fairy Miaoyue coldly.


   At this time, Shishi Ao, who belongs to the dragon clan, puts his eyes on Fairy Miaoyue, her voice is a little light:


   "Fairy Miaoyue may not know, the dragon family background can support us for another hundred years, without any weakness."


   "It turns out that a few decades ago, the betrothal gifts we gave were all of the dragon family background." Fairy Miaoyue still had a smile in her voice.


   You must know that if there was no such thing as a goddess dozens of years ago, then the dragon clan would have to face the monster clan alone.


   After Ao Longyu's incident, the Dragons had Kunlun's support.


   This is the deal at that time.


After   , the dragons began to gain the upper hand.


   This is not the heritage of the dragon clan.


   "You..." Master Ao was speechless for a while.


   Fairy Miaoyue looked at these people with a calm face.


   Liu Jing didn't speak the whole time.


   is not talking about business, and he is not going to talk nonsense.


   "No matter what, when you encounter this battle, only the disciples of your sect will be damaged." Ao Li said coldly.


   "Is that so?" A voice came from outside the hall, and then two lights appeared in the hall.


   It is Mo Zhengdong and the eighth prince Ao Man who are back.


   At this time, Ao Man was holding his waist, a little weak.


   There are even more dry bloodstains on his body.


   Ao Li and Ao Shishi were both taken aback when seeing the Eight Princes doing this.


   immediately furious.




  The powerful force rushed directly to Mo Zhengdong:


   "You need to give me an explanation for the dragon clan."


   Boom! !


   Three powerful forces directly suppressed the past, and instantly suppressed the two dragons.


   "The Kunlun Hall wheel got you presumptuous?" Liu Jing, who has not spoken, spoke up~www.readwn.com~ The two sides competed, and the eight princes trembled in the middle.


   In the future, he must be a good man, no, be a dragon.


   "Are the dragons so stupid with you? Or do you want to deliberately pick things?" Fairy Miaoyue's voice came out.


   The eighth prince Ao Man, is the facade of their dragon clan.


   was wounded like this, how to make them calm?


   Do you still bow your head to Kunlun?


   But this is Kunlun's territory, and they are at a disadvantage.


  Besides, he doesn't know exactly what realm these three people are in, and the actual result is unknown.


   Aoli took back her breath, her voice was a little gloomy:


   "You better give me a satisfactory explanation."


   "Explain?" Mo Zhengdong looked at Ao Li's voice equally cold:


  "The Yaozu moved my Kunlun, and I found him at the place where the Yaozu was.


   Don’t you need to explain to us? "


   Hearing these words, Ao Li was taken aback, and immediately said:


   "Impossible, we still disdain to cooperate with Yaozu."


   After speaking, he looked at Ao Man and waited for Ao Man to explain.


   If you sit down, the consequences will be disastrous.


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