"Have you heard? The Dragon Race is going to challenge each peak Tianjiao this time."

  When he came to the book collection place, Jiang Lan heard this kind of news.

   stop and stay.

   I mainly want to hear other news.

   Most of the news outside of Kunlun originated from senior brothers and disciples of various peaks, and it was easy for them to get together to discuss the situation in the great famine.

   Jiang Lan doesn't have their energy, he spends most of his time practicing.

   The most leisurely thing in the past was cleaning up the Ninth Peak.


   The most leisurely thing recently is to accompany Xiao Yu.

   There was a light rain, which was indeed noisy, but it was unexpectedly quiet, without any disgust.

   "I heard that there are nine dragons to challenge the Jiufeng Tianjiao. It is said that every one is above the immortal level."

   "Yes, they are all immortals, completely different from the past Celestial races."

   "Yes, the celestial race is taking advantage of the void. We don't have tianjiao at all. This time it's different."

   "But there is a small problem, I remember there is no fairy in the Ninth Peak?"

   "Yes, no, it is said that the dragon needs to suppress cultivation."

   "Does Ninth Peak really have any disciples? I haven't seen it for decades after I started."

   Jiang Lan changed a place, not what he wanted to hear.

   He decided to look for a book first.

  The Kunlun book collection place is like a tower with many floors.

   As a personal biography, he can see most of them.

   Of course, some places have cultivation base restrictions, and he can't go up.

   The cultivation base is naturally able to go up.

   is completely different from the Ninth Peak. There is no book on the Ninth Peak that he cannot read.

   In the beginning, the master would tell him which books are not suitable for him to read, and let him gradually become stronger and read again.

   Watching in advance has an effect on the cultivation base.

   Jiang Lan did not go to see it in advance.

When    came to the third floor, he started looking for related books.

   just came up and heard the conversation in the corner again.

   "I'm sure, the Celestial Race will reach the goal of losing love to the Celestial Man."

   Jiang Lan, who wanted to find books first, stopped again.

   Now these people are discussing the situation of the Great Desolation, and they are extremely enthusiastic about it.

   "After so many years, I am finally going to succeed? How did you know?"

   "An unprecedented war broke out between Wutong Mountain and the Celestial Race. It is said that the heaven and the earth have a great vision, all things have subsided, the heavens and the humans stand, and there are people on the heavens watching all living things."

   "Wutong Mountain seems to have a vision, and the endless fire is starting to burn."

   "The war broke out completely, I don't know how long it will last."

   "I don't know what happened to the Great Wilderness, and there are powerful forces everywhere starting to move. It is said that Lingshan Wuxian has also gone out, and the target may be the Earth Underworld Demon Race."

   "I don't know if something similar will happen here."

   After listening to these, Jiang Lan stopped staying and began to find books.

   It's messy outside.

   Great wars can happen everywhere, and going out is really dangerous.

   He is a little real fairy, if he is careless, he is just a boneless one.

  ’The Celestial race wants to help the tribe to break through the celestial and human forgiveness. It seems that the critical moment has come, and the concern for me should gradually fade. ’

   "I just don't know whether he will still make a move after the heavens and humans forget their emotions."

   With the current momentum of the Celestial Race, Kunlun would not be considered.

   But the distance is far away, and the Celestial Race will not cross the border to kill.

  Jianglan is actually a little curious. All major forces may collide. Is it possible that the Western Wilderness where Kunlun is located may also collide with other major forces?

   Then he shook his head, thinking too far.

   The current small goal is to see the realm of Master.

   For him, there should be no safer place in the great wilderness than the Ninth Peak.

   Then he searched for books on higher levels.

   spent half a day, and then left the book collection place.

  ‘Human celestial body tempers the physical body, reaches the celestial body, and can become a real celestial being. ’

  ’True immortals perceive the heaven and the earth, and enlighten the Dao to fly across, and become immortals. ’

  ‘The way of heavenly immortals can be accomplished, and if the way of heaven recognizes, it can become an ultimate immortal. ’

  ‘Jeexian walked out of his own way and was born with the Tao, that is Daluo. ’

   This is what Jiang Lan has gained today. He has read many documents before he comes to this conclusion.

There should be nothing wrong with   .

   But this is just the theory in the book. There is no problem, whether it is accurate or not, he can't guarantee it.

   Realm can be guaranteed.

   "The ultimate immortal is Da Luo, I don't know which realm the master is."

   Jianglan has just reached an immortal body, achieving a true immortal.

   He who has real eyes can see through the cultivation of the gods.

   Master can't see clearly, so he is above the gods.

   Above the heavens are Jue Xian and Da Luo.

   I don't know at present, but if you fly to become a god, you can know the answer.

   can see clearly, that is the absolute immortal.

   can't see clearly, that is Ronaldo.

   What is on Daluo, Jiang Lan doesn't know.

   may be the holy.

   His ultimate goal.

   Then he can take over the Ninth Peak and let Master retire.

   Fulfilling his duties as the chief disciple of the Ninth Peak, guarding the Netherworld entrance.

   When he returned to the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan planned to spend a month familiar with the Dragon Slashing Sword and take care of the Ninth Peak by the way.

   It's hard to get promoted after a real fairy.

  According to the standards of human genius, it takes a thousand years to be promoted to heaven.

   This is still to improve the cultivation base, not to mention the enlightenment of flying.

   Enlightenment may trap people for a lifetime.

   is just enlightenment, he doesn't know it for the time being, so he can only read and explore the ancient books himself.

   The one who got the most from signing in is just the pill for cultivation, there is nothing about enlightenment at present.

   Enlightenment tea may be.


   When Jiang Lan came to the yard, he saw a beautiful shadow standing in front of the plant eggs, helping to water the plants.

   is light rain in casual clothes.

   Today's light rain wears very ordinary, with scattered hair and not tied up.

   Light girl.

   The light rain of the Jade Age can grow into a normal appearance, which is really amazing.

   Feminine characteristics can be seen, almost none.

   But the normal Ao Longyu is very eye-catching.

   If I hadn't seen it grow bigger and smaller, I would be a little unbelievable.

   "Brother, are you back?" Xiao Yu took out the wooden sword and handed it to Jiang Lan:


   The true meaning of slashing the dragon on the sword has disappeared.

   Different from before, the current Dragon Slashing True Meaning Jiang Lan only blessed for one year.

   did not say the reason, and Xiao Yu never asked.

   It seems that both of them feel that one year is normal.

   is no different from before.

   Or in perception, one year is the same as three years.

   "What is the senior sister using?" Jiang Lan took the wooden sword and found that the spirit liquid poured by Xiaoyu was red.

  Normal fluid is transparent.

   He added the pill, it was pure white.

   Now the light rain is bright red, and I know that this adds something unusual ~ www.readwn.com~ deep-sea blood coral, I heard that it is good for plants.

   I will try plant eggs and You Yehua. "Xiao Yu said seriously.

   "Deep-sea blood coral?" Jiang Lan was quite curious.

   This thing is not precious, but it has a limited storage time.

   There shouldn’t have been before Xiaoyu.

   "One of my younger brothers suddenly wanted to see me this morning, so I went to see me." Xiao Yu thought for a while and continued:

  " He said that he forgot to bring a gift, so he took out everything on his body and asked me to pick it.

   I picked the blood coral, and now I want to return the gift. "

   In fact, she is a little confused. Although she is a princess in the dragon clan, but...

   Where can you compare with the younger brother of Xiantian Xianling?

   She thought she was going to make things difficult, but she was not.

   That brother knocked her head when he met.

   seems very happy to have my sister.

it's wired.


   The latest update is late, please take care of me, grandpa.



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