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The sudden sound of footsteps was extremely harsh.

It was like a silent wood, and suddenly someone was approaching.

This surprised Lu Jian and others.

But they don't know who the person is.


Or broke in accidentally?

Or is it a strong Pakistani country?

Facing the sudden sound of footsteps, a large number of ghosts also looked in the direction of the sound.

It seems to be very curious about who it is.

Soon everyone saw it, and a figure slowly emerged from the darkness.

Alone, approach here step by step.

"A person?" The road was a little surprised.

"Can't see his face, how about you?" Lin An asked.

"Same." North said.

"You really can't see the face." Fairy Hong Luan nodded too.

But the person who appeared suddenly was not a ghost in any way.

"Human?" A deep voice came from the ghost:

"Come to die?"

"Yeah." The figure made a calm voice:

"Come to die."

Lu Jian waited for a while and didn’t know how to say, this person...

Somewhat strange.

"His cultivation base seems to be very high." Lu Jian frowned and said:

"It looks like someone is immortal."

"Renxian should also be sent to death." Lin An was curious:

"This is our Kunlun people?"

Four people don't know.

But the arrival of the other party did buy them some time.

The ghost seems to be going to shoot him.


Jiang Lan didn't care about Lu Jian and the others, and he didn't just come here.

When he came over, they were backing away on the road, unable to handle them.

Senior Brother Lu Jian’s real celestial mid-term cultivation base, killing these ghosts is not so difficult, but because these ghosts can regroup and resurrect, they have been beaten down.

It is very troublesome to kill them, but Jiang Lan felt that his calm spirit should be able to kill them.

However, to be safe, he decided to arrange some things around, and if he couldn't kill them, he could also trap them.

Look for the core again.

After he was ready, he stopped hiding, but walked out.

Come to die?

Yes, come and send them on the road.

"Honesty human, I will send you to death."

The sound fell, and the nearest ghost man moved. Holding the green staff, he waved at Jiang Lan, as if he was going to kill him.

"Human celestial body cannot display true strength."

But just by looking at it, Jiang Lan knew that this kind of ghost had no threat.

He stepped out and came to the ghost.

Lu Jian and others watched, and so did the ghosts who could think secretly.

It was as if Jiang Lan took the initiative to ask for death.

"Watching him die?" Hong Luan asked.

"No, I don't feel right." The road feels very wrong.

Sure enough, at the moment his voice fell, a roar sounded.


The ghost who was about to attack Jiang Lan shattered on the spot, and his upper body turned into endless black mist.

On the empty body, there is only one fist.


The ghost fell to the ground.

Then they saw the man stepping on the remaining corpse of the ghost.


With one foot, the ghost shattered directly and turned into black mist.

Rude, powerful, and decisive.

This person is not here to send death, but to send ghosts to death.

"There is no recovery." The north said immediately:

"The ghost who was killed has not recovered."

At this moment, Lu Jian and others also discovered that the ghost was dead and did not recover.

this person...

To bring killing.

Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows and looked at his feet.

"Sure enough, it can be killed."

After confirming this, Jiang Lan did not intend to stay.

He turned his head and looked at the side of the road they said:

"Can you find the gate of Pakistan?"

The gate of Pakistan must be the core, and he should be able to trace the source.

"We can find it." Lin An immediately responded.

Jiang Lan nodded slightly, then looked at the army of ghosts.

It takes some time.

With the power of nine cows running, he took a step forward, and when he walked out, he put a pill in his mouth.

Can supplement consumption.

With his strength, he would not be exhausted by these ghosts, but just in case.

Maintaining the strength at the peak position makes it easy to guard against unexpected events.


The ghosts looked at Jiang Lan together and roared.

They also discovered that if they are killed, they cannot be reorganized. This human being is cheating.

"kill him."

There was a roar from the ghosts, who wanted to tear Jiang Lan to pieces.

Soon a ghost rushed to Jiang Lan, they didn't need magic, they were enough to sweep everything with their flesh.


The ghost blasted Jiang Lan with a punch, and then his fist began to crack, and Jiang Lan counter-killed with his fist.

The fist was broken, the upper body was broken, and it was directly turned into black mist and fell to the ground.

At this time, another ghost approached, and with a bang, he was kicked into the air directly by Jiang Lan. Jiang Lan didn't stop and jumped into the air, his hand caught on the ghost's head.


Squeeze directly.

A dozen ghosts approached the surrounding area, and the powerful force pressed the space, as if to crush Jiang Lan.

Looking at the ghosts who were about to come, Jiang Lan disappeared in place.

But in a breath, his figure flashed beside these ghosts, and then he passed these ghosts, walked on the road and began to attack the ghosts who came ahead.


boom! !

boom! ! !

There was an explosion from the ghosts behind Jiang Lan, and everyone was broken and turned into black energy.

In the darkness, Jiang Lan went all the way, invincible, with all the strength, everything shattered and life withered.

The power of Nine Bulls is omnipotent and breakable.

Let him reinforce the iron, let his body be strong, let him be reversibly reorganized.

Under Jiang Lan's fist, everything is nothingness.

boom! ! !

The black gas spreads, killing the enemy like hemp.

Lu Jian and the others were a little astonished when they saw such a scene. It was simply a one-sided massacre.

It's really here to send these ghosts to death.

"Who is this person?" Fairy Hong Luan asked.

"I have never heard of it, and the opponent's strength should be true.

Really immortal like Brother Lu Jian. "Lin An is a little unbelievable.

"His cultivation base should be in the early stage of True Immortal, but his combat power is extremely strong." Lu Jian explained, and then looked at Lin An:

"Junior Brother Lin, were you insulting me just now?"

"It's him." At this time, the north suddenly said:

"It's the mysterious person."

The three of them looked north, as if asking who this person was.

"You know very little, but we have read similar dossiers.

Someone killed the enemy with one punch, leaving only the blood fog.

Very powerful.

Several times left the spy corpse or blood mist in Kunlun.

His subordinates never keep alive.

Kill decisively.

I also saw this person for the first time. "After speaking, the north immediately said:

"Look for the gate of Pakistan first, and hope that the other party will not do anything to us."



High in the sky.

The fate of the ghosts of Pakistan’s national fortune tells of error:

"what happened?

It was clear that we had the upper hand just Why did we lose the upper hand all of a sudden. "

There is a chess board in the air.

On the chessboard, one side is black gas, and the other side is white gas.

At this time, the black gas besieged the white gas, as if to swallow it all.

It was only at a critical moment when a white Qi suddenly joined the chessboard, and it was like a broken bamboo, defeating countless black Qis.

"Haha." National luck said with a ghostly smile:

"It's okay, the ghost gate will open. I see how much you can kill."

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