The sky is slightly bright.

   Jiang Lan returned to the ninth peak.

   He came back quickly, but it just happened to be dawn.

   did not stay in the yard, but walked towards the Nether Cave.

  He needs healing.

   The arm injury has almost recovered, and the broken bones have recovered.

   Fortunately, it is not serious, otherwise it would not be so easy.

   This time he can experience that two forces are fighting, and a true immortal is really useless.

   Sure enough, he should hide in the Ninth Peak with peace of mind, and then become stronger as soon as possible.


   "The ancient imperial palace Kunlun Xihe emperor, what is this?"

   "God position?"

   "Or the title?"

   Whether it is the book of Ninth Peak or the Kunlun Collection, he has never read such titles.

   If you have time, you can go and read about this kind of classics.

   And that person said, chanting his name, Kunlun can save a life.

   Jiang Lan is not so naive, and what the other party says may not be the truth.

   But it cannot be denied directly.

   If the hypothesis is true, can the other party be aware of it the moment the name is said?

   If this is the case, it is very dangerous.

   Can Yiye Biaoye Passively be effective?

   If it works, is it invalid to save his life?

   If it is invalid, then once it is said, he will be found out and he will be known as his identity.

   Jiang Lan shook his head, no longer think about it, no matter from which point of view, one thing can be determined.

   The opponent is very strong.

   and have special abilities.

   and it belongs to Kunlun.

   As for the Kunlun Temple that the other party said...

   He didn't plan to go there, even if he was a Kunlun disciple, he couldn't go rashly.

   Kunlun Temple he knows, but the location is unknown.

   In short, there can be no extra actions just because of the opponent's few words.

   There may be traps everywhere.

   As for the advice, he didn't care.

   With his current position, it is impossible to be an enemy of Kunlun.

   But if there is a day of being an enemy, no matter what the enemy is, it will be impossible to change his mind.

   After that, Jiang Lan was relieved to heal his injuries, and waited for other things to be discussed later.

   Before closing his eyes to heal his injuries, Jiang Lan glanced at the goddess album and found that Bailong was on the lakeside, and he didn't know what he was doing.

   As for the black energy in Yaochi, it has also disappeared.

   It seems that it is indeed a matter of ghost gates.

After    was determined, Jiang Lan didn't think much about it.

  Recover first.



   "Open the Kunlun Temple and let the disciples enter?"

   Liu Jing was a little curious.

  The opening of the Kunlun Temple is a very troublesome thing. As for the benefits, there are not so many.

   Some gains outweigh the gains.

   "Can Kunlun Temple really lead out that person?" Jiu Zhongtian asked curiously.

   "It should not be possible." Fairy Miao Yue shook his head, sitting on the high chair by the side, and said:

   "That person is indeed in Kunlun, but no one knows about the others.

  If the brother is not wrong, then even if you see through the other's disguise, everything you get is blank.

   This person hides deeply.

   and have great opportunities.

  The Kunlun Temple is open, the other party should be very vigilant, but if the other party is a direct disciple, he will have a lot of interest in the Kunlun Temple.

   can more or less help his practice.

that's enough.


   After a pause, Fairy Miaoyue added a few words:

  "The title of Emperor Xihe of Kunlun in the ancient imperial palace, the entire Great Wilderness, is poorly recorded.

   If he is curious, he will definitely start searching for classics.

   will be able to narrow down by then. "

   "Do you have to find it out?" Fairy Zhuqing frowned and said:

   "What if the other party likes this?

   Even children will be rebellious, there is no secret at all. "

   Hearing these words, everyone looked at Fairy Zhuqing.

   Fairy Zhuqing: "..."

   She ranks the smallest, and she feels this feeling best.

   Two elder sisters, one can be considered a secret, the other smart.

   She suffers a lot.

   Any secret is easy to discover.

   "In fact, there is a certain truth, but there is no way to know the other party's true position." Fairy Miaoyue thought and said:

  "At present, this person does not harm Kunlun in the slightest.

   Then we also maintain goodwill. "

   "Basic vigilance must be present." Feng Yixiao said calmly:

   "If he made a common sense mistake and was discovered by us, then it has nothing to do with us.

   For example, say that name. "

   "As long as we are not an enemy, we can tolerate him." Jiu Zhongtian said while drinking.

   "That's right." Mo Zhengdong suddenly said:

   "It will take more than ten years to open the Kunlun Temple, right?"

   "The behavior of Pakistan has brought us a lot of trouble, and it may take a little longer, about 20 years." Liu Jing said.

   He looked at Mo Zhengdong and saw what Mo Zhengdong was going to say.

   Under normal circumstances, Mo Zhengdong remained silent.

   "Let's postpone it for more than ten years." Mo Zhengdong said suddenly.

   This surprised others a little.

   Fairy Miaoyue thought of something, and then tried to say:

   "Could it be that Jiang Lan is going to be promoted and returned to the void in the past 30 years. Brother is worried that he will not be promoted. Let him find new opportunities in Kunlun Temple?"

  Mo Zhengdong remained silent and never spoke.

   Everyone was silent for a moment, and then the owner of the second peak, Liu Jing, said calmly:

   "Then push it to thirty years later."

   "You need to notify the news in advance and let that person think about it." First Feng Feng said calmly with a smile.

   These things, but there are many little tails.

   If you can't help yourself, you will be noticed by them.



   Ghost Diba Country.

   It is cloudy all year round here.

   There are few sunny days.

   In front of the house, there is a small open space, and there is a pile of wood in the open space.

   At this time, there was a green-faced teenager sitting on the timber.

   He grabbed a small wooden sign in one hand and carved something on it with a knife.

   looks serious, very serious.

   It took a long time before the young man put down the knife in his hand with satisfaction and blew the sawdust on the wooden sign.

   He looked at the wooden sign with a pious face.

   "Aoki, what are you doing?"

   A woman came out, looked at the boy and asked.

   "Look." Aoki showed the wooden sign to his mother-in-law.

   The woman took a look at the wooden sign and found that there was a person engraved on it. This person couldn't see his appearance, but keeping the punching posture was mighty.

   "This is?" The woman didn't understand.

   "Wushuang Fist God." Aoki said with a look of excitement:

   "I heard the people who stepped on the ghost gate said that the gate of UU reading was smashed by this fist god.

   This person not only smashed the Guimenguan with one punch, but also smashed the five hundred pioneer ghosts with one punch.

   is extremely powerful and is regarded as the unparalleled fist god.

   I will worship the **** of fist in the future.

   If he is alive, beg him to protect me and kill countless enemies with both fists.

  If he dies, ask him to go on the road with peace of mind, don't turn back, I will inherit his name as the **** of fist.

  Famous quake in the Great Desolation. "

   The young man was excited, as if there were countless dead souls under his fist.

   Standing on top of everyone.

   fist can bring him endless courage.

   The woman just glanced, did not comment on the fist, she just whispered:

"time to eat.

   I will also give you food for Dad. "

   "Huh?" The Aoki boy recovered, he hung the small wooden sign around his neck, and immediately responded:

   "Okay, I'll give Dad food."


   recommend a good-looking novel "The Trainer Loaded with Martial Arts Games", light novels can be read when you have time.


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