Xiaoyu, as a goddess, once the catastrophe is over, the whole Kunlun will pay attention.

   Jiang Lan felt that he might also be paid attention.

   When he succeeds in becoming a fairy, his wedding is approaching.

   But he hides his cultivation base, and he decides when to cross the catastrophe.

   If you want to go out to cross the catastrophe, you have to find a time to go out before the catastrophe.

   Then he came back and said that the crossing was successful.

   At that time, no one will know whether he will cross the catastrophe.

   Of course, he only needs to disappear for a while.

   It’s okay to return to Void and Consummation, as long as the hidden cultivation level is adjusted to the early stage of adulthood.


   is going to get married, so it's still not suitable for hiding.

   But no matter what, I have to go out.

   And it must be superficially repaired in the late stage of returning to the Void, so that no one will care too much when going out.

   "Junior Brother, are you going to cross the catastrophe or do you want to cross the catastrophe in Kunlun?" Xiao Yu asked again.

   "I will probably go out," Jiang Lan replied.

   Xiaoyu nodded her head to express her understanding. The younger brother is so lonely, he certainly doesn't like to be in a crowded place.

   She is going to cross the catastrophe in more than a hundred years, and she has to sort out the precautions for the catastrophe.

   At that time, it will succeed in crossing the robbery, and then send these sorted out matters to the younger brother.

   At this time Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu and kept staring.

   Xiao Yu felt uncomfortable being stared at, and then moved her feet and moved some positions.

   Jianglan's eyes naturally followed.

   "Are there flowers on my face?" Xiao Yu asked, touching his face.

   "Senior Sister is more beautiful than flowers." Jiang Lan said subconsciously.

   Xiao Yu was startled, and then found a place to sit:

   "Junior brother can watch secretly, it would be embarrassing to keep staring at me."

   just want to see how you move your position.

   "That's right." Jiang Lan sat opposite Xiao Yu and curiously said:

   "Senior sister said that stretching is not nice last time, did you find the problem?"

   Hearing this Xiao Yu’s eyes circled in circles, the whole person became stiffer.

   seems to be afraid of this topic.

   After breathing, Xiao Yu returned to normal, then jumped up and said:

   "Junior, do you know why I ran here?"

   "Why?" Jiang Lan asked.

   He is really curious.

   In theory, it will take some days before the light rain will come.

   "This." Xiao Yu stretched out his right hand.

   Jiang Lan looked at, with some doubts in his eyes:


   "It's this." Xiao Yu moved his momentum, and some runes appeared on her Yuyu's wrist.

  The rune is like a chain that is twisted around the wrist, which is a **** and a fetter.

   is a marriage contract.

   "Last night I felt this thing skipping, and I thought there was something wrong with the training, so I felt a little worried." Xiao Yu said softly.

   Jump and jump?

   Jiang Lan was a little puzzled.


   He drove a leaf blinding his eyes last night, and a leaf covering the sky also covered the sky.

   The marriage contract should not be aware of the problem.

   Besides, his life was not in danger last night.

   The injury is not that severe, and I can't be noticed by the marriage contract even if I think about it.


   Xiaoyu did come today.

   "This thing is definitely not easy to use." Xiao Yu poked at the marriage contract and said.

   Then she looked up at Jiang Lan and said:

   "Is there any physical discomfort, brother?"

   Jiang Lan did not answer this question, but just reached out and said:

  "Will the elder sister get her pulse?

   can check it. "

   Hearing what Jiang Lan said, Xiao Yu did not hesitate, and directly reached out to help Jiang Lan's pulse.

   a serious look.

   Xiao Yu really got her pulse, but Jiang Lan was a little surprised. He watched Xiao Yu get her pulse, and his stretched brows suddenly frowned.

"has a problem?"

   Jiang Lan knew that his body was okay, but the person who had the pulse frowned, he was also a little concerned.

  Cultivating in the Nether Cave, he often examines himself and checks his physical condition.

   The problem was never found.

   If there is, it may be blinded by the ghostly breath.

   This is a little dangerous.

   At this time, Xiao Yu retracted her hand, she looked at Jiang Lan and shook her head, then sighed again.

   Jianglan: "......"

   The rest of the day, should I eat more and be happy?

   "I found out, I don't know how to pulse." Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan, tilted his head and smiled.


   Sister is so naughty?

   But it looks quite cute and not offensive.

   Xia Yunpishan.

   Xiao Yu bid farewell to Jiang Lan, and Yu Jian returned to Yaochi.

   Entering the Yaochi area, Xiao Yu's figure began to grow bigger, and finally became normal.

   "Junior Brother is willing to let me get my pulse, that should be fine."

   Ao Longyu put her hand on her chest, with a trace of puzzlement in her eyes:

  "Weird feeling.

   But now I can practice hard. "

   Thinking like this, she returned to Yaochi, planning to become an immortal.

   She didn't plan to become immortal soon, it would bring pressure to the younger brother.

   But I didn't plan to become immortal too late, in case the junior brother felt that she was unwilling to become immortal.

  After becoming a fairy...

   The day of marriage is near.

   Standing by the edge of Yaochi, Ao Longyu moved, and when he stretched out his hand, he did make the clothes tighter.

   "Does it really look good to stretch?"

   Xiaoyu didn't believe it.

   She lowered her eyebrows and looked at the position of her chest.

  Will the younger brother really feel good-looking?

   Like the elderly, the younger brother's eyes are calm, and Gujing is waveless.

   "Forget it, find a chance to try."

   shouldn't be a temptation?

   is curiosity.


   Jiang Lan watched Xiao Yu leave without thinking, but turned around and went back to practice.

   didn't even think of going to the top of the ninth peak to find the master.

  Master may not come back yet, so I will check again tomorrow.

   Maybe some things in Pakistan also need to be dealt with.

   poured spirit liquid on the plant eggs, Jiang Lan walked towards the nether cave.

   At present, it is 270 years since I started, and it will be time for promotion and return in 30 years.

  According to previous experience, I need to drink Qiongye Yuye Wine and wait for absorption to be promoted.

   Normally he can't pretend for ten years.

   But what if I put the last enlightenment tea into it and drink it?

   Is it possible to use this drunkenness to enlighten Dao?

   Can Wudao Tea be mixed with Qiongjiang Yuye Liquor?

   I don’t know.

   Check it in a few days.


   The next morning.

  The magnificent sun shines among the mountains and forests.

   Jianglan step by step towards the top of the ninth peak.

   I woke up today and planned to see the master, but I didn't expect that the master gave him a message directly.

   let him go up and find him.

   "I don't know what the master will say."

  The incident in Pakistan did not theoretically affect the Ninth Peak, so this should not be said.

  Experience should not be possible.

   What else is there?

   Monsters, Dragons, none of them acted.

   is probably because he is about to be promoted, and he may definitely go to a place suitable for promotion.

   Every time he gets promoted, the master will find him a good place.

   Only this time I have given Qiongye Yuye wine.

   There is no need to find a place.

   a little while.


   Jiang Lan saw Master, who had not returned for a few days, standing on the edge of the mountain and looking out the mountain.

   I don’t know what I’m looking at.

   According to the current situation, Master is not injured.

   It seems that the Pakistani attack ~www.readwn.com~ did not bring any serious impact.

   "Has Yuanshen Consummation?" Mo Zhengdong looked back at Jiang Lan and asked profoundly.

  In his eyes, Jiang Lan is the late Yuanshen.

   Jiang Lan lowered his head and said softly:

   "Master Miao Yue taught it."

  Mo Zhengdong: "......"

   I am a disciple, but I can push responsibility.

   Before he started to be accountable, he hired the master behind the scenes.

   This reminded him that Jiang Lan hoped not to go out to experience things before he had experience.

   Fortunately, there is a goddess, otherwise the temper will be too withdrawn.

   At that time, I am afraid that success will lead to xinxing, and failure will lead to xinxing.

  With the goddess, his personality became much more cheerful, maybe he didn't notice it himself.

   Jiang Lan took a peek at Master, hiding a little bit of the natural problem.

   He just wanted to see what kind of attitude Master would have, not his attitude towards hiding cultivation, but his attitude towards Master Miaoyue.

  In the future, we must consider giving Master to the elderly.

   People will be bored and lonely when they are old, and they will not be lonely when they have a wife.



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