The sky was filled with blood and fog, and some mutilated bodies fell from the air.

   As far as the eye can see, no one survives.

   Half-empty body.

   This is the scene that the real fairy who was slapped on the shoulder saw.

   Everyone except him...


   He looked at the person who patted his shoulder, moved his mouth, but failed to say a word, as if the catastrophe was approaching, he couldn't speak under pressure.


"I know."

   Jiang Lan nodded slightly.


  The blood mist drifted away.

   did not cause any pain to this true fairy.

   Maybe this true fairy finally didn't know what Jiang Lan understood.

  Floating in the breeze, Jiang Lan faced the blood mist and came to Ao Man, reaching out and grabbing Fang Tianji.


   Thunder surging.

   The earth thundered.



   The endless thunder flashes for an instant, directly covering all fallen or fallen corpses.

   After the loud noise, everything was gone.

   Jiang Lan held Fang Tianji and looked at Ao Man with a look of horror.


   Ao Man knelt down and said:

   "Senior, my brother-in-law and my sister love me the most."

   Jianglan: "..."

   He turned his head slightly to look at Ao Ye behind the Eight Prince.

   was severely injured and his life was dying.

   "The last time I drank, Uncle Bo Ye said that my brother-in-law is his dead brother." Ao Man immediately spoke.

   Jianglan: "......"

   He did not linger any more, and took a step back.

   finally disappeared into the darkness.

   It’s enough to do this.

   The others are superfluous. As for what happens in the end, it depends on chance.

   However, Ao Man has a similar opportunity to him.

   is only weaker.

   If his chance is considered a thin line, then Ao Man is a plume of smoke.

   is different in essence.

   Jianglan left, Ao Man knelt on the spot, knocked his head heavily, then got up and ran towards Kunlun with Ao Ye on his back.

   I'm going to meet the goddess sister this time, and then kowtow to her sister.

   The luckiest thing in this life is probably having a sister who is a goddess in Kunlun.

   What a natural fairy, how can there be a goddess sister.

   How can I have a good relationship with my brother-in-law, so that it is not abrupt?


   When Jiang Lan returned to the Ninth Peak, he held a bottle of good wine in his hand.

   intends to see the master.

   At present, his condition has stabilized.

   You need to check information about the ancient royal affairs, but it is not suitable for checking now.

  The influence of Emperor Kunlun Xihe last time in the ancient imperial palace is still there, wait a minute, find a suitable opportunity, and then go to Kunlun to collect books.

   recently flipped through the book at Ninth Peak.

   There may be records about the ancient imperial court.

   As long as you know Gu Yu, you can roughly understand what he saw.

   But there is another scene of corpses all over the country, which has not appeared recently.

   Again, it is babbling.

   I always feel that someone is talking.

   Perhaps babbling is the most dangerous.

   But it has nothing to do with itself, the degree of danger is not high, but it cannot be underestimated.

   is like killing a real fairy in the late stage, even if the opponent is exhausted, it is easy to counterattack.

   Use the strongest ultimate move to solve them.

   The more time is given to them, the higher the risk factor.

   By surprise, the battle can be resolved the fastest.

  The hallucination matter, with eyebrows, Shanhaijing also understood the effect.

   Therefore, I can resume normal practice again.

   live with peace of mind and wait for the rain to leave the customs.

   should be coming soon.

   As for the reason why Ao Man was hunted down, Jiang Lan had no interest at all.

   But that ray of opportunity made him a little interested.

   may be related to that thing.

  Wait for a few days.

   Jiang Lan walked slowly to the top of the Ninth Peak, calming his heart.

   a little while.

   "Master." Jiang Lan looked at his master's back.

   then passed the good wine and peanuts.

   just went out, so I bought it by the way.

   "What did you realize?" Mo Zhengdong turned around and looked at Jiang Lan.

   took the wine and peanuts by the way.

   My own disciple, I can only give these.

   "I have realized a higher level of formation." Jiang Lan said truthfully.

   "See the square array?" Mo Zhengdong asked curiously.

   This thing is not easy to encounter, and it is even more difficult to comprehend it.

   There are many dangers in it.

   "I encountered the stone tablet of Kunlun Heart Sutra." Jiang Lan replied softly.

  Mo Zhengdong: "???"

   Are the two related?

   "The disciple has been meditating under the stone tablet for three years and has realized the formation." Jiang Lan said calmly.

  Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan for a long time, and finally said:

   "Thank you."

   He felt that next time he had a chance, he could ask Jiang Lan to find the square array, and perhaps he would be able to comprehend the Kunlun Heart Sutra.

  " Chengxian Road may be a little difficult, don't be impatient, keep your mood stable.

   Go out more often when you have time.

   I only know my shortcomings when I see more and compare.

   The road is under your feet, and how far you go is really up to you.

   But the surrounding scenery needs to be embellished by the outside world.

   In this way, I know whether my path is widened or narrow. "Mo Zhengdong said.

   He doesn't worry about how far Jiang Lan can go. What he cares about is how much Jiang Lan knows about his own way.

   "Yes, Master." Jiang Lan lowered his head in response.

   What the master said is right, so as soon as he is free and at the right time, he will go out to listen to what others are saying.

  Look at their mood.

   View the various life styles of Kunlun disciples.

   helped him a lot.

   Save yourself and settle your mind.


   After leaving the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan went to the courtyard and tried to observe himself.

  Look at whether this opportunity will bring about other changes.

   In the yard, he looked at the plant eggs and You Yehua.

   are a little weak.

  In the past few years, they have become weaker, and life has begun to suffer.

   poured spirit liquid for them, Jiang Lan began to take care of the ninth peak.


   Three days later.

   Jianglan handled most of the things.

   On this day, he got a message.

  The Eighth Prince of the Dragon Clan was seriously injured and lived in the Old Wine Inn.

   Xiaoyu is in retreat, so he wants to see it.

   "It's just right."

   He still wanted to find them, but he didn't expect someone to let him go directly.

   But Xiao Yu has been in retreat for several years, and he has not yet been promoted.

   glanced at the goddess atlas, at this time the light rain hovered in the Yaochi.

   seems to fall asleep.

   has grown up a bit more than before, and is close to the adult dragon.

   But it feels like a little dragon.

   Judging from the current situation, there is no problem.

   Then Jiang Lan left Kunlun and went to the Old Wine Inn.

   There is no doubt that the road outside has changed again.

   a little while.

   Old Wine Inn.

   Under the guidance of the boy, Jiang Lan came to the guest room of the Eight Prince.

   "That dragon is here, and a dragon next door is dying.

   I want to buy it for Pixiu to eat.

   The dragon Jiang Lan nodded slightly, and knocked on the door instead of saying anything.



   The door opened, and it was the Eight Prince with a tired look.

   At the moment when he saw Jiang Lan, the Eight Prince was moved:

   "Brother-in-law, I feel relieved when I see you."

   "Obviously I rescued you halfway." The boy said on the side.

   "I have taught you to chase the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan." Ao Man said immediately.

   "But Hongya still ignores me." The boy was a little disappointed.

   Ao was full of disdain, and said sternly:

  " I knocked her out tonight and dragged her to the wilderness.

   buried her.

   more frequently, she dare not ignore you.

   Do you think everyone is as knowledgeable and reasonable as my sister?

   Only my sister and my brother-in-law are considered a natural couple.

   You have to fight for it yourself.

   Right, brother-in-law? "



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