天, faintly bright.

  Wind, slightly cool.

   It's autumn.

   Jiang Lan walked to the yard without seeing Xiao Yu, and then walked out of the yard and left Kunlun.

   Xiaoyu sometimes sneaks over, so please check.

  Walking out of Kunlun, Jiang Lan turned around in the unmanned forest.

   then took nine steps from the sky to leave Kunlun's feet.

   For a moment, Jiang Lan stayed in front of the ice cicada forest.

   It is reasonable to say that this place is far enough, but this is the place where Emperor Xihe haunted, and it is farther away.

   The breeze blows.

   Jianglan disappeared in place.

   After a while.

  He stands on the nameless mountain.

  According to the ice cicada forest, here is about two ice cicada forests from Kunlun.

   is very far, but not too far.

  Emperor Xi He may not be able to make a single blow here. With the master's cultivation level, he realized that his life was dying, and he had time to come over.

   After all, this chance is unavoidable. Once I have accepted it, I have to face it.

   was ready, Jiang Lan stretched out his hand and touched a dotted line overflowing from the chance.

   Boom! ! !

   At the moment when he touched the dotted line, Jiang Lan's mind seemed to be covered by countless voices, chattering, growling, pleading, awe, and anger.

  The incomprehensible voice began to become clear.

   He began to hear words.

   "Fist God...Fist God... Wushuang Fist God... Wushuang Fist God..."

   The chaotic sound began to drown Jiang Lan.



   The western part of Wuyun Mountain.

   A group of ghosts, carrying the ghost gate materials, headed forward.

   The more material, the faster the ghost door will open.

   At that time, the Yin Soldier will borrow the way, and the Yaozu must be unbearable.

   However, the opening of the ghost gate is more complicated, and the materials are the most convenient.

   does not have to be transported directly to the front line, just close.

   This road belongs to the back of the Pakistani battlefield and has a relatively high degree of security.

   Even if some demons come in, it's not a big deal.

  The place where the ghosts of Pakistan are covered by the luck of the country, where true immortals appear, it is easy to be spotted.

   Therefore, the demons who come in are at most human beings.

   Immortals, they don’t take it seriously.

   "I feel a little tired, how about you?"

   Suddenly a ghost asked.

   At this time they were walking on the mountain path, and there was a dark forest around it, which was a black forest.

   "I also seem to feel a little weak, and some are not working well."

   The ghosts immediately echoed.

   Aoki made a fist, feeling different from before:

   "I feel that way too, it seems that something makes us weak."

   "All staff are on alert." The logistics commander immediately waved to make people stop.

   He also felt weak.

Something is wrong here.

   "Is it a forest problem?" The guarded ghost asked immediately.

   "The previous logistics team, mark that there is no problem here." A ghost replied.

   "Then why do we feel weak?"

   "How do I know, what are you asking me for?"

   Aoki held the Wushuang Fist God wooden card, and said:

   "If you hold the image of Wushuang Fist God, you will feel powerful."

   "I don't feel it," someone said immediately.

   "I have a feeling, yours is fake, right?" someone said again.

   "Look at the front, there is a huge stone." At this time, there was a sharp eye and saw the strange huge stone.

  A crowd of ghosts looked over and found a black boulder, which seemed to have an aura.

   They came to the boulder and felt weaker.

   "Go, stay away from this stone, this stone is abnormal." The ghost leader said immediately.

   When they wanted to leave, they suddenly attacked.

   is a spell.


   the ghost leader shouted.


  The magic spell directly bombarded all ghosts.


   In the next instant, many ghosts rushed out and rushed to the source of the spell.

   At this time, a large number of monsters also appeared in the black forest.


   The forces of both sides bombarded, the ghost fell in the wind and was repelled back.

   "A senseless struggle."

   At this time, the rock giant appeared in the air. He pressed it with one hand, and an invisible pressure directly pressed all the ghosts.

  The ghost leader rose to the sky and wanted to smash this invisible force.


   The force hits, and the invisible pressure directly begins to twist.

   only quickly distorted and recovered, it was the ghosts who were unable to lead the successor.

   was forced to fall back to the ground.

   "Don't you know the ghost stone town?" After the rock giant resonated the invisible power with the ghost stone town, he looked contemptuously:

   "Never know if you don't know, but you actually leaned forward actively.

   It seems that Pakistan is not easy to be able to persist until now. "

   He looked at the ghosts and the crowd, and said indifferently:

   "Do it."

   This is the land covered by the luck of Pakistan. You can't delay the fight, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

  The ghost leader held up the Aoki scepter:

   "Break through and kill them."


   With a roar, all the ghosts flocked to one place.


   The power burst out, and the fist wind howled.

   They don't need any magnificent magic techniques, their physical strength and cultivation strength are all focused on their fists and feet.

   Only a few ghosts will use the ghost magic of Pakistan.

   However, when they broke through, the opponent also shot, and the pressure was more present at high altitude.

   The town ghost stone shines, directly weakening their strength.


   Some ghosts were directly repelled back.

   Aoki is the same.

   "Don't do unnecessary struggles, you can't escape, all stay here."

   The rock giant stands high in the sky and exerts influence.

   is now competing with the ghost leader.

  The power surges and hits all directions.

   Qingmu broke through several times, all of which were repelled back. He looked back at the ghost stone in Xiazhen, feeling that he was getting weaker and weaker.

   The fist is becoming less and less condensed.

  All the reasons are because of the black stone.

   "I'm going to smash the ghost rock in town."

   said, he ran to the town ghost stone, clenched his fist, and blasted his fist.


   A punch in the town of ghost stone.


   The force counter-shocked Aoki directly into the air.

   "Stupid." The gloomy voice of the rock giant came out:

   "This level of ghost stone is not something you can break.

   self-defeating. "

   Aoki stood up, rushed to the town ghost stone again, and a whisper came from his mouth:

   "Unparalleled fist god, protect my fists."



   With a punch, Aoki was shocked again.

   He didn't stop, and continued to get up. As long as the stone broke, they won.

   At this time, the ghost was in a weak position and was killed by suppression.

   "Unparalleled fist god, protect me with double fists, crush ghost stones, and kill demons."



   Aoki was knocked off again.

   At this time, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

  "The injured go to help Aoki~www.readwn.com~ The ghost leader fights against the pressure from high altitude, and immediately ordered.

   At this time, a dozen people came to the town of ghost stone and punched together.

   wears wooden signs on most of his body, and punches through gritted teeth.

   When this punch went down, either the ghost stone was broken, or they were hit hard.

   They lowered their heads to look at the wooden statue of the **** of fist they were carrying, and whispered.

   "Unparalleled Fist God."

   "Protect me with both fists."

   "Broken ghost stone."

   "Kill the demon clan."


   Everyone was knocked out.

   "I can't be stupid, and the country of Ba is really as stupid as the rumors are. My three-year-old kid from the monster clan is better than you.

   Wushuang Fist God?

   Ignorance and ignorance. "

   The rock giant pressed both hands, and the powerful force directly suppressed all the ghosts of Pakistan:

   "Send them on the road."


   The demon clan roared and began to speed up the offensive.



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