Jiang Lan came to the ice cicada forest. He remembered that there were some formations and flowers that needed ice.

   Grab a few and go back, maybe it's useful.

  Furthermore, Xinshen Yard, he has a lot of comprehension, and he never knew what to replace the broken cup.

   ice cicadas can be a choice.

   Not long after entering the ice cicada forest, Jiang Lan walked out.

   brought out a dozen ice cicadas.

   The first time he came, he was still at the cultivation base of the Yuanshen.

   Unfortunately, it feels more dangerous than ever.

   Only the degree of danger is different.

   It's nothing but the matter of God's position. The level is too high for him to understand the details.

   He doesn't plan to do anything else at the moment.

   It's good to absorb the influence of the gods.

   The investigation is not in a hurry, and it is easy to be noticed.

   Still continue to guard against the realities from the Celestial Race and the Monster Race.

   Pakistan also needs to take precautions.

  'S reputation in Kunlun is best to continue to be criticized, so as not to be on the list of suspicions.

The only thing    can do is hide in the ninth peak retreat.

   The next time someone pays attention to him, it should be the wedding three hundred years later.

   Xiao Yu Chengxian should also start to pay attention to him.

   Maybe when they become immortals, they care more than Xiaoyu.

   Jianglan Yujian flew, maintaining the normal speed of Yuanshen Consummation.

   The distance is a bit far, it takes a lot of time to walk.

   Halfway through the flight, Jiang Lan suddenly saw a flash of thunder.

   glanced, somewhat familiar.

  Eight Prince.

   Where is he going?

   Jiang Lan watched Lei Guangyuan escape, but never spoke.

   then continued Yujian back to Kunlun.

   But after a while, Lei Guang came to him, and Ao Man's figure appeared, level with him.

   At this time, the Eight Prince had cold sweat on his face, seemingly frightened.

   But he still smiled and said:

   "Brother-in-law, are you alone?"

   "The Eighth Prince is in a hurry?" Jiang Lan stopped looking at Ao Man and asked.

   This cold sweat, no matter how you look at it, something happened.

   Ao Man looked around and whispered:

   "Brother-in-law, I heard it again, similar to the voice of a monster."

   "So you are worried that Kunlun will chase you down?" Jiang Lan asked.

  In the Yaozu, Ao Man heard the name of King Qionggou, and was hunted down for decades.

   Hearing his name this time, he would immediately think of being chased and killed, which is normal.


   Ao Man had only a wisp of blue smoke on his body, and now he added a wisp.

it is as expected.

   As an innate fairy, Ao Man is different from ordinary people, and he is simply grabbing food from his mouth.

   No wonder being hunted down.


  Emperor Xi He should have known for a long time, if he really wanted to kill Ao Man, there would be no chance for him to escape.

   Even chasing down Ao Man's Tianxian, and finally giving up all of them, it must be related to Emperor Xihe.

   As for the facts.

   No way to know.

   "Brother-in-law thinks, should I hide for two days?" Ao Man asked.

  Jianglan looked around, then pointed to a relatively short mountain and said:

   "I heard that there is more game there."

   "Game?" The Eight Prince was a little startled for a while, but soon smiled and said:

   "Then I will eat game for two days."

   Ao Man turned around to leave:

   "Wait for my brother-in-law to bring two game dishes when I come back."

   After nodding in response, Jiang Lan went to Kunlun Yujian.

   The Eight Prince naturally flew in the direction he was pointing.

   According to his guess, Kunlun will not kill the Eight Princes.

   But he won't let the other party leave Kunlun.

   Knowing from the fact that the Dragon Clan did not come to pick him up, the Eight Princes are valuable to Kunlun.

   And with two chances, Kunlun can get it if he wants.

How can    put it back like this?

   Kunlun is not a charity residence.

   Jiang Lan could feel that several peak owners were extremely dangerous.

  It is indeed much safer to be able to worship the Lord of One Peak as a teacher.

   This is also a chance.

   So he never thought of letting Master down, just to make Master feel a little headache.

   refused to go out to practice.


   Ao Man went all the way to the mountain.

   Brother-in-law asked him to go there and he would go naturally. According to his understanding, Kunlun would not be able to escape if he wanted to kill him.

   Just wait two days to know the answer.

   This is one of them.

   The second is that the place may be related to the strong man, and may be taken care of.

   No matter which one, just listen to the brother-in-law.

   Being a dragon is really miserable, he was born with a dignified fairy, and he has been running for his life.

   But when the relationship with brother-in-law gets better, that feeling of fear will not be triggered.

   Sister is not so indifferent to him.

   The superiority of being a dragon is back again.

   However, he understands one thing.

   The people at the inn can't afford it.

   Kunlun is really strong, no wonder Kunlun insists on marrying his sister, and the clan can’t refute it.

   Stop thinking about it, first go to the mountain to find a place to rest, and then look for game.

   a little while.

   He found that there is indeed a lot of game in the shorter mountains.

   There are also Kunlun disciples catching and grilling.

   Aoman: "......"

   Brother-in-law really asked me to eat game?



   A few days later.

  A dark cloud appeared over Kunlun.

   covers mid-air.

   Black clouds are pressing against the city.

   is like a rainstorm.

   And in the unseen sky, black air rushed forward.

   Like a river rolling, like a broken bamboo, surging towards the Kunlun area.

   At this time, an angry face condenses in front of the black energy.

   Pakistani country and country luck ghostly.

   "Dirty humans, eat people without spitting out bones."

   "We Pakistan can afford to play, we can afford to lose, and we have left so much luck in Pakistan as your trophy."

"what about you?

   displays the shamelessness of mankind to the fullest. Others eat meat and spit out bones. Not only do you not vomit, but you also ransack your home. "

   "My Pakistani brains are not good enough, and I finally understand where the opportunity lies. You Kunlun grabbed my chance and ended our luck.

   Today, my country of Pakistan and your Kunlun will never die.

   No matter what you say, our country will never stop here. "

   "I want you Kunlun to pay the price.

   in exchange for death. "

   The ghosts of Pakistan's national and national luck are fierce, indomitable, and furious.

   Just when the ghost spirit of the country of Pakistan is about to reach Kunlun.

   Suddenly there was a sentence from Kunlun, which was very powerful, but only the ghost spirit of Ba Guoguo could hear:

   "Ancient Imperial Palace also has a **** position."

   Hearing these words, the ghost spirit of Ba Guoguo suddenly stopped rolling.

   seems to be considering true and false.

   "Knowing that you have no brains, remind you that a chance is still there, it is proof that ~www.readwn.com~ you can still communicate with the gods."

  After carefully perceiving the ghost spirit of the country of Pakistan, I found that it was indeed:

   "You seem to be right, but it is also true that Kunlun took my chance.

   You must give me an explanation today, otherwise don't expect me to go back. "

   Pakistan is a country with ghostly luck, and there is no intention of retreating.

   "The chance will fall into the hands of the monster clan when it is late." Kunlun heard a flat voice.

   doesn't seem to care about the hard spirit of Pakistan's luck.

  "..., dirty human, just three sentences changed my attention.

   really is deceiving me, Ba Guo has no brain.

   When I have finished the Yaozu, I must come to you for an explanation.

   You cunning robbers, I will come again. "

   Talking about the luck of the country of Pakistan, the ghost spirit rolled again and started to rush back.

   "Wait a minute."

   "Tsk tsk, greedy humans, just want to have spoils?" Ba Guoguo turned his head and looked at Kunlun.

   "That's not the case, it's just that you are not literate, and I want to give you a nice name, and wait for it, so as not to weaken the majesty of the gods."



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