My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 292: The more people defeated, the more treasures

   Xiaoyu jumped down on the ground, her body was dry.

   There is not a single drop of rain.

   She turned around and pointed to Jiang Lan and said:

   "Brother, brighten your cultivation skills."

   Jianglan: "......"

   Then it showed the initial cultivation base of Void Return, and the others were unnecessary.

   "In the early stage of returning to virtuality." Xiao Yu thought for a while and said:

   "Then I will fight with the younger brother in the middle of the retreat.

   I am at a loss. "

   Senior sister began to shamelessly, Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu and thought.

   As the senior sister came more and more times, she became more and more lively and her expression became richer and richer.

   Scruples are getting less and less.

   Fair trade, I haven't mentioned it.

   Jiang Lan didn't feel uncomfortable, but he felt more comfortable.

   "Go to the square to fight." Jiang Lan proposed.

   Xiaoyu squinted at Jiang Lan and said:

   "I want to change my appearance when I do it. Junior brother wants to see me getting wet and laughs at me?"

   I thought you knew I was going to move the formation, Jiang Lan thought to himself.

   It has been raining for a long time.

   Xiao Yu sat next to Jiang Lan, watching Jiang Lan bless the Dragon Slashing True Intention for the Wooden Sword. As long as he understood how to apply the Dragon Slashing True Intention, he might know how to comprehend the Dragon Slashing Sword.


   Xiaoyu sat next to Jiang Lan, lying on the wooden table, watching the rain outside the house and listening to the rain outside, feeling very peaceful.

   "Brother, when do you think it will rain?" Xiaoyu asked Jiang Lan beside him.

   "It's probably until tomorrow." Jiang Lan looked at the heavy rain outside and said.

   "Then let's watch, see when to stop, and then go out to compare." Xiao Yu whispered.

   Then she became normal.

   Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu in surprise.

   "Get used to it," Xiao Yu said.

   continued to lie on the table and looked outside.

   Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows and looked at the desktop, a little surprised for a while.

   is completely different from just now...

   After a long time, Jiang Lan's eyes closed from the outside.

   The rain began to lighten.

   only when she looked at Sister Ao, she found that Sister Ao was asleep again.

   never made a sound, he just continued to give the wooden sword the true meaning of slashing the dragon.

   He suddenly discovered that a dragon could actually fall asleep beside Dragon Slashing True Meaning.

   "After knowing and feeling later."

   Jiang Lan sighed in his heart.

   But he didn't think about it any more, but continued to bless the true meaning of Dragon Slashing.

   early morning.

   The rain and dew fell, and the sun shined in the forest.

   Jianglan's house has also become brighter.

   Xiao Yu slowly opened his eyes, and then got up from the table.

   She stretched her waist and said to Jiang Lan:

   "Brother, is it still raining?"

   Jiang Lan glanced at Xiao Yu, a little surprised for a while.

   The current light rain is Ao Longyu.

Can    be so casual?

   Besides, it feels completely different from before.

   Seeing Jiang Lan a little lost, Ao Longyu was also a little surprised, and then looked down.


   Something is blocking the view.

   At this moment, I remembered the words of Junior Sister Siya in my mind, I immediately put down my hand and moved to the side silently.

   then took a peek at Jiang Lan and found that it was really different from getting smaller.

   thinking about her like Xiaoyu for the first time.

   Then seeing Jiang Lan cast her gaze over, she silently shifted her position.

   Jianglan: "......"

   is back to the state of moving when staring at it?


   Xiaoyu bid farewell to Jiang Lan:

   "Junior brother, I will come back in a few days, and we will compete again when that time comes.

   Whoever wins listens to whoever. "

   Jiang Lan nodded, expressing understanding.

   then watched Xiao Yu leave.

   Xiao Yu's face was a little red when she left.

   He didn't think much.

   As for the challenge.

   Xiaoyu's return to virtuality was completely suppressed to the middle stage of return to virtuality, theoretically it was indeed to let him.

   also looks like Xiao Yu wins steadily.

   Of course, Jiang Lan cannot lose.

   In the square, when the formation is used, the immortal may not be able to beat him.

   The formation over there has a strong defense and attack, and the accumulated power is countless.

   Whether people and immortals can hurt the ground in the square with all their strength is two different things.

  Naturally, light rain does not work either.

   Stopping for a moment, Jiang Lan began to perceive the position of God.

   I don't know if it is an illusion. After staying with Xiao Yu for a long time, the progress of God's control will also increase.

   Because of Yaochi?

   What is certain is that there is no chance for Xiao Yu.

   Perhaps Yao Chi is comparable to chance, and it was born out of Kunlun.

   has a special effect.

   The next time I observe carefully, I will know that most of the time I am observing the light rain.



   "The Witch Fairy Conference is actually held here. It's really unheard of. It always feels abnormal."

   The place where Kunlun preached, Jiang Lan came again.

  He is out to listen to other people's opinions.

   By the way, see if there is any news about each shortage.

  The various battles sometimes affect Kunlun.

   such as monsters, dragons.

   had affected him before.

   Although the position of God appears, it should not be easy to sit firmly.

   Otherwise, why did Emperor Xihe keep hiding?

   If it were not for a coincidence, he would not know the existence of Emperor Xihe.

  "Moreover, the younger generation of geniuses from various forces all gathered in Kunlun and also revised the rules.

   At that time, it will be dim and dark in the secret realm, and no one knows. "

   "I also heard that everyone who goes in carries a treasure, and the one who wins will get a treasure.

  Think about it and know it's very unusual. "

   "Maybe it's a theory of Taoism, so how about everyone's point of view?"

   "Innocent, all forces in the Great Wilderness, without good crops, we are not soft persimmons.

   It's not always certain who will suffer in the end.

   The eighth peak people may prefer this rule. "

   "Also, at the last witch fairy conference, I heard from them that the seniors of the Eighth Peak were not very happy."

   "It's actually good for us. After all, not everyone can go to the Wuxian Conference, and you can't see that kind of big scene."

   "Yes, there are battles everywhere in the Great Wilderness, and we only have a small fight on our side.

   Too comfortable and lack of experience is not a good thing. "

   Hearing this, Jiang Lan agreed.

   has never seen the world, has never experienced a **** battle, it is really not good.

   This is also the reason why Master has always wanted him to experience it.

   is not too strong, nor too weak.

   can not only increase experience, it is also good for promotion.


   He wanted to be later and safer.

  It's so dangerous around It's definitely harder to go out to experience.


   Suddenly there was a sound from high in the sky.

   People discussing around immediately looked up.

   Jianglan looked at the sky and saw a huge ship, which was quite familiar.

   "People of the Celestial Race?"

   Jiang Lan has seen this kind of magic weapon, only the Celestial Race.

   It is very surprising. Someone from the Celestial Race died in Kunlun, but the other party did not make any counterattack. I heard nothing about it.

   now comes to Kunlun directly.

   is like a friendly visit.

   Although high-profile, but not strong.

   seems to be informing.

  Sure enough, someone from Kunlun went up to the sky.

   Then the Celestial Race was taken to the first peak.

   Only when the ship was heading to the first peak, Jiang Lan felt that someone was looking at him.

The    direction comes from the flying magic weapon of the Celestial Race.


   Facts proved.

   Witch Fairy Conference, really doesn't suit him very much.



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