Aoli looked at Heifeng Pagoda, but he couldn't figure it out.

   This time, there is no reason for the upper level not to be affected.

   Even if there are accidents on one or two floors, not all accidents occur on the fifth floor?

   "Go and ask the people on the fifth floor and above, and you will find out."

   Aoli sighed:

   "Unfortunately, the people of my dragon clan have not come out yet."

   "I don't have Kunlun either." Liu Jing followed.

   "My Celestial Race, it's not so fast." The middle-aged man with a beard also said.

   The three of them stopped talking, and whoever was curious, they asked the other tribe.


   "It must be related to the fifth-level change."

   Fairy Miaoyue looked at Heifeng Tower and said softly.

   Fairy Zhuqing also nodded.

   There was an accident at the upper level, which shouldn't be the case under normal circumstances.

   Suddenly, there must be a reason, and the previous anomaly was only the fifth layer.

   Someone is on the fifth floor of the Qing Dynasty, but what happened is still unknown.

   "There is no change in the central area of ​​the fifth floor, and it is impossible to see the situation outside the center." Ao Shishi followed.

   There is indeed a problem with the fifth floor, but it is not known whether it is the main problem.

   So far, no beast has been seen in the center of the fifth floor.

   Ao Longyu looked at the fifth floor, and there was really nothing to tell.

   Then she set her eyes on the fourth and third floors.

  The more familiar colleagues are on these two floors.

   But she thinks the younger brother will come out later.

   The younger brother has been closed for decades, and if he avoids the beast, he should be able to hide for a long time.

   can even hide directly in the fourth layer of Heart Demon Purgatory.

   Those fierce beasts should be the dead souls under the sword of Junior Brother.

   "Xiao Yu thinks Jiang Lan can survive today?" Fairy Miaoyue suddenly asked Ao Longyu standing behind.

   "Junior Brother has more ideas of his own." Ao Longyu said.

   She didn't directly say whether it could be.

   I feel like I'm putting a shackle on my younger brother.

   When the younger brother comes out, she will greet him at any time, morning and evening, it doesn’t matter.

   "Let’s make a bet." Fairy Ran Jing looked at Fairy Miaoyue and said:

   "Let's gamble on the fiancé of the goddess, when will he come out and how?"

   Facing this gambling game, Fairy Miaoyue smiled and said:

   "Then I bet Jiang Lan will wait until the last moment before coming out."

   "Where is the goddess?" Ao Shishi asked Ao Longyu.

   She thinks Kunlun is a life-saver.

last moment?

   It is very difficult, almost impossible, for the third layer to wait until the end.

   Ao Longyu lowered his eyebrows and remained silent.

   "Oh?" Fairy Miaoyue looked at Master Ao and said:

   "Do dragon people like to bully children?

   Do children need to participate in this kind of gambling? "

   "Then we bet that he can't stay till the last moment." Fairy Ran Jing said.

   "I heard that the disciples of Ninth Peak have a bad reputation.

   General talent, general cultivation. "Master Ao looked at Miao Yue and said now:

   "So, why do you think he can wait till the end?"

   Fairy Miaoyue smiled and said nothing.

   Fairy Zhuqing didn't speak either, and she didn't know where the senior sister came from.

   But Senior Sister never fights an uncertain battle, so Jiang Lan has a certain chance to stay till the end.

   She looked at Xiao Yu again, but she did not see Xiao Yu’s worries.

   As for bets, no one cares. What is the use of bets?

   It's interesting to see the other person ashamed.

   "If there is a problem with the fierce beasts at all levels, can it be over in a short time?" Fairy Zhuqing asked Fairy Miaoyue.

   "Yes." Fairy Miaoyue looked at the top two floors and continued:

  "The two top layers are qualified to break down the barriers of each layer, and it won’t be long before they understand the true meaning of Taoism.

   It’s the fastest way to discuss the Tao by hands-on verification of their own Tao.

   At that time, all the way to the fifth floor, we can know the general reason, and we can also see some things. "


   In the ninth floor.

   Someone has started arguing.

  "The heavens and humans feel the world, and the heavens and humans are the spokespersons of the avenue?

   Do you use this as the foundation of Tao?

   joke, is this way of oneself?

  The person who cultivates immortality, sees for a long time, observes the reincarnation of life and death, jumps out of it, and is in the heaven and earth.

   distinguish oneself from the ordinary.

   step by step to understand the truth of the world is the way to cultivate immortality. "

   A middle-aged man looked at the person next to him and said.

   "Really?" The young man from the Celestial Race looked at the Wu Clan from Lingshan, and said gloomily:

   "Let's see whose way is more correct.

  The mouth is the most boring.

   Let me suppress you all, and you will know that I am right. "

   "Come on then." The middle-aged man stood up.

   all stood up at this time.

  Dragon, Heavenly Feather Phoenix, Earth Demon, Central Plains Bujia, Eastern Desolate Giant Spirit Clan, and so on, none of them are for others.

   "I have been waiting for a long time."

   "See the real chapter under your hand."

   "What do people in Kunlun say? Dare you?"

   said one by one and looked at each other, a young man sitting in the corner, looking twenty-seven-eight-year-old.

   At this time he stood up slowly, with a smile on his face, as if waiting for a long time:

   "I said, "Three thousand avenues, but countless trails."

   How can a spirit creature admit that its path is wrong?

   Countless years of history, I have to admit my mistakes early.

   Why wait until now? "

   Leng Wu, disciple of the seventh peak, middle stage of heavenly immortality.

   The highest level of cultivation in the Witch Fairy Conference is theoretically the highest, but in fact, no one knows if there are any stronger ones.


   With Leng Wu's voice falling, a total of more than twenty gods retreated from the place.

   Tianxian level power began to spread.

   For the various forces, there are many gods, but there are really not many young gods.

   There is no need to appear further up, the Wuxian Conference is just a conference of young talents.

   Leng Wu did not come up with any magic weapon, he wanted to defeat these people with Taoism.

   At the moment the power spread, Leng Wu confronted the powerhouse of the Earth Underworld Demon Race.

   "Xianfa, Zhenshan."

   cast a spell, huge mountain peaks appeared, directly suppressing the demons.


   Earth Underworld Demon Race is holding a long knife, and a dark breath appears on the knife, slashing the mountain with one blow.


   Power showdown, the mountain is broken.

   "Look at whether your spells are fast, or my sword is closer to you."

   Leng Wu laughed:

"bring it on!"


  The war broke out.


   When the fight broke out on the ninth floor, the power directly extended to the eighth floor.

   There are countless power storms on the eighth floor at this time.

   Lu Jian was wounded on his body, one enemy three.

   Jianguang traversed all directions. Although suppressed, it was still far from defeat.


   A huge sound was passed from above.

   directly retreated the four who were fighting.

   steadied his figure on the road, he looked at the sky above, and then smiled at the other three true immortals:

   "It seems that the upper one is also fighting, you people besieging me like this?

   I'm not afraid that my senior brother will come and kill you? "

   "I heard that the battle of the gods can break the gap between layers, but..." An elephant demon looked at the road and said in a low voice:

   "You have to wait until then."

   "Is that so?" Lu Jian held a sword, his eyes showed madness:

   "Then I will send the three of you out first to verify my way."

   At this moment, the road moved, and he came directly in front of one of the female demons.

   The banshee didn't care, ice thorn appeared around her, and the ice sword waved in her hand.


   The ice sword cut across the road, causing injuries to him.

   The banshee thought that the other party should retreat and evade, but she was shocked to find that the other party not only did not retreat, but also had no defense.

   The attack fell directly on the opponent.

   At this time, he saw Lu Jian's mouth smile.

   "Take me a moment, now it's my turn."


   Let's change a chapter first, and there may be a longer wait for another chapter.

   don't know when to come out.



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