
   Boom! !

   From the eyes of everyone outside, the fifth layer of light bloomed, and a fiery red spear pierced through everything and swept across all directions.

   The momentum is like a broken bamboo, no one can stop it.

   Wherever he goes, people are scattered, real celestials are broken, and heavenly celestials fall.

   There is no mouth under the spear.

   A large number of true immortals fell from the fifth floor, and countless immortals poured out.

   Tianxian also dropped two digits from time to time.

   Every one is severely wounded, every one is difficult to move, and every eye is filled with fear and shock.

   This person was really not kind to them, he didn't show any mercy, and he didn't give them any chance.


   finally came out.

   The vast majority of people do not feel any regret or unwillingness, but a sense of relief.

   That is really purgatory.


   also fell down between the roads.

   just fell in front of the Eight Prince Ganshuo.

   At this time, Yan Xiyun, who was squatting on the side, came to Lujian:


   After shouting, Yan Xiyun covered his face, as if defending.


   looked at the girl who suddenly appeared weakly on the road, unable to move or respond for a while.

   Yan Xiyun, who was unharmed, became bolder:

   "Brother, I..."


   Yan Xiyun was kicked away directly.

   "It's getting in the way." The Eight Prince and the boy walked over.

   Yan Xiyun, who had already flown away, didn't know what happened for a while.

   "Senior Lujian, are you okay?" The eight prince knelt down and asked Lujian.

  He is a dignified Eighth Prince. He has been in Kunlun for so long, and of course he knows this celebrity Lujian.

   I often see it when I play game, and I love drinking on the road.

   Why is it called Brother?

   That's because my sister and brother-in-law call it that way, and he naturally calls it that way too.

   looks kind.

   asked, the Eight Prince also helped to perform a healing technique.

   also showed up, and he often ordered wine between the roads, and he saw more of them.

   "Obviously something is going on, can the Eighth Prince help me find Master?"

   recovered some of the roads, and said.

   He may hurt a lot more than others.

   "Your master is temporarily unavailable." Suddenly, a voice rang from the side of the road.

   is Mo Zhengdong.

   "Uncle Shi." Lu said softly.

  Eight Prince also stood up immediately and said:


   This one is too strong, he dare not act too casually.

   Youth is also more polite, but not as restrained as the Eight Princes.

  Mo Zhengdong nodded slightly, then stretched out his hand and waved his hand and disappeared in place.

   The road injury was so severe that I had to take action.

   If this comes out later, it may really be dead inside.

  Mo Zhengdong took the road to a high altitude and gave a pill.

   then let the road to heal his injuries.

   There should be no problem.

   "Very clean and neat, under normal circumstances, any blow is enough to exit the field."

  Mo Zhengdong looked at the injury on the road, a little surprised.

   Surprised the people inside were decisive and never made any false moves.

   was also surprised by the strength of the road.

   High talent, good temperament, and steady work.

  The future is limitless.

   is much more famous than his disciples.


   Jianglan, like that, better.

   is not worse than anyone, but the good places are different.

   Except for being withdrawn, it's not easy to deal with.

   But it is still his pride, enough to make him proud.

  Mo Zhengdong looked at the third floor and didn't know where his disciple was hiding.

   Boom! ! !

   Suddenly a loud noise was transmitted from the fifth floor.

  Mo Zhengdong looked over.

   At this moment, he saw the dragon shadow appear, and then the dragon shook the sky.

   The fire of purgatory burns the world.

   The fierce beast was roaring, and with the low roar, countless fierce beasts began to collapse and shatter.

   The fallen corpse followed the ruin.

   The evil spirits collapsed.

   The flames seemed to burn everything.

   Purgatory in the world.

   All gods are in purgatory.


   A clear voice sounded, and a heavenly fairy broke on the spot and turned into a light spot.

   Then, the Earth Underworld Demon Clan, the Central Plains Bujia, and the Giant Spirit Clan, everyone who encountered the person holding the spear could not resist for a moment.

   That person stepped on everyone's corpses, step by step, step by step, step by step to a higher point, and clean up all the gods.

  " Very strong, but with purgatory blessings, but...

   He didn't use his full strength after all.

   is still very strong. "

   The other peak masters in Kunlun saw it, and he naturally saw it too.

   This man uses a spear, which is different from his previous fighting style.

   is hiding killing skills.


   Mo Zhengdong saw the mysterious man, stepped on the Tianxian with one foot, and then pierced through with a shot.

   Don't leave a living mouth, kill it sharply.

"Anyone else?"

   A sudden voice came from the fifth floor.

   The voice seemed to be provocative.

   seems to be asking again.

   But no one knows where this person is, it's just that some people guess it is Kunlun.

   But whether it is Kunlun or not, no one knows.

   They hope not.

  Because the strength of this person is also a god.

   can actually fight against more than 20 people of the same rank.

   plus countless real immortals.

   This is not normal.

  The other people on the fifth floor don't know where they retreated.

   No one can respond to him anymore, he stands on the fifth floor alone, and countless strong people are stepped under his feet.

   No one can be an enemy, no one can shake his existence.

   Only the shadow stands in the air.

   Proudly in the fire, invincible and invincible.

   Everyone was a little surprised.

   Invincible posture.

   This is the feeling of everyone.

   After no one responded, Mo Zhengdong saw this man put down his spear and finally disappeared into the flames.

   The next moment, the flame erupted.


   Boom! !

   Boom! ! !

  Countless beasts, fallen corpses, evil spirits, exploded on the spot.

   The entire fifth floor seems to be blooming with fireworks, very bright.

   But at this time, new changes appeared.

   is the pinnacle of the Black Peak Pagoda.

   Light began to appear on it, and what a few people had seen before became something that everyone could see.

   At this moment, no one pays attention to the mysterious person anymore, no one watches the dazzling spark anymore.

   What they care more about is the existence of that ray of light.

   "It's coming out, a chance, I don't know who will fall on it in the end." Mo Zhengdong looked at.

  Kunlun peak masters naturally know this thing, but no one knows who the chance will fall on.

   Even if this is Kunlun, they are not sure.

   But Kunlun has no idea of ​​fighting.

   However, there are many people competing.

   At this moment, the battle in the sky stopped Jiu Zhongtian fell back to Mo Zhengdong, with some injuries on his body.

   The breeze blew, blew his clothes, blew that strand of white hair.

   didn't care, just took a sip of wine:

   "The Kirin tribe of the earth is weaker than imagined."

   "Maybe he is also keeping his hands." Mo Zhengdong said movingly.

   glanced at the road, Jiu Zhongtian curiously said:

   "Jiang Lan hasn't come out yet?"

   "Yeah." Mo Zhengdong nodded slightly:

  "He has a high level of formation and he likes to create a safe environment for himself.

   Those fierce beasts want to find him and defeat him, it's a bit difficult. "

   "It seems that it is not easy to get him to participate in the Wuxian Conference." Jiu Zhongtian stopped talking about this, but looked at the ray of opportunity and said:

   "They are going to shoot, I don't know who will get it in the end.

  Should we shoot too, right? "

   "Hmm." Mo Zhengdong nodded.

   Kunlun has no heart to fight, but he controls the thoughts here.



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