After one blow, Fairy Miaoyue and the others took away their hands.

   Thunder strike.

   Solve the problem directly, one by one, it is a tug of war.

waste time.

   After the Eight Princes and others touched that ray of chance.

   Everyone is looking there.

   I don’t know what will happen next.

  Because it is not obtained by one person, it is completely uncertain whether they need to continue to fight.

   And just when they were puzzled, the sky suddenly condensed.

   An ordinary cloud appeared above the sky.

   The light fell from the clouds.

   illuminates the Eight Princes and others, and also illuminates the Heifeng Pagoda.

   At the moment the light appeared, a thunderous sound appeared.

   This sudden thunder made the Eight Princes feel a little frightened.

   This feeling is just like before, as if there will be a sound coming from a height in nothingness.

   But they are still fighting for this breath, and they can't avoid this light for a while.

   What exactly is light, they have no way of knowing.

   But the light fell, they had a tingling sensation.

   But no one gave up this breath.

  Eight Princes have an absolute advantage, it is impossible to give up.

   The boy didn't know what it was, but it was given to Hongya, who might look at him with admiration.

   As for the Celestial Race and others.

   They will naturally not give up this kind of thing.

   But the tingling soon turned into a sharp pain, as if pushing everyone back.

   They have a feeling that they will not suffer harm if they give up.

   But at this time, how could they give up?

  The light caused them to endure tremendous pain, and they also felt that as they persisted, this opportunity was being absorbed by them.

   As the chance absorbed, it seemed as if endless thunder came from their ears.

   comes from the ethereal high sky.

   Eight Princes are most familiar with this feeling.

   Sure enough to hear the new name again?

   At this moment, he became more and more uncomfortable, his body seemed to be shattered.

   It's not just him, but the people around him are like that.


   Jiang Lan, who was hiding on the third floor, also felt the light.

   This light is like the embryonic form of God's position.

   As long as he connects, his deity name will be transmitted.

   He knew that this was a signal from Emperor Xihe to him.

   After opening Yiye Biaomu, Jiang Lan started to connect the signal.

   Let your **** position manifest.

   Just listen to what kind of **** Xihe Emperor will give him, maybe it will be better than Wushuang Quanshen.


   At the moment he connected the light, the sound of thunder rang in the ears of Eight Princes and others.

   Then there was a sharp pain, a sharp pain of tearing the body.

   At this moment, the eight princes have enlightenment, and the voice is about to come out, as long as you listen to it, everything here will end.

   In the next moment, the eight princes, the tavern boy, the celestial race, the underground demons, and the Lingshan witch race, all received a huge voice from the sky:

   "Ancient Imperial Palace."



   At this moment, their bodies received an extremely heavy blow, but one by one they either bitten a strand of opportunity or seized the opportunity stubbornly.

   Once you let go, you lose everything.

   At this moment, it seemed as if two big mountains were falling from the sky, hitting the Eight Princes and others.


   The mountain fell, as if it hit their brains, making their brains roar.

   Then they saw two big characters.

   "The Eight Wastes."

   Ancient Imperial Nishi Palace Eight Desolation...

   There was a crack on the Eighth Prince, and blood spilled from the corner of the boy's mouth.

   Other people also have different injuries.

   But those who watched the game outside couldn't understand what those people experienced.

   But I also know how to look at it.

   At this time, the eight crown prince also felt it, and this breath was quickly blending into his body.


   roared high in the sky, and the last four words fell.


The four words    are like four mountains to crush and crush them.

   At this moment, four words occupy everything in their minds.

   The sound is like a torrent, rolling in their minds.

   "Lunling Emperor."


   Five people directly vomited blood.

   As all the names of the gods appeared, a ray of chance began to break.


  Eight princes occupied half, and the inn boy was divided into a quarter.

   The rest was divided among the three.


   The chance was broken, and the strong force directly shook them out.

   All five of them lost consciousness in midair for an instant.

   Fairy Ranjing got up and wanted to take a shot, and went to catch the Eight Princes, but one dragon took the lead.

   is Ao Ye.

   Ran Jing didn't leave in this way.

   And the inn boy fell directly to the ground.


   There was a big hole in the ground.

   At this time, Tianyu Fengzu Hongya came over. She looked at the boy with a trace of unwillingness in her eyes.

   Finally, carrying the boy on his back, he went to the inn.

   Yan Xiyun looked around and found that one of his brothers was gone.

  Who can I ask for directions?


   Jianglan sat in the formation, when he was connected to the signal of Emperor Xihe.

   He felt that his understanding of the position of God had greatly increased.

   seems to have a lot of experience bonuses.

   is like the experience of controlling the position of God.

   At this moment, he hastened to absorb the previous breath of strength.

   It was only a moment, and his control over the position of God was greatly improved.

   This time, he felt that if someone recites his name, he can look over it.

   and can see far.

   is more than a few times stronger than before.

   Not only that, he seems to be able to see higher.

   seems to be able to see the source of the gods.

   His eyes kept moving upward, beyond the endless distance.

   At this moment, he felt mist appearing around him.

   Then some magnificent buildings appeared.

   A huge gate appeared in front of him.

   Four characters in the book: Ancient Imperial Palace.

   And there was a crack in this courtyard, as if it would collapse at any time, Jiang Lan wanted to try to enter, but then the picture changed.

   He saw bones everywhere.


  The screen disappears.

   Jiang Lan retracted his eyes.

   "I can't see through..."

   The bones just now were not what he wanted to see, but a sudden hallucination.

   seems to want to enter the ancient imperial palace, will see this illusion.

   Enter safely, not what he can do now.

   And after he recovered, he heard a voice from high above:

   "Ancient Imperial West Palace Bahuanglun Ling Emperor."

   Hearing this voice, Jiang Lan was quite surprised.

   He knew that this was not a real name.

   is the new name given to him by Emperor Xihe. At this time, he just used it to confuse It sounds better than Wushuang Quanshen, but why is it ancient Yuxi Palace? "

   Jiang Lan didn't think much, because everything was over.

   His name is still the ancient imperial palace Ba Guo Wushuang Fist God, and his name needs to be stronger.

   This incident is almost over.

   He has benefited, and Emperor Xihe should have also benefited.

   At this time, he suddenly found that there was a little bit more on the position of God.

   There were two before, one representing the Aoki from Pakistan, and the other representing the Eight Princes who had a chance because of him.

   That this is...

   Jiang Lan clicked in.

   Soon he saw a picture of an inn boy lying on the ground.

"It's him."

   can appear with him, that is to say, the inn boy has a chance.

  The eight princes...

   "Emperor Xihe wants to put on the Eight Prince a chance that belongs to him?"

  The four gods of the Great Wilderness, the Eight Princes occupy a ray of opportunity for the four people?



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