"How did the elder sister make sure that Jiang Lan can stay till the end?"

   On the way back, Fairy Zhuqing asked Fairy Miaoyue.

   "Guess it." Miao Yue had a slight smile on her brows.

   "Sister Sister's basis?" Fairy Zhuqing asked.

   She doesn't know much about Jiang Lan.

  Occasionally, I heard Xiaoyu mention that he was a little withdrawn, just like a reclusive old man.

   Although he said so, Xiao Yu was not half unhappy.

   She knew that they were already very close.

   There will be no psychological hindrance to getting married at that time.

   But she couldn't be like Sister Miaoyue, guessing that Jiang Lan could stay till the last moment.

   "In the impression of Junior Sister, what is the character of Jiang Lan?" Fairy Miaoyue turned to ask Fairy Zhuqing.

   "Lonely." Fairy Zhuqing said truthfully.

   "Almost." Fairy Miaoyue and the others went all the way to the sixth peak:

  "No less than the ninth peak all year round, I like to be in a safe environment.

  Anything, can not participate and never participate.

   Avoid anything that is dangerous.

   went out to experience only once, even going out to Kunlun is extremely rare.

   The Ninth Peak was laid by him with a large number of formations, which were linked together.

   is to prevent someone from breaking in. "

   "Timid?" Fairy Zhuqing was a little confused:

   "It's not like."

   "It's cautious." Fairy Miaoyue said:

  " He will definitely not postpone those who need him to take action, such as the challenges of the battle of the heavens and the dragons.

   It can be said that he has never failed.

   His strength is not weak, but he is deliberately considered weak. "

   Miaoyue Fairy chuckled softly:

   "Don't look at his hiding cultivation base that I taught, he is very likely to hide more things.

   In short, in the case of the same level, Xiao Jianglan will definitely pay the price.

   As long as he is given time to react, it is very difficult for people or beasts in the third floor to let him appear.

   The fierce beast appeared for a long time, but Jiang Lan did not come out.

   means that he has a high probability of staying till the end. "

   "That's it." Fairy Zhuqing nodded slightly.

   Miaoyue smiled and stopped talking about this topic:

   "Let's go, go to the elder sister.

  This matter is over, there should be a lot of things waiting for us in the follow-up.

   and also make plans for the goddess and their wedding. "

   "After a while, it's time for the light rain to overcome the catastrophe." Fairy Zhuqing said softly.

   At this time they have reached the sixth peak.

   has seen the sixth peak peak master.

   "Jiang Lan is also coming soon, at most two or three hundred years." Fairy Miaoyue said.

   "Is it really okay?"

   "Don't underestimate the brother's thousand-year luck."

   "That's true."


   Jiang Lan was hiding in the corner and killing the beast.

   No risk, very cautious.

   It’s just that, as time goes by, a group of people have killed the third floor.

   It might be the dead beast on his side that caught the attention of those people.

   Then someone came to him.

   Then I met the northern brothers...

   It turned out that they cleared the fierce beasts all the way from the fifth floor to the third floor.

   Then he joined them and began to clean up.

   When the fierce beasts were cleaned up, the Wuxian Conference was over.

   There was light on them, and they also got some resources.

   Magic weapon and elixirs.

   Jianglan didn't care, because they were all things that returned to the void.

   He is a lot, not bad.

   Under normal circumstances, the Wuxian Conference should not be this kind of development.

   But because of his appearance, the Witch Fairy Conference ended hastily.

   Moreover, Sinshang basically left the field.

  Leaving the Black Peak Pagoda, Jiang Lan planned to bid farewell to the senior brother and sister.

   Only at this time, Ao Longyu flew over here.

   can't leave for now.

   "Brother, senior sister." Ao Longyu said softly in front of Hong Luan and others.

   "Junior sister came out early, and it's still very lively inside." Hong Luan smiled and said:

   "A few of us have gained some gains, so I won't talk more with the younger sister."

   Then Hong Luan glanced at the people around him and moved his head.

   signaled everyone to leave quickly.

   A group of people immediately said:

   "Junior sister is out of company."

   "I have to visit Brother Lu Jian."

   Lin'an, Beifang and others immediately stepped away.

   "Sister, I'm leaving too." Lin Siya said with a smile at Ao Longyu.

   Some people don’t really understand, this seems to be a goddess, right?

Although    didn't understand, they all followed.

   In the end, only Jiang Lan and Ao Longyu were left.

   The unpopular dragon, Jiang Lan looked at Ao Longyu and thought.

   "Junior, what did he get when he waited until the end?" Ao Longyu came to Jiang Lan and leaned closer, but it was still so cold.

   "A bottle of pill, a magic technique of the Earth Kylin tribe, plus a thunder hammer." Jiang Lan took out the pill, books, and a larger thunder hammer.

   None of these things have any effect on him.

   spells are also ordinary defensive spells.

  He doesn't need it.

   But reading the books says that the Qilin tribe of the earth is standing on the ground, which is the strongest state.

   It's hard to judge the specifics.

  As a human race, unable to fully utilize the defensive skills of the Earth Kylin race.

   It is better to learn other defense techniques.

  He doesn't know how to use this kind of magic, but he has never used it.

   "It seems to be of no use to the younger brother."

   Ao Longyu looked at things and came to a conclusion.

   The resources of the Ninth Peak are all in Jiang Lan, these things are really ordinary.

   The two did not care, but went all the way to Kunlun.

   Only when passing by the inn, Ao Longyu told Jiang Lan about the injury to the Eighth Prince.

   So they plan to go in and take a look.

   After entering, Jiang Lan saw Ba Taizi sitting on the table eating peanuts.

   There is no one at the counter.

   Jiang Lan walked towards the Eight Princes.

   At this time, he saw four strands of chance on the Eight Princes, and each strand represented a god.

   Other people's chances may just be ordinary chances.

   And the fate of the Eight Princes is more special.

   I don’t know if someone else kills the Eight Princes, can they inherit the four ray of opportunities together.

   should not be possible.

   "Sister, brother-in-law, do you want to eat game?"

   Seeing Jiang Lan and Ao Longyu, the Eighth Prince immediately asked.

   He is particularly good at catching game.

   Ao Longyu looked at Jiang Lan and saw Jiang Lan shaking her head, she also shook her head, and then said the business:

   "The queen seems to be worried about your body."

   "Then I will wait for the mother to report that I am safe, and I haven't dared to approach it before." The Eight Prince said immediately.

   It was an adult’s world before, and he only dared to look far away.

   chatted for a while, the eighth Prince gave Ao Longyu a handful of peanuts and said:

   "Sister~www.readwn.com~ You go back with brother-in-law.

   It's getting dark. "

  Ao Longyu holding peanuts felt a little strange, but she agreed.

   then followed Jiang Lan and left the inn.


   There is no place for other people.

   Ao Longyu began to shrink in front of Jiang Lan.

   was a little shorter, and the obstacle blocking the line of sight in front of him also shrank back.

   Feeling that the scaling down is inconsistent, Jiang Lan thought to himself.

   "Junior Brother, do you think Ao Man doesn't like my sister?" Xiao Yu said with anger.

   then handed the peanuts to Jiang Lan.

   "Maybe he has other things to do." Jiang Lan took peanuts and said.

   did not eat.

   He basically doesn't eat.

   "Junior Brother is going back this time, is it going to start retreat again?"

   "Well, there have been some gains these days."

   "When we are all immortals, do we have to consider other things?"

   Will the child take a shell?



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