in the afternoon.

   After the boss came back, Jiang Lan left the inn with a good wine.

During   , he entered the Xinshen Inn to understand the deeper things of the Xinshen Inn.

   His current cultivation base should be able to comprehend more.

   Of course, if he had the opportunity of the last time, he would have gotten it too.

  Master reminded him so.

   What a pity.

   there is nothing.

   In the process of his comprehension, the inn boy and the Tianyu Feng clan have been trying to enter the Xinshen Inn.


   The result naturally ended in failure again and again.

   But those people in the inn have a chance.

  The boy has a complete thread, which should be won by the innkeeper.

   This ray of opportunity is connected to his unparalleled fist **** position.

   The Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan also has a thread, but it should not be connected to the gods.

   As for the Eight Princes...

   Four strands of opportunity connect the four gods.

   is unique.

   As for what it does, I don’t know for now.

   But the most common function is to speed up his control of the gods.



   "Sister, it's your turn."

   The next day. ,

   The sky was faintly bright, and Jiang Lan came to Yaochi.

   saw the normal Senior Sister Ao coming out of the water.

very nice.

   But he handed out the gourd immediately and let Senior Sister Ao fill it up.

   Normally, it is the amount of the two of them.

   Today is the day of formation.

   Yesterday, the Fifth Peak sent the formation, some details were improved by the uncle.

   is easier to be compatible with Yaochi.

   Ao Longyu, who came to Jiang Lan, took the gourd blankly, and then became smaller.

   then full of dissatisfaction:

   "Why do I have to share the share of the younger brother?"

  The dragon is long and bloody. Jiang Lan gave the answer in his heart.

   But he did not answer this question, but took out an umbrella:

   "This is the umbrella that I promised my sister last time."

   Xiao Yu looked at the umbrella, put the gourd aside, and reached out to take it.

   then opened it and took a look.

   is an ordinary umbrella.

   "Junior Brother has a bad vision." Xiao Yu said while looking at the umbrella.

   just quickly took the umbrella in his arms and smiled brightly at Jiang Lan:

   "But I like it very much."

   "And this." Jiang Lan handed the candied haws to Xiao Yu.

   Xiaoyu happily took it, and then said:

   "Well, for the sake of buying so many things for my younger brother, I'll have an extra blood."

   Jianglan: "..."

  Internal formation, you can only use the sister's own.

   Then Jiang Lan saw Xiao Yu start bleeding.

   can actually be changed back to the body, which makes bleeding easier.

   Otherwise, I look so thin and I always feel like anemia.

   Stop paying too much attention, Jiang Lan began to wander around Yaochi, using the blood of the eight princes and the others to stay in place.

   thus began to build the framework.

   Then you can begin to perfect.

   Since then, Jiang Lan has a new rhythm of life.

   At dawn, I went to Yaochi to set up an array, and it was dark back to the Nether Cave to practice.

   Ao Longyu has been practicing, occasionally following Jiang Lan, quietly accompanying him.

   Do not disturb or affect.

   Unless Jiang Lan is free.

  Because I don't have to talk, I always use a normal appearance.

   Xiaoyu told Jiang Lan that if he gets used to it, he can get along with his younger brother normally.

   can laugh, be angry, don't look cold and unfamiliar.

   Jiang Lan actually feels no stranger to a normal senior sister.

   They stand together without a sense of distance, they just speak more politely.


   Spring goes and autumn comes, and the four seasons change.

   Jianglan has been back and forth with the Ninth Peak in Yaochi for 20 years.

   During the twenty years, he set up formations during the day and practiced at night.

   Deploy to the back, and will be free for a long time.

   will watch the sunrise and sunset with the elder sister.

   Then look at the books.

   occasionally learn dragon language.

   Relatively speaking, he hates Dragon Language the most, because Xiao Yu asked him to write and practice more.

   Xiaoyu is very happy to teach.

   In twenty years, Jiang Lan's cultivation base has been steadily improving.

   The understanding of Tao is also accumulating little by little.

  Introduction of 425 years, Tianxian's initial cultivation base, although it is steadily improving, although it is faster than others in tempering the golden body.

   But it will take a long time to be promoted to the middle stage of the gods.

   Unless one's own perception of heaven and earth, cognition of the avenue, get the recognition of heaven and earth.

  In this way, the golden body will be tempered at the fastest speed.


   Jianglan sat under the peach tree and looked at the direction of the sunrise.

The sky is clouded over.

   Raindrops seem to fall at any time.

   "Looks like I can't see the sunrise anymore."

   Xiao Yu sat beside Jiang Lan and said softly.

   Normal appearance, she has gradually got used to it, but she still likes to use light rain.


  Thunder stunned.


   The rain drops.

   The sound of rain came ticking.

   Jiang Lan nodded in response, really wanting to see the sunrise.

   Just when he was about to speak, a red light appeared from the sky.

   A round of red sun highlights from the end.


   Spring thunders and spring warms, and the sun shines in the east.


   At this moment, Jiang Lan's eyes stayed on the red sun.

   The red light is shining, the sunrise is in the east, the dark clouds above the head, the front is hazy.

   The sunrise scene, everything changes.

  So, Jiang Lan's eyes seemed to have a red sun.

   A gleam of light appeared all over the body.

   Xiaoyu was a little surprised to see the sunrise, and planned to share it with his junior.

   Only when she turned her head and looked around, she found that the younger brother had closed his eyes for some time, and the aura on her body had changed.

   is epiphany.

   Xiaoyu calmed down immediately. She sat beside Jiang Lan, her knees resting on her elbows, her hands supporting her cheeks.

   His eyes stayed on Jiang Lan.

   "Junior, I have an epiphany again."

   As long as the younger brother is not optimistic, he will fall into an epiphany.

   Others don’t have an epiphany a few times in their lives, and the younger brother will come once in decades.

   is going to be an old man suddenly.

   After watching for a long time, Xiao Yu practiced peacefully beside Jiang Lan.

   This is Yaochi, her home court, no one can approach here without her permission.

   So it’s very quiet and safe.

   can make the younger brother feel at ease and have an epiphany.

   Spring goes and autumn comes, like a white horse passing a gap.

   Hua watch thousands of years, fleeting.

   Jianglan sits under the Yaochi tree, ten years after sitting.

   Xiaoyu watched it for ten years.

   also practiced with peace of mind for ten years.

   However, during the period, she will occasionally go out.

   Go to the Ninth Peak and pour the spirit liquid on the plant eggs.

   will be back soon.

at this time.

   Jianglan felt that he was standing before the sunrise, stepping on the ground under his feet, facing the sun and the moon.

   The body is in the heaven and the earth, as small as gravel.

   He suddenly felt that As long as he fits into this world, he can be recognized by heaven and earth.

   can't understand the truth of heaven and earth, so you can't blend in.

   This is the Avenue of Heaven and Earth?

   Jianglan stood in place, and understood the realm of Tianxian more thoroughly.

   Ming Wu Dao, blending into the Dao.

   is the **** of all things, the shackles of heaven and earth, and the hope of breaking the cocoon.

   At this moment, a touch of breath in the body began to appear and began to blend in.

   Seems like the time has come.

   is the chance that the inn got.

   At this time, Jiang Lan stood there, with vegetation growing under his feet, flowers blooming, and all things breeding.

   The rising sun, the setting sun.

   Jianglan looked at everything, feeling that he was standing in the middle of the road.

   looked at the texture of heaven and earth.


   The scorching sun is in the sky.

   Jiang Lan sitting in Yaochi, opened his eyes.

   "It's still worse."


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