(post first and then change)

   "Senior Sister didn't say anything, but..." Fairy Miaoyue looked at Mo Zhengdong and said:

   "If Jiang Lan was told about the wedding, did the brother think he increased his motivation or increased the pressure?"

  Mo Zhengdong thought about it and said:

  "Jiang Lan's disposition may not have any influence on him.

   But relatively speaking, there will be pressure.

   There should be motivation too. "

   "Where is the younger sister?" Fairy Miaoyue looked at Fairy Zhuqing and said.

   Naturally she asked Xiao Yu.

   "Xiao Yu is indeed a bit soft-tempered, but he is not a person who can change at will.

   Now her eyes are full of Jiang Lan, and the wedding is not stressful for her.

   It might be that Jiang Lan is under pressure. "Fairy Zhuqing said.

  Raining talent is amazing. Being a dragon is naturally better than a human.

  Of course, she is a bit normal in the dragon clan.

   But becoming an immortal is not difficult for her, let alone becoming an immortal after becoming a goddess of Yaochi.

   And she has been pressing the cultivation base, it must be for Jiang Lan, not to put pressure on Jiang Lan.

  So, the wedding is in progress.

   is tantamount to forcing Jiang Lan to become immortal as soon as possible. He can only succeed without fail.

   Jiang Lan has a good temper, but he is worried that he will be worried after all.

   Xiao Yu's heart is not as calm as Jiang Lan.

   According to Xiao Yu, Jiang Lan, like an old **** living in seclusion in the mountains, didn't care much about many things.

   If you fail to be optimistic, you will have an epiphany.

   Indeed, there are few disciples in Kunlun who can be like Jiang Lan, and after a while they fall into an epiphany.

   And I can learn it all in the mirror, which is very good.

   In terms of formation, the senior sister called it the first genius among Kunlun disciples.

   Except for the cultivation talent is not so good, other aspects are very good.

   "Well, that's more or less, there are some problems." Fairy Miaoyue said.

   "There are indeed problems, but the process still needs to be mentioned. The importance of the goddess to Kunlun is not necessary for me to say more.

   This wedding can only succeed, not fail. "Liu Jing looked at everyone and said:

   "I have a proposal."

   "What needs to be done?" Jiu Zhongtian asked while drinking.

   The first peak also smiled and said:

   "What do we need to do?"

   The wedding is not a matter of any peak, but a matter of Kunlun as a whole.

   So no matter what, they have to make sure that this thing goes on safely.

   No one can stop it.

The power of    Yaochi extends to the peaks and requires the existence of goddess.

   This will allow Kunlun to improve quickly and have other help.

   The degree of importance is enough for them to fight directly with the dragon clan to grab people.

   Everyone looked at Liu Jing.

  "Of course, the importance of the goddess does not need to be said, so we have to show enough sincerity for the wedding.

   Each peak has a strength, as a blessing.

   There are nine pillars on the Kunlun Hall, one on each peak.

   20 years, a total of one hundred and eighty years.

   At that time, Jiang Lan must have been married.

   If not, I can wait for some years.

how is it? "

   Liu Jing looked at everyone and said.

   This is simply a blessing for the new couple, and it is also a generous gift.

   "I have no opinion." Fairy Zhuqing, the third peak in the first time.

   "I have no opinion either." Mo Zhengdong also followed.

   After all, that is his disciple.

   The more you get, the better the way to go.

   Fairy Miaoyue, wearing a veil, narrowed his eyes, and said:

   "We are only nine of us, it's not fair.

   Didn’t you say that the master teacher has been moving recently?

   Add him. "

   "When the head teacher joins, no one has any opinions.

I agree. "The first Feng said with a smile.

   "I have no objection, you decide." Jiu Zhongtian continued to drink his wine.

  He doesn't participate in some of these.

   Usually everyone finds him.

   "We have no opinion on this side, so the fourth peak, sixth peak, and seventh peak will agree by default." Liu Jing said.

   "Then start from my side." First Fengfeng said with a smile.

   Starting from the first peak, it lights up the nine pillars of the Kunlun Hall.

   The wedding of the goddess, they are not stingy.



   Jianglan came to Yaochi.

  The things are ready, you can proceed with the arrangement.

   There is no problem with the blood.

   As for the Ba country, he didn't think about it for the time being, because he was still a little far away.

   When the formation of the senior sister is completed, the state of Ba will not necessarily start the sacrifice.

  ‘I forgot to ask a question, the name of Emperor Youdu, how did they think of it. ’

   Jiang Lan thought in his heart.

   Wushuang Fist God, shouldn't be at the same level as Youdu Great?

   Without thinking about it, Jiang Lan began to arrange the formation.

   Sister is practicing.

   said that she can’t peek at her in the water.


   Jianglan came to Yaochi, and he also started to practice.

   Array formation is usually carried out during the day.

   But he glanced at Yaochi.

   discovered that Senior Sister Ao was actually hovering in the water on her knees.

   His hair was floating with the water in Yaochi.

   Is this the performance of dragons huddling together? Jiang Lan thought to himself.

  The dragon on the plate.

should be.

   Then he came under the tree, closed his eyes and started practicing.

   He is tempering the golden body, so he will not be noticed.

  The power of Tao wanders in the body, tempering the body.

   is much smoother than before, and it's a lot faster.

   It’s like using a small stream in the past, but now it’s a river.

   Speed ​​is not the same.

   If this continues, it should not be difficult to come to Tianxian Consummation in 400 years.

   It's only four hundred years, which is a little far away for him.

   At present, it is to let the surface repair base, and An Rang enters the immortal.

   Now I have entered 435 years, which is about 36 years.

   The first layer is repaired to the mid-stage of returning to the void, and the second layer is repaired to the late stage of returning to the void.

   It stands to reason that there are still one hundred and fifty years to be promoted.

   So he needs to go out for one hundred and forty years, and then spend a few years to return to Kunlun when he started 580 years ago.

   At that time, I was a fairy.

   can wait for marriage.

   The speed of advancement is several years faster than the Kunlun Genius.

   But it doesn't matter.

   There is no need to drag.

  Because he is in the same class as normal, it is impossible to see through his second level of cultivation.

  Several peak owners have seen through and there is no problem.

  In other words, it was deliberately showing them the second layer.

   Jiang Lan never left Yaochi during the days of Xiaoyu's retreat.

   Because once I leave, I will disturb Sister Ao~www.readwn.com~ so I can’t retreat normally.

   practicing together here will solve all the problems.

   Jianglan often changes training positions.

   But in the corner of Yaochi, I feel quite suitable.

   seems to have been cleaned up.

   "Sister did it?"

   Jiang Lan was a little puzzled, and didn't think much about it.

   After that, Jiang Lan made formations during the day and practiced at night.

   Before practicing, he habitually took a look at Ao Longyu who was retreating in the water.

   She always hugs her knees, like a helpless girl.

   But from the side to the face, there is no problem with the look.

   I feel that my chest is close to my knees, isn't it stuffy?

  When the dragon is circling, there is no such trouble, right?

   It should be too. The dragon's leg is broken, and the legs crossed the pillars seem to be not easy to put.

   People can open their arms, can dragons?

   shouldn't work, right?

   Have a chance to try.

   Jiang Lan glanced at the senior sister again, and felt that there were many things different from people in the dragon.



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