"There are indeed some differences, so this time there may be new changes in the entrance of the Netherworld."

  Mo Zhengdong was not surprised by this, and continued:

  "For example, there will be a sound, or some small things will come out.

   Little things are nothing, but the sound..."

   Seeing Jiang Lan a little puzzled, Mo Zhengdong reminded:

  "That may be the real temptation, completely different from the Mind Illusion.

   Can it bear it? "

   Jiang Lan was silent for a moment when he asked the master's question.

   then nodded:

   "Want to try."

He has also heard the    voice, if it is just similar, there is no danger.

   But he will not be too self-confident in himself, he needs to be prepared, nothing less.

   And I hope Master can pay attention at any time.

   Prevent him from falling into it.

   Although he has already cultivated in the initial stage of Tianxian, although he has realized the great path to perfection.

   But everything is not enough for the following conclusion.

   Sometimes the stronger, the easier it is to have ideas and be confused.

  "Well, if something goes wrong, the teacher will pull you out.

   But becoming immortal is imminent, don't try to be strong. "Mo Zhengdong said.

   "Yes." Jiang Lan nodded in response.

  He is not going to be strong.

   It's about his own safety, he won't mess around.

   Even if it is not life-threatening, I will treat it with caution.

   "I haven't been out for many years, right?"

   After talking about the more important things, Mo Zhengdong went back to the more common things.

   In addition to some necessary actions.

   Jianglan never went out again.

   If it weren't for the frequent appearance of goddesses, his disciple might face some mental dangers.

   Sometimes success also leads to xinxing, and failure also leads to xinxing.

   "The disciple will take a time to go out and practice again." Jiang Lan replied.

   He really wants to go out again.

  Mo Zhengdong was quite surprised.

   Going out to experience?

   The ordinary disciple was eager to go out to practice, and his own disciple said this, which made him feel a little absurd.

   Almost five hundred years ago, I went out to experience once.

   even went out a long way.

   I'm going out again now.

   can't believe it.

   But it’s good to be able to come out again.

   Know more about the outside world so that you can have an accurate positioning of yourself.

   Prevent going astray.


   Jiang Lan, who returned to the yard, did not practice, just took out the mirror and looked at it.

  He is waiting for dawn.

   After dawn, head to Yaochi to watch the elder sister cross the catastrophe.

   just turned a few pages.

   He buttoned up the book again.

   "Some can't concentrate, is it nervous?"

   Jiang Lan looked at the hand holding the book, with a trace of doubt.

   He will hardly have this situation.

   can't enter the book, can't practice.

   has some concerns in my heart.

   is to care whether the elder sister succeeded in crossing the catastrophe.

   There was no sign of this when he went through the catastrophe by himself.

   In the end, Jiang Lan didn't think much, but jumped to the roof.

   He lay on the roof and looked at the sky.

   At this time, the stars are shining, like the Milky Way.

   This look is one night.

   When the stars fade away, when the night leaves the stage.

   A ray of red light broke into Jiang Lan's eyes.

Its daybreak.

   At this time, a message came to him, it was Yaochi watching the ceremony.

   View the goddess crossing the robbery.

   Without hesitation, Jiang Lan raised his sword and followed Chaoyang towards Yaochi.

  When he left the ninth peak, he saw sword light appearing on all peaks in Kunlun.

   It seems that every peak has one or two people to watch the ceremony.


   A dragon chant sounded from behind.

   Jiang Lan turned his head and looked around, and found a dragon coming here.

When    approaches, the dragon will directly transform into a human appearance.

   is a young man with a sunny breath.

  Eight Prince.

   "Brother-in-law." Ao Man came to Jiang Lan with a smile on his face.

   "Eight Princes go to Yaochi?" Jiang Lan Yujian moved forward.

   did not stop.

   "Sister crosses the robbery today, come and have a look." Eight Prince and Jiang Lan maintained the same speed.

   "Brother-in-law, the last time I went out..." He said again about the Demon Clan he had encountered before.

   Including the dialogue between the monsters and theirs, as well as the battle.

   But about Wushuang Quanshen, I didn't dare to say it directly, but rather vaguely.

   and was rescued by the Qilin Clan of the Earth, he also said.

   Jiang Lan looked at the Eight Princes a little curious:

   "In the end, the Qilin Clan of the Earth really sent the Eight Princes to the inn?"

  According to the Eight Princes, this Qilin Clan of the Earth is the one who is often beaten by them.

   is the one who gets lost.

   "She vowed to tell me Know Lu. If I hadn't woke up the next day, I would probably have been captured by Kunlun people." The Eight Prince was very helpless.

  The Qilin tribe of the earth can't get out of Kunlun normally. When it's time to go to Kunlun, they can go farther and farther.

  "Later, I finally arrived at the inn. Fortunately, I had a good relationship with the boy, otherwise he would cheat me out of the money I had earned for a hundred years.

   black shop. "The Eighth Prince is a little lucky.

   But entering the inn is safe.

   Others can't get in even with money.

   He still has a bit of face.

   Jianglan naturally knew that the innkeeper might be as powerful as the nine peak masters.

   after a moment.

   They came outside Yaochi.

   There used to be a cloud of fog in Yaochi, but today the fog is dispersed, and you can see the situation in Yaochi from a distance.

   At this time, Jiang Lan saw Ao Longyu sitting on the edge of Yaochi, as if waiting for the catastrophe to arrive.

   "The state is very good, there is no problem with the formation, there should be no accidents."

   After watching for a while, Jiang Lan had the answer in his heart.

   As long as the senior sister successfully overcomes the catastrophe, he can also practice with peace of mind.

   At this time, Ao Longyu was in a normal appearance, and the wind was blowing the ends of her hair. When Jiang Lan arrived, she seemed to feel a sense and opened her eyes to look in Jiang Lan's direction.

   After confirming Jiang Lan's arrival, she breathed a sigh of relief.

   Then prepare to cross the robbery.

   At the same time, one or two disciples from each peak came from Yujian.

  The first peak Lin'an.

   The second wind north.

   The third peak Red Luan and Lin Siya.

   These people, who are often active disciples, all come to watch.

   Jianglan represents the Ninth Peak, but unlike these people, he is to see the robbery.

   Other people are watching normally.

   Or to witness the goddess becoming immortals.

   "It should be about to start." Fairy Miaoyue and others stood in the endless sky.

   They are naturally to ensure safety.

   The fairy of dawn of the sixth peak, UU reading www.uukānshu.com also specially came here today.

   in case of accidents.

   Kunlun Nine Peaks, came the second, third, fifth, sixth, and eighth, and five peak owners.

   The first and the ninth are to guard the things they need to guard.

   can't get out.

   Otherwise, there will be seven peak masters.

   This is enough to show the importance of the goddess to Kunlun.


   Jieyun began to appear at this time.

   Ao Longyu stood up from Yaochi.

   The catastrophe comes, she needs to cross the catastrophe.

   This time she has enough confidence to survive the catastrophe.

   Jiang Lan watched from a distance, he stared at the sky.

   The catastrophe has not changed, it is a normal catastrophe.

   As long as it is not abnormal, the problem is not big.

   Just after Jieyun appeared, other things appeared around the sky.

   Someone is spying on the surrounding secrets.

   "Sure enough, someone is eyeing Senior Sister, they want to make sure it is Senior Sister Crossing the Tribulation?"



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