(Post first and then correct, there may be a lot of typos. You can wait 20 minutes)

   Hearing this question, Jiang Lan remained calm.

Is it normal?

   is actually normal, because Kunlun walks in front of everyone.

   Many people are guessing, and when it comes to the Wuxian Conference, many people have the answer.

   Although it was only a side speculation, they all felt that Kunlun was walking in front of everyone.

   are all catching up.

   Of course, no one dares to directly attack Kunlun.

   has fallen behind. If you come back at this time, it may not be behind, but...


   Without a **** position, it is roughly equivalent to being eliminated by the big forces.

   This is not what they want.

   But the dragons are testing Kunlun for this reason.

   Everyone ordered it, but Kunlun who was so tough had no response at all.

   This is what Ao Ye said when he was drunk.

   At that time, Jiang Lan didn't know Emperor Xihe, and didn't know why the major forces fought against each other.

   When he knew Emperor Xihe, he knew the existence of the gods.

   Then he understood.

   Kunlun walked fast, faster than everyone.

   I even felt like I couldn't catch up.

   Of course, the lead at the beginning is nothing. If you stagnate behind, you will always be caught up.

   even came from behind.

   But from the contacts of these years, Emperor Xihe has not been caught up.

   Jiang Lan didn't understand what he did.

   can't even guess at all.

   The gap is too big.

   These people discussing the situation in the great famine did not know why Kunlun was so quiet.

   They discussed other:

   "Speaking of Goddess becoming a fairy, do you know?"

   "What happened to the goddess becoming a fairy?

Any questions?

   But I don't know what the goddess looks like, and I have never seen her.

   I only heard you say. "

   "It doesn't matter what the goddess looks like. What's important is that the goddess becomes a fairy and thinks that the marriage contract can be fulfilled."

   "Fulfill the engagement? What do you mean?"

   "You don't know? In fact, the goddess has a marriage contract early in the morning, and the marriage contract is the younger brother of Ninth Peak."

   Hearing this topic, Jiang Lan turned and left without listening.

   Xiaoyu became a fairy, which reminds people of the marriage contract.

   These years are probably when I talked about the disciples of Ninth Peak again.

   More, still criticized.

   There is a certain possibility that someone will use this to make people slander the Ninth Peak.

   When the news is heard, it can put pressure on him.

   After going through the catastrophe, it may fail to withstand the pressure and fail.

in this way...

   can destroy him easily.

   Kill people and kill the heart.

   It’s just that those people may be disappointed, not to mention that he has already become an immortal, even if he is not an immortal, he would not take this to heart.

   Of course, if those people dare to deliberately use the title.

  The people of the second peak, it's time to send the list.

   His failure to cross the robbery affected Yao Chi.

   Kunlun will not sit idly by.

   Unless it's not a spy.

   In this case, he can't interfere with the second share, it all depends on his own ability.

   Is there such a person?


a lot of.

   But there should be more rational people.


   When I returned to the Ninth Peak, it was already dark.

   He went to many places and listened to many people's discussions.

  The people of the Dragon Clan no longer intervene in anything other than Si Ming.

   The demon clan also returned some people, but they couldn't be beaten by Pakistan and had to continue the war.

   Pakistan is fearless and already has an advantage.

   "It seems that after the gods are useful, one by one begins to converge, and even gathers strength."

   "The same goes for Kunlun."

   What is the specific reason, Jiang Lan couldn't get the answer.

   is best to get promoted as soon as possible.

   He intends to continue his cultivation, and he will be promoted to the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal before the entrance of the Netherworld has caused problems.

   In such a danger, I can be more calm.

   Nether Cave.

   Jiang Lan sat cross-legged and began to temper her golden body.

  The power of Tao flows through the body, and in his mind he stands between the heaven and the earth.

   seems to have become a part of the world.

   This piece of heaven and earth is the way of enlightenment.

   just did not go to thoroughly confirm.

   is easy to cause anomalies.

   The time goes by, and the Chinese watch for thousands of years.

   Jianglan stood in the world of Tao, feeling everything in the body.

   Watching the flesh tempered and transformed into a golden body.

   When he saw the last part of flesh and blood being tempered and transformed, he felt a little pain.

  Xiang force moved the Dao, from the flesh to the Baimai.

   is the process of promotion. Once the transfer fails, it is equal to the failure of promotion.

  So, the consequences are unpredictable.

   may need to recuperate for a period of time, and subsequent refining will require a huge price.

   did not dare to be distracted.

   Jianglan gathered all his minds in Baimai, making Baimai begin to accept the force of the immortal force to pull the Dao.

   After a long time, a force began to transfer from flesh and blood to Baimai.

   Spend a little bit to transfer successfully.


   New power bursts out of the hundred veins.

   The strength of the golden body began to show.

   mid-celestial immortality.


   So far Jiang Lan opened his eyes.

   It took him nine years to get the middle stage of the gods.

   Only in this way was promoted successfully. In the past nine years, except for seeing Xiao Yu, he has never left the Ninth Peak.

  Introduction 470 years.

   mid-celestial immortality.



   "Promoting before the Great Eruption of the Nether Entrance, the follow-up will be much easier."

   There is a big gap between the early days of the gods and the middle stages of the gods.

   After the mid-term, I began to have the power of the golden body, which is why the Consummation can be so strong.

   Dealing with many things now will be much easier.

   Of course, what can't be dealt with is still unable to deal with it.

   But the people who will target him at present should rarely exceed Tianxian.

   seldom even surpasses the real fairy.

   Then he will be much safer.

   Of course, every time he makes a shot, he will not be arrogant.

   Once a mistake occurs, it may usher in irreversible consequences.

   Maintain the original intention and fully deal with any enemy.

   Even if it’s just refining qi.

   cannot be underestimated.





   The two figures in the ice cicada forest are trying hard to avoid the attack.

   It's just that there are a lot of blood on the body.

  "Don’t the people of the Celestial race stay here without a purpose?

   Why can't we cooperate? "

   The two demon clan dodged the bombardment, and tried to explore.

   However, the response to them was still a powerful attack.


   The power spread, and the two real monsters of the monster race had to avoid them with all their strength. UU reading www.ukahnshu.com may stay here forever if they are not careful.

  "Don’t the people of the Celestial Race worry that the attack here will be discovered?

   Someone will pass by here, and someone will pay attention to it.

   Kunlun did not manage the surrounding area very much, but there are enemies lurking, even if they don't want to manage, they will do it.

   If this continues, it will be no good to you or me. "

   The eagle-eyed man continued to speak.

   He at least found each other by accident.

   I didn't expect to be targeted directly, to kill them.

   can't understand how the other person thinks.

   From the opponent's eyes, he didn't see the slightest emotion.

   is like a puppet.

   But it doesn’t feel like it again.


   The bombardment continued for a while, and the two monster races all avoided one by one, but when they avoided everything, they thought they could escape.

   suddenly stopped.

   Because they found that Celestial Race appeared in front of them.

   "You have some value."



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