"The goddess has become a fairy, is there any pressure?"

   At the top of the ninth peak, Mo Zhengdong took the good wine and asked Jiang Lan.

   In more than a hundred years, his disciple should also overcome the catastrophe.

   So I need to ask.

   can at least know the general situation.

   "Yes, there are some." Jiang Lan said.

   There are indeed some, and he is not sure what will happen then.

   In a hundred years, it will actually be the eruption period of the Nether Portal.

   There may be a lot of troubles, so it’s a little bit stressful.

   Going out to experience, there is indeed a crisis if you are not careful.

   "Some?" Mo Zhengdong was quite curious.

   "Master knows that crossing the robbery will not disappear, and some pressure is due." Jiang Lan said with his head lowered.

  Mo Zhengdong smiled and didn't ask any more questions:

   "What about marrying a goddess?

   Is there any pressure? "

   "Master, do you have this kind of experience?" Jiang Lan asked.

   He never asked about Master’s feelings.

   It happened that the master asked.

   "If you are curious about how to get along with the goddess, you can ask Master Zhuqing of the Third Peak and Master Miaoyue of the Fifth Peak, they may know something." Mo Zhengdong said.

There's none?

   Jiang Lan had a decision in his heart.

   Although I want to ask Master if he has other opinions about Master Miaoyue, but...

   is too early.

   "Recently, the entrance of Netherworld has begun to enter a big eruption, remember to pay more attention." Mo Zhengdong reminded.

   He believes that Jiang Lan will be wary, but he still needs to be reminded.

   No matter how savvy people are, there may be a lack of reminders.

   "Yes, Master." Jiang Lan nodded in response.


   After returning from the master, Jiang Lan entered the Nether Cave.

   As soon as he entered, he felt a strong breath of darkness.

   is thicker than ever, and even more refined.

   is of great benefit to cultivation.

   However, there may be dangers.

   Of course, for many people, this is already a very dangerous place. Among the same generation, no one else can enter.

   does not rule out someone like him, hiding somewhere to practice.

   Never underestimate the unknown.

   Blind self-confidence is conceited.

   Inside the Nether Cave, Jiang Lan sat down cross-legged and began to familiarize himself with the current realm.

  Nine steps in the sky, the power of nine cows, all I want to be familiar with.

   With the increase in strength, these spells have been strengthened.

   Some spells cannot keep up with changes in strength.

   At most, the power becomes stronger, forcing the spell to become stronger.

   And the amplitude is not that high.

   seems to have reached the upper limit.

   The power of nine cows is different, as if it will always improve with the realm.

   Some spells were able to fight against the mid-level of the golden core in his early golden core.

   When he reached the Queen of Humans, he lost this power.

   can only reach the same period of time.

   is the strength of the realm itself.

   The mystery, not the magic spell, brings power increase.

   But the power of nine cows is different, and it can always keep up with the realm itself.

  In the early stage of the golden core, it can fight in the mid-term.

   Even in the middle stage of the fairy tale, it still gives him a feeling that he can challenge the latter stage.

   Although it just feels...

   But this feeling has existed since he built the foundation until now in the middle of the fairy tale.

   and once transformed into the power of nine calamities.

   Then he thinks he might be able to kill in the later stage.

   But it's hard to say when facing Consummation, he faced it once in the early days of Tianxian.

   It feels like it's not an opponent at all.

   Maybe after the golden body is completed, there will be more improvements.


   Netherworld entrance breath overflows faster and faster as time goes by.

   Jianglan had been in the Nether Cave for two years, and he felt his breath doubled.

   The speed of his cultivation has also improved a bit.

   can't talk about how fast, but at his level, even the last year is a huge improvement.

   Because of his advanced speed, he has been squeezed to the extreme.

   In two to three hundred years, there is hope to reach Consummation and be promoted to the ultimate immortal.

   In two years, Jiang Lan has been familiar with all the spells in the current realm.

   Make sure that you are at your peak.

   then began to practice day after day.

   Except for giving Senior Sister Wooden Sword the true meaning of slashing the dragon, he seldom left the Nether Cave.

   didn't spend time reading, because the nether aura is too strong, and his cultivation will benefit him enough.


   Jianglan went out to water the plant eggs, and when he returned to the nether cave, he planned to continue practicing.

   But, suddenly I felt a chattering.

   I listened carefully, and all I heard was Wushuang Fist God.

   He knew that the Ba Kingdom’s sacrifice had begun.

   sat cross-legged in the thatched hut in the nether cave, to check the point on the god's position.

  Sure enough, the dots belonging to the Aoki of Ba country were shining brightly.

   "I have had a deal with Pakistani country fortune, it seems that the day to cash it out should be today."

   If all goes well, he may directly control the position of God.

   From now on, I don’t need to regain my position and worry about it.

Not smooth...

   can only think of other ways.

   Or take time to boil it down to complete control.

When    checked, Jiang Lan took out the mountain and sea mirror.

   Without Shanhaijing, he would not be able to see the situation in Pakistan, let alone respond to the situation there.

   Not long.

  The scene of the mountain and sea mirror began to appear. This time the scene is not as unique as before, as if there are many scenes converging.

   He chose the scene where Aoki was.

   There is the clearest scene.

   is a huge town, and countless people gather in the square.

There are still two stone statues at the top of the square.

   One stands with his hand held, and the other strikes with a fist.

   Youdu Great Emperor and Wushuang Fist God.

   Then he saw some sacrifices placed around, plus unintelligible items.

   "According to the ghost of Pakistan, I just need to cast a spell to rain."

   "So, is this asking for rain?"

   Jianglan looked at other places and found that Pakistan is indeed a bit dry.

   Although Pakistan was originally arid, it is now more serious.


   With his strength, it is simply not enough to rain in the entire Pakistan.

   hesitated for a moment, he planned to respond in one place first.

   If you want to achieve sufficient results, it must be raining all over Pakistan.

   He can't do it, doesn't mean that the other person can't do it.

   Youdu Great Emperor's **** position wants to sit down~www.readwn.com~, you must rely on the power of Pakistan.

   They are taking shortcuts, so they must exert enough effort.

   Jiang Lan looked at Shan Hai Jing and did not respond immediately, but was waiting, waiting for their sacrifice to the critical moment.

   At this time, an old man stood in front of the stone statue, raised his hands, and heard a voice:

  "Respected Emperor Youdu, the invincible and great Wushuang Fist God, please cast your eyes and listen to our pious thoughts.

   Please rain and dew for the people of Pakistan, and continue the vitality of Pakistan. "

   "Please rain and dew for the people of Pakistan, and continue the vitality of Pakistan."

   "Please rain and dew for the people of Pakistan, and continue the vitality of Pakistan."


   The huge request came to Jiang Lan's ears.

   His **** position has nothing to do with incense, but the actions of the kingdom of Pakistan did affect his **** position.

   may be causality.

   His godhood came from the kingdom of Pakistan, and the cause he owed was to pay off enough after all.

   At this moment, Jiang Lan stretched out his hand and placed it on the mirror of mountains and seas, and his spells began to condense.

   "Turning the clouds and raining."



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