Above the Kunlun Temple.

   A middle-aged man stands on the edge of the mountain, looking at the sky with the wind blowing.

  The corners of the clothes with red patterns move with the wind.

   "It's a good deal.

   directly lost traces, just don’t know where to hide. "

   At this time, the demon dragon on his shoulder squeaked twice, as if expressing his opinion.

"find out?"

   The middle-aged man smiled:

  "Not to, not to.

   Since he is from Kunlun, he is his own.

   If Kunlun can't accommodate Kunlun people, who can it accommodate?

   That will stop. "

   The demon dragon squeaked twice, then buried his head in front of his paws and touched his head.

   seems to be talking about the previous experience.


   It's just a knock, how can I not tolerate you?

   Besides, you are not a real monster dragon. "



   Nether Cave.

   Jiang Lanmen suddenly opened his eyes.

   subconsciously began to gasp, as if something made him out of breath.

   Waiting to recover some.

   He just grabbed his head with his hands, trying to remember the situation just now.

   "I felt like I was going to be torn apart by some force."

   "Old Imperial Palace?"

   He remembered very clearly that he wanted to step into the ancient Imperial Palace, and then suffered a huge impact.

   With his strength, he couldn't bear it, and was finally forced to retreat.

   He could see where his eyes were before, but when he looked more, he was just bounced back.

   I don’t feel like this this time.

   But there is indeed a difference between the two.

   Moreover, he saw a very clear picture.

   The palace is shattering, everything is collapsing.

   "Do those pictures refer to the ancient Imperial Palace?"

   Jiang Lan was a little puzzled, but no one could answer his questions.

   But the possibility is very high.

  Because there are indeed cracks on the gate.

   can collapse at any time.

   is undoubtedly telling people that the ancient imperial palace is not complete.

   can be more, it is Jiang Lan's blind spot.

   The strength is not enough, after all, it is impossible to know too much.


   Suddenly, there was a roar from the endless sky, coming from above the gods.

   "Someone is about to get the throne of God, is the kingdom of Pakistan?"

   Jianglan is more inclined to the kingdom of Ba, because he has indeed completely controlled the position of God after he just finished responding.

   This method should also be good for Pakistan.

   Therefore, the most likely country is Pakistan.

   I just don’t know the result for the time being.

   Unlike Sulu Demon Ancestor, the position of God this time is not so fast.

   has to wait for a while.

   is similar to Cangyuan Zulong.

   The dragons waited for several years, and the Ba country should also want it.

   This is not too slow.

   There are already signs after all.

other people...

   roughly has only one chance, or even nothing.

   It should be a long way off to gain the position of God.

   such as the Celestial Race and the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Race.

   There must be something wrong with them, otherwise, how can there be no gains from one party for hundreds of years?

   No longer thinking about this, Jiang Lan began to adjust his interest rate, allowing himself to recover.

   Only in this way can I continue to practice.

   The babbling sounds of Pakistan came from time to time.

   will not affect his practice.

   After all, he has completely controlled the position of God at this time.

   He can clearly feel that the influence of his **** position has disappeared from his body.

   Today, he will not be aware of his general position by anyone who has the position of God.

   The distance of watching and listening has also become farther.

How far    is, it is impossible to determine.

   Of course, no matter how far away, as long as he has a mountain and sea mirror, he can observe it.

   Within the distance, as long as someone recites his name, he can cast his gaze over it.

   After controlling the position of God, some things are really convenient.

   However, the specifics have not changed much.

   The biggest change is that it can be hidden from now on, and no longer worry about knowing the approximate location.

   So I feel more at ease.

   Although many people know that he is in Kunlun, no one is sure whether he will leave after he no longer has a general location.

   After the battle for the position of God is over, it will be much harder to find him to vacate the position of God.

  This is tantamount to being out of a great crisis.

   Going out a hundred years later, there is no need to worry about anything.

   I made a good deal of luck with Ba Guoguo.

   Of course, the luck of Pakistan is absolutely not lost, he should be able to walk ahead of others.


   Spring goes to autumn.

  Time flows like fine sand between fingers.

   Three years, it passed away suddenly.


  The Eighth Prince who was about to leave Kunlun to go to the inn, watched the second light appeared in the Kunlun Hall.

   "The last time it appeared was twenty years ago, it seems that it was indeed a bundle in twenty years."

   At this time, two beams of light stand in the Kunlun Hall.

   Everyone can see it.

   It’s just that no one knows what the use of these lights is.

   It takes twenty years for each peak to condense a light, which is enough to determine the importance of this matter.

   After all, the whole journey will take one hundred and eighty years.

   Such a long time span.

How can    be a trivial matter?

   "Eight Princes?"

   came from the road with an imperial sword, and fell beside the Eight Prince.

   "Senior Lujian, are you going out?" The Eight Prince immediately smiled and said.

   They are very familiar.

   When getting along with the road, Ba Taizi feels very comfortable.

   The wine is good, and I never buy game on credit.

   Some people just don’t work, and they put him on credit every day, such as Uncle Ao Ye.

  The wine is poor, and it’s on credit.

  Eight princes doubted whether Uncle Ao Ye drank alcohol and drank all the Lingshi.

   After all, good wine is not cheap at all.

   "There seems to be something going on in the ice cicada forest recently. It may be the last time the Demon Clan. Go and see if you can find it." Lu Jian said.

   He hadn't done it for a long time, and he wanted to do it.

   "By the way, Brother Lu Jian knows what the light of the Kunlun Hall is for?"

   "Beam? There are nine channels in this one. How many years after nine channels?"

   "One hundred and forty years?"

   "One hundred and forty years later, what will be the date?"

   "What day?"

   "What is your brother-in-law's cultivation?"

   Hearing this, the Eight Prince was taken aback and said:

   "It turned out to be this, Kunlun is really a big deal."

   smiled between the roads, and then said:

   "Order a good wine for me, I'll go to the ice cicada forest to see."

   Waiting for the eight princes to respond, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com and went outside with the sword.



   "Someone has started to notice the ice cicada forest, what you did is too obvious."

   Fei Yuan looked at the white-clothed man of the Celestial Race and said in a low voice.

  "It's just to increase the chance of success. The surroundings are ready, and you can do it tonight.

   Success or failure depends on how determined you are.

   It's impossible to be successful if you are afraid of the first and the last. "

   The white-clothed man of the Celestial Race stood in the air, his eyes had no emotion, no color.

   It seems that everything you do is nothing.

   Others are frightened, he has no fluctuations.

   Others are afraid of fear, and he will not have the slightest strange emotions.

   As if losing emotion.

   "That is to say, we must be determined to die before we can definitely gain something?" Fei Yuan asked when looking at the Celestial Race.

   "Otherwise?" The white-clothed man of the Celestial Race lowered his eyebrows and looked at Fei Yuan, and said:

   "This is Kunlun."



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