where the mind is.

   The original black shadow seemed to be distorted.

   The body shivered subconsciously.

   then tried to stabilize.

   He was a little shocked, at that moment he didn't even know what he saw.

   But he knew that he was bound to die.


   made him afraid to go out.

   If he hadn't had only one gaze to get out, he would most likely have died outside.

   Then he looked at Jiang Lan.

   "Only by using this person now can I get out safely."

   "Pull him into the netherworld."

   At this moment, the surrounding black shadows began to attack vigorously, and it was bound to leave Jiang Lan behind and become one of them.

   It's better to stay outside.

   In this way, they can have a chance to go out.

   Jiang Lan looked at these people, did not disrupt the rhythm, but continued to use his hands to defeat these people.

   defeated again and again, appeared again and again.

   The opponent did not stop, and Jiang Lan did not make a mistake.

   The shadows have never diminished, and his fists have never weakened.

   The two sides started a war of attrition.



  Mo Zhengdong stood at the entrance of the Nether Cave.

   He looked at the sky and the white clouds.

   Sun and moon alternate, and the four seasons change.

During the    Jiuzhongtian visited once, only exchanged a few words and then turned back.

   Three years have passed away like flowing water.

   A new change appeared in the Nether Cave today.

   Five years have passed since Jiang Lan was involved in the entrance of Netherworld.

   In the past five years, Jiang Lan has remained stable.

   So Mo Zhengdong never moved his hand back to Jiang Lan.

   He has been waiting for new changes.

   But the eruption from the entrance of the Nether, it is also about to retreat from the peak.


   seems to retreat a bit fast.

   "Suddenly missing a little and a half."

  Mo Zhengdong looked at the diminished ghostly breath, feeling a little strange.

   then turned to look at Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan's state has changed at this time, and everything around him has stabilized.

   Even when the ghost breath approaches, it will slow down.

  "The mood changes once again, and it can even affect the surrounding breath.

   Transcendence into the holy, all things into the mirror.

Once    becomes an immortal, he should be able to walk quickly. "

  Mo Zhengdong was a little relieved.

   My own disciple is too good.

   He didn't do much, as long as he pushed Jiang Lan into a fairy, it was enough.

   For Jiang Lan, becoming a fairy is the most difficult.

  Because after becoming an immortal, the limitation of cultivation talent will be much less.

After    True Immortal, Dao is the foundation.

   After that, if he lacks outstanding talent for cultivation, he can no longer restrain him.

   The future will be far away.

   The changes in the entrance of the netherworld should also be related to Jiang Lan's state of mind, and many things have happened in it.

   Jiang Lan needs to deal with the internal affairs, and the external affairs...

   No, as long as Mo Zhengdong stands on the Ninth Peak, nothing outside will affect Jiang Lan.

   After confirming the general problem, Mo Zhengdong left the Nether Cave.

   Originally planned to bring Jiang Lan back in five years, so it seemed that it was no longer necessary.

   This is not a catastrophe for Jiang Lan, but an opportunity.

   is a rare experience.


at the same time.

   Jiang Lan stood on the ruins, watching the dark shadows around him who refused to come over.

   Peace of mind.

   There are no waves.

   In three years, he has become more and more courageous, invincible and invincible.

   His strength has never been weak, and his mood has never wavered.

  He stood there like an indestructible rock.

   cannot be shaken, unattainable.

   "Are you really human?"

  The black shadows shrank on the edge and did not dare to come out. They absorbed countless auras and kept fighting each other.

   But not only did the opponent not weaken, but they also got stronger as they fought.

   The opponent is getting stronger, and they are naturally getting stronger.


   They felt desperate.

   This human being is like a high wall, unable to break through, unable to climb.

   Jiang Lan looked at the other party, lowering his eyebrows.

   This nether powerhouse is not that strong.

   is not the same as the one he met for the first time.

   But he found that he had a limit after all.

   There is no way to persevere indefinitely, it's just that the other party persists for a shorter time.

   "You are defeated."

   Jiang Lan said.

   As he said, he went in the direction of the shadow.

   At this time, all the shadows are retreating, and some even want to retreat.

   After playing for so many years, they were finally beaten out of fear.

   Soon, Jiang Lan came to the edge of the ruins. He turned to look at a group of shadows not far away and said:

   "I'm going back, do you want to do it?"

   The shadow looked at Jiang Lan viciously, and finally squeezed out two words from the corner of his mouth:

   "No delivery."

   is over, everything is over.

   They couldn't keep each other behind.

   So human.

   Somewhat beyond expectation.

   Jiang Lan turned and left.

   "Human." Suddenly the shadow stopped Jiang Lan, and after Jiang Lan turned around, he continued:

   "Do you know the heavens?"

   Jiang Lan did not answer, but looked at each other.

   Heaven, the only thing he understands is that the first peak may have an entrance to the heaven.

   The ninth peak is connected to Nether, and the first peak should be connected to the heavens.

   He asked the master, and the master said that once the cultivation level is reached, he can find out.

   So far, he has never understood.

   "You better find out." Sombra said.

   Then Jiang Lan watched them sink into the edge.

   disappeared above the ruins.

   didn't think much, and didn't plan to understand.

   At least not now.

  Wait for the time to come, then you can understand.

   He is still weak, and he has not yet come into contact with these things.

   After all, no one knows what the purpose of the strong ghost is.

   If you listen to the other party, learn about the heavenly realm, which is beyond recognition.

   No one is sure what the consequences will be.

   If you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss.

   The necessary precautions must be taken.


   Jiang Lan walked into the border, he knew he could go back.

   The eruption at the entrance of the nether world has begun to fade, especially since those people have absorbed a lot of breath.

   Then he has the possibility of going out.

   Otherwise, continue to wait.

   When he walked out of his mind, he in the Nether Cave slowly opened his eyes.

   At this time, he looked around and found that he saw the well in the Nether Cave and saw some traces of the formation.

   But I didn't care too much.

   but to determine whether he has come back.

   After a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief.

   finally out of danger.

   At this time, his face became pale~www.readwn.com~ and his breath became weak.

   is caused by long-term consumption, the moment the mind returns, the impact will return to the body.

   So actually he has limits.

   Once the limit is exceeded, the load on the body is fatal when it comes back.

   Fortunately, the opponent also has limits.

  So, he is only weaker.

   Taking a deep breath, Jiang Lan began to recover.

   He has no idea of ​​going to the yard to practice, and the entrance to the netherworld can no longer threaten him.

   There is no need to leave.

   Three months later.

   Jiang Lan opened his eyes.

  'S breath has recovered, and his face is no longer pale.

   returned to the peak state.

   Then he got up and left the Nether Cave.

  I've been in retreat here for so long, so I have to see my senior sister.

  Zhanlong's true meaning hasn't been blessed for a long time. Last time, it was specially blessed for two years.

   But this retreat is far more than two years.



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