My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 368: The Tianyu Phoenix Clan is looking for death

   On the way back to Kunlun.

   Jiang Lan held Fang Tianji.

   He specifically chose a path with fewer people.

   One is to meet fewer people and avoid accidental disputes.

   The second is to give the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan a chance. If the other party wants to retaliate, he can also directly deal with the other party.

   However, the boy's so excited hands made him a little surprised.

   probably wanted to teach him how to please Hongya of the Tianyufeng clan.

   Unfortunately he won't.

   But the boy did treat him better than others.

   may be due to the disciples of Ninth Peak.

   because I said that I was the ninth peak.

   The boy kept sending him peanuts.

   has never stopped for hundreds of years.

   Without thinking about this, Jiang Lan put away Fang Tianji.

   "The second one."

   "But this belongs to the Eight Princes, right?"

   "The boy gave it to me directly, is it suitable?"

   Give it to him next time you meet the Eight Prince.

   It's useless for him to take this thing.

   can be used sometimes, after all, this magic weapon is not weak.

   hands-on is very suitable.

   Of course, it's the time when the surface is repaired.

   Surface cultivation base, he always used fairy sword.

   are mostly inverse seven-star swordsmanship.

   With Fang Tianji, you can use some of the thunder methods that Master has collected.

  Master is also quite proficient in thunder method.

   Thinking like this, Jiang Lan walked to the Ninth Peak.

   Road is vigilant around.

   He thought that the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan would come.

   But he did not appear, nor did he stare at him.

   It seems that the Tianyu Phoenix Clan is not a person who doesn't know the importance.

   Only those who stay for a short time dare to do whatever they want below.

   Especially those with weak cultivation base.



   That afternoon.

   Old Wine Inn.

   "Young man, where's my Fang Tianji?" Eight Prince asked the young man:

   "That's my favorite Fang Tianji. I have been walking north and south with me over the years, and I often rely on it for roasting game.

   Now you have lost it?

   Our love for so many years.

   I often help you ask questions with brother-in-law. "

   "Fang Tianji lost control and injured Hongya's family. I gave it away." The young man whispered.

   The Eighth Prince was stunned in place, and said in pain:

   "That is my magic weapon, not yours."

   "I gave it all, what can I do?" the boy said.

   "Should you give the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan as a gift, right?" the Eighth Prince asked.

   If the young man dared to nod his head, he would use the thunder of the earth to send the young man a ride.

   teach him how to be a man.

   "That's not true." The boy shook his head and continued:

   "I will give it to Big Brother."

   "Your big brother?

   Your elder brother is not my elder brother, you send it..." The eighth prince was taken aback at this point, then recovered from the angry expression, and said:

   "Send my brother-in-law?"

   "Otherwise?" Shonen Lang asked.

   "Oh, that's okay." The eight prince was no longer angry in an instant, and then patted the boy on the shoulder and said:

   "My brother-in-law is your brother-in-law.

   From now on we will become brothers.

   You just call me Big Brother. "

  The boy ignored the Eight Princes.

   "By the way, why did you suddenly send my brother-in-law Fang Tianji?" Eight Prince asked peanuts curiously.

   It seems to have just questioned the teenager, just to go through a process.

   "Morning..." The boy said about Jiang Lan's affairs today, and then said:

   "Grandpa actually praised his elder brother very often. I feel that the person that grandpa praises, even a little villain dare to bully?

   I just shot directly.

   Especially my respected big brother.

   Just use your Fang Tianji to teach her a lesson.

   Unfortunately, Hong Ya discovered it. "


   The Eighth Prince slapped the table and said:

   "Where is the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan?"

   "Getting things outside." The boy said immediately.

  "Go and teach her how to be a man.

   dared to bully my brother-in-law, she didn't even know that she was jumping on the edge of death. "Speaking of the Eighth Prince, he took the young man and walked outside.

   Soon they came outside and saw Tianyu Feng Clan Hongyi in one corner.

   She seems to be punished to stand here and reflect.

   Hongyi watched these two men approaching aggressively, feeling a little scared for a while.

   "You, what do you want to do?" Hong Yi asked timidly.

   "I heard that you dare to buy my brother-in-law's good wine?" The eight prince moved his hand and prepared to take it.

  The boy looked around, and after making sure that there was no one, he was relieved a lot.

   "I, I didn't do anything in the end." Hong Yi said immediately.




   After a long time, the two went to the inn.

   "If Hongya asks, just say I'm stopping you." The boy said to the Eight Prince.

   "At that time, you can't just hit her directly. I also have a Fang Tianji here, hold it.

   knocked down the noble head of the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan. "Speaking, the Eighth Prince gave the young man a Fang Tianji.

   Hongyi looked at the two people who left, her hair a little messy.

   She was a bit wronged:

   "Don't you pity Xiangxiyu at all?"

   Hongyi thinks he should be very beautiful.

   However, the two men punched and kicked her, and their faces were all turned crooked.

   "That's right, the younger brother and the older brother just like hitting people.

   It’s easy to suffer when you get close.

  Obviously I am also very beautiful. "A sudden voice sounded behind Hong Yi.

   Hongyi was taken aback and shot directly behind him.


   punched Yan Xiyun in the face.

   Yan Xiyun was originally worried that she would fly away.

   But she was surprised to find...

   "It doesn't hurt." She looked at Hong Yi and said:

   "Sister, I can..."

   Just when Yan Xiyun wanted to ask for directions, a girl walked out of the inn.

   Then came to Yan Xiyun and Hong Yi.

   Hongyi immediately stood up, lowered his head, afraid to speak.

   Hongya came to Yan Xiyun and took out a handful of peanuts.

   Yan Xiyun habitually took it over:

   "Miss sister, brother often feeds me peanuts, will you be angry?"

   Hongya: "..."

   She felt like she was walking with those people, none of them were normal people.

   Kunlun is also the human being.

   The opponent looks weak, but I don’t actually know how strong it is.

   Facing each other's mind, she couldn't shake the slightest.


   is really looking for death.

   Not to mention that that person is very special, just because of his identity, it is not that they are outside the Heavenly Feather Phoenix clan who can offend at will.

   Once you do it...

The consequences could be disastrous.

   Unless they are dead.



   Ninth Peak.

   Jianglan stood in the yard and watched the white clouds surging in the sky.

   View the clouds and roll clouds ~ to watch the peach blossoms fall.

  He is making his heart calm.

   Then you can start practicing.

   If he can, he hopes to practice directly to the surface to achieve Consummation.

   It is best to be promoted to the point of being immortal.

   Then he can go out to practice.

   is the immortal when he comes back.

   Then I went to tell the elder sister.

   I don’t know why, but I just want to be the first to tell my sister.

  Get used to it.


   Jiang Lan turned around and entered the Nether Cave.

   At present, the overflowing breath of Nether is not weak, and the plant eggs cannot enter.

   hurts them a lot.

   "I don't know how long I can retreat this time."

   Jiang Lan, sitting cross-legged in the Nether Cave, felt that he couldn't stay in seclusion for too long.

   is almost complete because of the second level of cultivation.

   Master must have some arrangements for him to become an immortal, right?




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