"Isn't it?" Qiu Zhi was a little unbelievable:

   "This senior doesn't look that strong, he shouldn't even return to the void.

   But how did Senior Brother Nine Peak say that it should be the early stage of returning to the Void?

   He can't even have the initial stage of returning to the void, right? "

   "Senior Brother Cheng is Yuanshen Consummation, can you see the cultivation level of the senior brother just now?" The person who guessed that Jiang Lan was a disciple of the Ninth Peak looked to the quiet Senior Brother Cheng.

   "The techniques I practice are quite special. If I am a little higher than myself, I can see it even if it is hidden.

   But the brother just now, I can't see through.

  His cultivation base has at least the mid-stage of returning to the Void. "Senior Brother Cheng said.

   This made the people around me a little bit astonished.

   "Although I didn't look closely just now, I just feel familiar with it. It should be the senior brother of Ninth Peak.

   And don't believe the rhetoric of some people, the strength of this brother has always been in the ranks of geniuses.

   Now he is most likely in the late stage of returning to the Void. "

   "But how did he just ask me what's going on here? If it is Senior Brother Jiufeng, why doesn't he know what's going on here?"

   "Retreat, I just heard him say it.

   Do you know where Brother Ninth Peak retreats?

   According to legend, it was in the Nether Cave, which is a hole that we may not be able to get out when we go in.

   The most dazzling thing about Senior Brother Ninth Peak is his state of mind.

   This kind of thing is recognized throughout Kunlun.

   And the fact that he knows the formation very well, it can even show that I am not mistaken. "

   "No need to fight." Suddenly someone said:

   "That fellow said, if there are more people going in, there will be danger.

   There are a lot more people going in now.

   It depends on whether there is any danger. "

   The others nodded, and said nothing more.

   It depends on how it will develop in the future.

   Qiu Zhi still thinks it's impossible, the other party doesn't seem to be that strong.

   Aren't the mountains and dews visible?

   At this time, some people around started to go inside.

  Because they couldn't see what happened to the people of the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan, they wanted to go in and see for themselves.

   By the way, try how powerful this sleepy array is.

  If they can come out, doesn't it mean they are good?

   But this was allowed by the Zongmen seniors, otherwise they would not dare to rush in at will.

   is a contest between two parties after all.

   Jingting also came to the Ninth Peak. He looked at Peach Blossom Forest not thinking of entering.

   It's not that he has never seen Jiang Lan's formation strength.

   That is already shocking and supernatural.

   There are not many people who can win Jiang Lan in the formation of Kunlun as a whole.

   These few people are without exception, they are all seniors.

   Among the same generation, no one can compete with Jiang Lan.

   "Jiang Brother Jiang is surprisingly talented in formation."

   Jingting whispered to himself, he naturally didn't have the idea of ​​delving into the formation.

   At present, he needs to work hard and get ready to overcome the catastrophe.

   Mu Xiu came to Jingting and curiously said:

   "Senior Brother Shocked should be going through the catastrophe, dare to come to the Ninth Peak at will?

   Jingting has a lot of opportunities, so the speed will be faster.

   Mu Xiu will be later.

   Lin Siya is even more late.

   But now they are all returning to the virtual perfection.

   is not far from becoming a fairy.

  "The Ninth Peak over the past few hundred years, plus this time, there are a total of three challenges. It should be a visit.

   The first two times were considered thrilling.

   This time is the strength of the younger brother, I don’t know if there will be any more changes. "Jing Ting said.

  The sleepy array seems ordinary, but...

   Jiang Lan can turn decay into magic.

   The goddess crosses the catastrophe that will be called a miracle, retreating four enemies with one move.

   Whether it's an immortal brother or a powerful peak master.

   was so amazing.

   So, but looking at it, I always feel like I have to miss something.

   It turns out that many people missed the first two times.

   Mu Xiu felt so too.

   "Are you here too?" Lin Siya also came to them.

   Although they were curious, none of them had the idea of ​​entering the formation.

   Still see if there are other changes.



   In the peach blossom forest.

   Jiang Lan walked along.

   Taolin is actually very big.

   But the road to the yard is not far, but few people will walk on this road.

   Most of them are lost in other places in Taolin.

   "The quantity is about to reach the upper limit."

   On the way, he felt that the formation began to change.

   The hidden array is about to be opened.

   He can indeed turn off before turning it on, but...

  Before the big wedding, let's prestige. The person who deals with him the most will give priority to the ability of his formation.

   So nothing.

   It’s easy to overlook its own power.

   And some people will always say that the formation is only to assist in the cultivation of immortals.

   is still the most important thing.

   will still be criticized.

   The immortal cultivator sees for a long time, but the prejudice of the people is hard to erase.

  仙 is not ruthless and desireless.

  How about the saint?

   No desire, no desire?

   Jiang Lan does not know its realm.

   But it is not without desire and desire.

   It’s just that I no longer have selfish desires and love my father a lot, at least that’s true of being too unhappy.

   Heaven and man forget feelings, I have never understood, but the ultimate is just like that.


   A gust of wind followed.

   The peach blossom forest seems to have changed.

   can look closely, and it seems that there is no change.

   "It's turned on."


at the same time.

   screams began to sound.


   A person who had just entered Taolin backed away in horror.

   But no matter how you retire, you can’t leave Taolin.

   Jingting and the others looked at the person close at hand, a little surprised for a while.

   No one knows what happened to him.

   But everyone saw it, and he was shaking on the ground, seemingly unable to escape.

   At this moment, everyone subconsciously retreated a little bit.

   Taolin seems to have become a dangerous area.

   Qiu Zhi and others have a cold sweat on their faces.

   There are too many people, and there is danger.

   The state of mind is not enough, it is best not to go in.

   At this moment, he remembered what the senior brother had said to him.

   He didn't believe it at first, but...

   The brother who just entered seems to have a problem.

   "Pull him out."

   Someone immediately used a magic technique, intending to pull the disciple out.


   They saw that the brother who shot suddenly discovered something, and rushed directly into Taolin, and then disappeared from their field of vision.



   A scream of despair came from the lost forest, like the brother who just entered.

   At this moment, the people around have stepped back some distance.


what happened?

   Everyone looks at Taolin as if they have seen a behemoth that swallows people~www.readwn.com~ once they get close, they may be swallowed up.

   "I just said he is Senior Brother Jiufeng, right?"

   "What's the matter with this formation? Does any brother explain it?"

   "It's a phantom formation." At this time, a person who had achieved Void Return and Consummation stood up. He seemed to have some understanding of the formation method.

   "Brother Yu Yuan?" Qiu Zhi immediately said when he saw the man coming over.

   Brother Yu Yuan has a strong cultivation base, and he is very knowledgeable, and what he said is rarely wrong.

   Even if it is speculation, it will be very close to the truth.

   "Brother said it was a fantasy array?" Someone thought and said:

   "It seems so.

   But the magic array is not difficult to break, right? "

   "It depends on who arranged it. According to the formation method, the junior peak of Ninth Peak's formation skills are close to Dacheng, and even tend to be superb." Yu Yuan frowned and said.

  As soon as these words came out, a group of people were quite shocked.

   so terrible?



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