early morning.

   "It hurts, it hurts, ah!

   gave up. "

   At the Ninth Peak Square, Xiao Yu squatted and cried out in pain.

   Jiang Lan is holding a wooden sword in his hand.

   Sister Sister wants to fight him, she has to be in the Ninth Peak Square, and then let this dragon understand.

   Under the formation, she has no chance of winning.

   Next time, let's go to Yaochi.

   At this time, he saw Xiao Yu raising his head and looking at him, with anger in his big eyes.

   "Junior Brother." Xiao Yu glared at Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan looked down at Xiao Yu, but did not speak.

   is waiting for the following.

   Xiao Yu stood up at this time, staring at Jiang Lan, then put her hand down, as if compromised:

   "Well, I'll listen to Junior Brother again in this century."

   Jiang Lan returned the present to Xiao Yu, there is no difference between listening and not listening.

   "You see, brother, now the Ninth Peak hasn't been taken care of for a long time, you can order me to help take care of it with you." Xiao Yu took the wooden sword and said.

   The more you help, the more you help? Jiang Lan thought to himself.

   But after listening to what Xiaoyu said, take care of the ninth peak together.

   Xiaoyu came to play.

   Fortunately, he is not boring either.

   answers Xiao Yu’s questions from time to time.

   "Junior Brother, this flower is very beautiful, can you transplant it back?"


   "What about this tree?"

   "It will destroy the balance of the formation."

   "Brother, next time the house is rebuilt, let's build a pond."

   "Do not build."

   Jiang Lan felt that as long as he agreed, the house would collapse every few days.

   Xiaoyu deliberately or unintentionally removed a few bricks.

   In the night.

   Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu returned to the yard.

   Xiaoyu sat beside Jiang Lan, thumping his leg, and said:

   "Aren't the juniors tired?"

   "Some," Jiang Lan said.

   When I am alone, I won’t be tired.

   It feels a bit tired to take care of with Xiao Yu, but it's not unpleasant at all.

   "Here." Xiao Yu handed the wooden sword to Jiang Lan, and then asked Jiang Lan to face her back.

   Then Jiang Lan felt Xiao Yu rest on his back.

   "Brother, don't move, let me lean on." Xiao Yu's voice came over.

   is brisk and pleasant.

   The wooden sword was held by Jiang Lan, and he began to bless the true meaning of Zhanlong.

   There is not much movement.

   "Do you still have to retreat behind the younger brother?" Xiao Yu asked.

   "If you don't come out for a long time, it's probably because you have an epiphany." Jiang Lan replied.

   At that time, he really had an epiphany, and his understanding of Tao went a step further, so he entered the Nether Cave.

   hasn't come out for several years.

  He has a deeper and deeper understanding of Dao.

   Even if it is Consummation, it is prying deeper.

   That should be on the way to open up one's own way.

  Perhaps he will make progress faster after entering Jue Xian.

   "Brother, are you a hidden genius?" Xiao Yu turned to look at Jiang Lan:

   "Why didn't I look at Junior Brother tightly, so I realized it again?"

   Jiang Lan never answered.

   should not be considered very often.

   only once after a few years, or decades.

   A lot of it is accumulated over time, and it's a matter of course.

   Only a small part of it relied on something special to fall into an epiphany.

   Such as the lake in the third secret realm, blessing to the soul, so there is enlightenment.

   There is also the tea from the innkeeper, so I have a clear mind, so I have more understanding.

   The most recent epiphany is basically because of Tao.

  He stepped on the avenue and kept walking forward.

   has made enough preparations and has enough understanding.

   Such an epiphany, it's a matter of course.

   "Senior sister, too." Jiang Lan said softly.

   Stepping past the immortal and entering the true immortal, the senior sister should also enlighten the way.


   The next morning.

   Xiaoyu left the ninth peak, Yujian returned to Yaochi.

   Junior Brother has reached the most important one hundred years of becoming immortal, and she cannot influence too much.

   Back to Yaochi, Xiao Yu's figure began to change.

   became normal.

   then stepped into Yaochi.

   only left half of his face outside.

   "Junior Brother is so irritating, he actually won again."

   "Why is a formation so powerful?"

   Ao Longyu vomited bubbles, feeling a little uneasy.

   She still wants to win, so let the younger brother take the initiative to hug her.


   I have to listen to my younger brother for another hundred years.

   I am happy, but...


   Ao Longyu's face turned red, and then he sank into Yaochi.



   Xiao Yu has gone back.

   Jianglan approached the courtyard all the way.

   Under normal circumstances, he would go to the place where he preached.

  Listen to those people talking about the famine situation.

   In this way, we can know the current situation, and we can also know whether the Yaozu is still fighting with the Ba country.

   If not, it means that once everyone has the position of God.

  The fight will end.

   But there should be other things happening later.

   After all, he was near Kunlun, and he still saw the Demon Race and the Earth Underworld Demon Race.

   These people should have other things they want.

   is not simply to be wary of Kunlun.

   Again, once the fighting ceases, then these people will be free.

   Jiang Lan is not worried about the others, he cares about the Celestial Race.

   The Heavenly Human Race and the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Race seem to have gained something recently, once they both get what they want.

   Then there will be a truce.

   And the Celestial Race is easy to think of him, and then attack him.

   This is one of the troubles.

   At that time, he should only be able to hide in the Ninth Peak.

   Once you go out, you are prone to danger.

   But I haven't gone down now because of the previous formation.

   Now many people must know his existence.

   may be found if you go down, which will cause new topics.

   "Let’s retreat on the mountain for decades."

   Jiang Lan thought.

   As long as the master doesn't find opportunities for him, he should be able to retreat for 60 years.

   The follow-up will also proceed smoothly.

   However, the salary that the senior sister said last time has not been thought out yet, and the senior sister will occasionally urge it.

Next time.


   Spring goes to autumn.

   Jiang Lan began to practice normally.

  During his practice, he didn't care about what happened in Kunlun.

   Only a few years later, he saw changes in the Kunlun Hall.

   The original three beams have become four.

   didn't care too much about these, Jiang Lan continued to practice.

   He feels that his cultivation is about to reach a breakthrough.

   Baimai tempering is about to be completed.

   The level of the golden body will go further, from the hundred veins to the bones.

   Once he enters, he will be promoted to the late Heavenly Immortal.

   Several comprehensions of Tao have boosted the speed of his promotion.

   Starlight circulates, the sun and the moon alternate. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   The wind is surging, and time seems to speed up.

  The years flow all over the body.

   Jianglan sat in the nether cave, feeling everything in the body.

   Hundreds of veins are full of golden light, have reached Consummation, and are heading towards the bones.

   I don't know the passing of time, I don't know the passing of time.

   Jiang Lan fell into the void.

  The power of the avenue wanders around.

   seemed to go deep into the body, and began to temper the bones that belonged to the body.


  The golden light began to light up.

   appeared on the bones.

   Jiang Lan felt this, golden light appeared in his eyes.

   He feels his body is full of great power.

   Then the power began to fade.

   The golden eyes opened slowly.

   The late heavenly fairy.


   This practice lasted for twenty years.

  The entry time is 530 years.



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