"Take the goddess to the dragon clan, it is prone to some accidents. How many people are you planning to go?" Feng Yixiao asked.

   I cannot go to the first peak, nor can I go to the ninth peak.

   can only be selected from the middle seven peaks.

   "I'll be one." Jiu Zhongtian put down the wine gourd and said.

   Every time he needs to do something, he does it, and this time is no exception.

   It is safer for him to go.

   "One more." Liu Jing looked at Fairy Miaoyue and said:

   "Sister Miaoyue will lead the team then."

   "Okay." Fairy Miaoyue responded softly.

   There was nothing she went to, she was from the dragon clan, and might not be very welcome.

   "But this time the important personnel are Goddess and Jiang Lan. As long as these two don't mess around, there should be no problem." Fairy Miaoyue looked at Mo Zhengdong and Fairy Zhuqing.

The meaning of    is obvious.

   Let them do some ideological work at that time.

   "Jiang Lan will not cause trouble to the junior sister." Mo Zhengdong said.

   Other people don't understand Jiang Lan, he still understands.

   I used to understand personality, but recently I understand strength.

   I don’t know if I understand it thoroughly.

   want to come, not thorough enough.

   Jianglan likes to hide, so he won't ask too much. The great wasteland is not safe, and there is no harm in hiding more.

   "The light rain will be submissive, and it won't make it difficult for the senior sister." Fairy Zhuqing followed.

   Xiao Yu is very obedient. Now as long as she doesn't let her marry Jiang Lan, others will still listen.



   early morning.

   Jianglan Yard.

   It took seven days and he took care of everything.

   also checked all the formations.

There is no problem.

   Nether Cave also took a look.

   There is no abnormal phenomenon, and nothing happened during those years when I wanted to erupt.

   For the last hundred years, the ghost has been tossed.

   This time I should be recuperating.

   Maybe in the next hundred years, something will happen again.

   As for the monster race, they need to be on guard at all times. They seem to want something from the portal of the netherworld.

   Let Nether make trouble for Kunlun?

   This is too common.

   If there is no benefit, how can the Yaozu do it one after another?

   Maybe at first I wanted to create some trouble for Kunlun and figure out the situation in Kunlun.

   Regarding the position of God at that time, no one knew what was going on in Kunlun.

   Now that they are beginning to touch the gods one by one, they already know that Kunlun is walking in front of everyone.

   If it destroys the entrance of Netherworld, it seems unnecessary.

   should have another picture.


   Jiang Lan, who was pouring plant eggs in the yard, suddenly received a communication from Master.

   Let him go to the top of the ninth peak.

   "It seems that I want to inform the marriage, I don't know what kind of decision it is."

   He guessed.

   But I still wait until I hear it.

   After pouring the spirit liquid on the plant eggs, he immediately went to the top of the Ninth Peak.

  The plant eggs have not suffered in these years, and light rain will often come down to pour the spirit liquid.

   But plant eggs are as quiet as ever, and You Yehua is as decadent as ever.

   There is no spirit at all.

   Vitality is tenacious.

   Five or six hundred years, but it's still alive and well.

   There is no sign of psychic.

   The things that Master sent me are really different.



   On the top of the ninth peak, Jiang Lan came to Master.

   "The wedding has been set." Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan and said:

   "It's not too long to get married after eleven years.

   Over the years, I have consolidated my cultivation base, learned more about the situation of the great famine, and time has passed. "

   "Yes." Jiang Lan lowered his head in response.

eleven years.

   is really not long.

   But this is for cents.

   For ordinary people, eleven years is very long.

   "What are you going to prepare?" Jiang Lan asked.

   Marriage is different from engagement after all.

   He lacks experience, so it's better to ask clearly.

   Marriage is a big event, and problems can be easily remembered by others.

   starts normally and ends normally, it will not leave a deep impression on people.

   Regarding this question, Mo Zhengdong was silent for a moment.

   Jianglan: "......"

   "You don't need to prepare anything for the time being, just wait for the notification with peace of mind." Mo Zhengdong thought for a long time before speaking.

   Kunlun has never held a grand wedding.

   Many things need to be prepared.

   Each peak owner has no experience.

   "By the way, the house is a bit old, it can be rebuilt in these years." Mo Zhengdong reminded.

   Jiang Lan nodded immediately:

   "It's the master."

   The house matter really needs to be reconsidered.

   "Will you be wronged by marrying a goddess?"

  Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan, wanting to know Jiang Lan's true thoughts.

   Jiang Lan was reluctant to marry at the beginning, but Kunlun only met the conditions.

   Therefore, I can't avoid getting engaged.

   can't avoid it now, but a lot of things have happened between the two, so Mo Zhengdong wanted to ask if Jiang Lan could change his original mind.

   "Not wronged." Jiang Lan never hesitated.


   After coming down from the master, Jiang Lan walked straight to the yard.

   "We got married in eleven years, it seems that it was a lot earlier."

   On the way, he looked at the Kunlun Hall.

   There are only seven beams of light at this time.

   Kunlun gave up the last beam of light.

   is to have more dreams all night.

   "It seems that Kunlun is also anxious to tie the senior sister to Kunlun."

   "Last time I heard that the dragons were also in a hurry to get married, but I didn't know what they were in a hurry."

   About this, he still doesn't know.

   But it won’t take long to know.

  The dragon must have other purposes, and just after he married his senior sister.

   I want to have some relationship with the two of them.

   Don't rush to figure it out now.

   To him in advance, it is not a surprise. He did not refuse to advance, and the peak masters who originally ordered the wedding naturally hoped that the goddess' belongings would be finalized earlier.

   It's just that there is no result, he is not sure that it is.

   "I don't know how the elder sister reacted when she knew about this."

   Jiang Lan was quite curious.

   Maybe you need to cool down in the water.

   In the peach forest.

   in front of the yard.

   Jianglan stood outside.

   He looked at the house and found that he was indeed old again.

   This time I persisted for many years.

   is about to recap.

   As for how to cover it, wait for the senior sister to come down and ask her opinion.

   Although it is difficult to adopt.


   Always ask.

   shows respect.

   Back in the yard, Jiang Lan took out the "Gu Yu Rumor" that he had previously taken out from the library, and now all that needs to be done has been completed.

   can try to read one.

   The others are not in a hurry. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   His cultivation base is Heavenly Immortal Consummation, and in about sixty years, he will be able to achieve Golden Body Consummation.

   and then began to be promoted to Jue Xian.



   Yao Chi.

   Ao Longyu shrank in the depths of Yaochi, looking at the water with his eyes open.

   She just got the news.

   said that he will be married to his younger brother in eleven years.

   I was both scared and looking forward to it.

   is also a little inexplicable...happy.

   She didn't know what she thought.


   Not disgusted.

   I have known the younger brother for hundreds of years. Although I rarely see him, she knows what kind of person the younger brother is.

   The most intuitive thing is that the younger brother will fall into an epiphany if he is not careful.

   Thinking of this, Ao Longyu blinked.

   She thought of a possibility.

   If the younger brother falls into an epiphany during this period, it may be more than ten or twenty years.



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