Jiang Lan was more confused about the sudden message from Master.

  Go out in three days.

   Actually he needs three months now.

   For three days, he may only be familiar with the power of nine cows, or nine steps in the sky.

   can only be familiar with.

   "I don't know what happened."

   It's okay if it's ordinary.

   But this time the master directly said that he was going out, which seemed to be difficult to shirk.

   Thinking like this, he went outside the Nether Cave.

  Plant eggs were also brought by him.

   The last time he closed the door, he brought in the plant eggs and You Yehua.

  "In the six hundred and twenty-six years of introductory work, the ultimate cultivation base should have surpassed Master's vision.

   As the master guessed about me, he should stay at the gods. "

   Jiang Lan thought in his heart.

   But when he comes out of retreat, he really needs to see the master.

   to complete the small goal set before.

   Use the true eyes of Wuzuo to see through the master's cultivation.

   He couldn't do it when he was a fairy, but now he is a perfect fairy.

   There should be no problem.


   just walked out of the nether cave, a gust of wind blew the ends of his hair.

   is the autumn breeze.

   The weather is moderate.

   is also suitable for going out.

   didn't care about this, he went straight to the yard.

   At this time, his surface cultivation is still in the early stage of human immortality, and the second level of cultivation is in the middle stage of human immortal.

   This is a promotion necessary to absorb the benefits.

   just as hidden.

   a little while.

   Not far from the yard.

   Jianglan saw Xiao Yu wearing the clothes she would wear when building a house, and tied her hair to manage the flowers.

   did not go by for the first time, but checked the house for the first time.

   After confirming that there were no signs of demolition in all aspects of the house, he was relieved.

   Sometimes, if you don’t pay attention, the older sister can take down a brick from the supporting position of the house.

   This time he closed for some time.

   This kind of thing does not happen.

   At this time, Xiao Yu also looked over. When she saw Jiang Lan, a smile appeared on her face. She moved her body and came to Jiang Lan:

   "Brother, did you just breathe a sigh of relief?"

   Jianglan: "......"

  They often stay together these years, but some things are really unsatisfactory.

   Sisters are half-dragonized things often happen.

   will not be half-dragon at all, but there have been.

   is more or less effective.

   In thirty years, there are results.

   As for whether the child will take a shell...

   cannot be known for the time being.

Sister    does not seem to be pregnant easily.

   "Sister, when dealing with the flowers, will there be so much dirt on your face?" Jiang Lan reached out and wiped the dirt off Xiao Yu's face.

   "Of course I deliberately wiped it for the younger brother.

   Junior Sister Siya occasionally came to chat with me, she often saw some Taoist couples getting along in the door.

   She will go outside to buy books and read.

   know a lot. "Xiao Yu smiled and said:

   "So there are some things I want Junior to try."

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised, he was very curious, what would the senior sister do if he didn't wipe it.

   "If Junior Brother didn't take the initiative to wipe, of course I would ask Junior Brother to do it." Xiao Yu took it for granted.

   don't care at all.

   really is a child, Jiang Lan thought to himself.

   But looking at the Goddess Atlas, she is indeed an adult.

   is naturally a young woman who becomes a normal state, and it can be seen from all aspects that the elder sister is not a child.

   is very lively.

   is far from the mature feeling of Master Miaoyue and Master Zhuqing.

   Of course, everything is good, sister does not need to learn from anyone.

   Again, several uncles may be like Master, who are about to enter their old age.

   It’s natural to be alone and mature.

   Uncle Miaoyue is okay, after all, he is the first person to be the teacher in his heart.

   But I need to probe the master's tone.

   If Master doesn't care about the fairy, then Master Miaoyue is very suitable.

   I'm afraid that there are fairies who care about it, that would be very troublesome.

   "Master just sent a message that he will go out in three days." When he walked into the yard and put the plant eggs away, Jiang Lan said what Master had notified him.

  "The younger brother is in retreat, so there is no news in the past few days.

   In fact, Master notified me two months ago that we are going out together.

   The scheduled time was last month, but the younger brother has not left the customs. "Xiao Yu washed her hands, then poured spirit liquid on the plant eggs, and helped You Yehua clean up the dirt on the leaves.

   Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows.

   Master’s newsletter is probably going to be kept.

   Three days later when he saw it.

   But the elder sister also wants to go, that means this trip is to the dragon clan.

   "Did Uncle Master say anything specific?" Jiang Lan asked.

   Xiaoyu’s master is Uncle Zhuqing.

   "It is said that I am married with my younger brother, so I can go back and have a look, so this time my younger brother is actually going with me." Xiao Yu said while looking at Jiang Lan.

   As expected, Jiang Lan was not surprised to get the answer.

   "Does it affect the cultivation of the younger brother?" Xiao Yu asked with her eyes wide open.

   "It does not affect." Jiang Lan answered.

   If it is an ordinary experience, he will naturally find a way to dodge it.

   But I can’t refuse to accompany my senior sister to return to the dragon clan.

   Hearing Jiang Lan's answer, Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes and showed a bright smile.

   Looking at Xiao Yu’s smile, Jiang Lan didn't have much thoughts.

   I said it a long time ago.

   Xiaoyu's smile will be protected by him.



   Jiang Lan went to the top of the Ninth Peak.

   Although he knows the general situation, he will also go to see the master to see what the master says.

  This trip is not safe.

   This is his thought, and it is roughly Kunlun's thought.

   The most dangerous thing is naturally Xiao Yu who is the goddess of Yaochi.

   Goddess will bring great benefits to Kunlun, and all forces hope to weaken Kunlun.

   And the Dragon Clan's residence is quite close to the Monster Clan, which is also dangerous for him.

   He needs to ask the situation clearly so that he can prepare accordingly.

   It is inevitable to go to the dragon clan, he will not try to stop it.

   What needs to be done at present is to make everything go smoothly, go to the Dragon Race smoothly, and return to Kunlun smoothly.

   Take into account the enemies that may appear in the surrounding area.


   On the top of the ninth peak, Jiang Lan stood behind Mo Zhengdong, showing respect.

   Of course, in just a moment, he saw clearly.

   just made him a little confused.

   Just an instant, he saw the master's cultivation level with his true eyes.

   is indeed Ronaldo~www.readwn.com~ at least that kind of feeling is Ronaldo.

   But I don't know why, there is a erratic feeling.

   The normal cultivation base is the initial stage, the middle stage, the later stage, and the completion.

   Tianxian is more special, with a golden body perfect.

   But the Da Luo shown by the master is not in the middle and late stages of Consummation, but Da Luo.

   This level of mid-to-late stage was replaced by something erratic?

   Jiang Lan doesn't quite understand.

   But he has a book called "The Way of Da Luo".

   can help him.

   But before reading this book, he needs to read "The Whole World of Wonders" first.

   is not an emergency, just take it step by step.

   "I'm going to the Dragon Clan in three days. It's similar to the experience. This trip will take a lot of time.

  As the husband of the goddess, this kind of thing cannot be refused. "Mo Zhengdong turned and drove Jiang Lan and said.

   It is really not easy to let his disciple go out.

   "The disciple understands." Jiang Lan nodded.

   He really can't refuse.

   But he needs to figure out the specific circumstances so that he can estimate how dangerous the trip is.


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