Kunlun Hall.

   There is a huge flying magic weapon.

   There is a hill on the magic weapon, a small lake and a square on the hill.

   there are a few residences and pavilions on the side.

   There are some people standing in the square at this time.

  Dragons and Kunlun people.

   Jianglan and Ao Longyu also came to the flying magic weapon and landed on the square.

   It’s not that big here, everyone in the square can be seen.

   Five members of the Dragon Clan.

   Four of them are the younger generation of the dragon family, Jiang Lan has never understood.

   And the fifth person is naturally the eighth Prince Aoman.

   There are also some people in Kunlun, but they know more.

  The four brothers in Lujian are all present, as well as Jingting, Mu Xiu, Lin Siya, and Ji Jiang.

   A total of eight people.

   "The younger brother and younger sister will have to wait for a while." Lu Jian looked at Jiang Lan and said:

   "Master and they seem to be discussing something."

   Jiang Lan nodded slightly to express understanding.

   Ao Longyu also nodded, seeming to be following Jiang Lan.

   It seems that this one is from Junior Brother Jiang, and there is an off-topic conclusion in Lu Jian's mind.

   At this time, the Eighth Prince came to Jiang Lan and Ao Longyu.

   "Sister, brother-in-law." Then he took out two bags of peanuts and handed them to Jiang Lan:

   "Sent from the young man, he said that the journey is far away and he can satisfy his hunger."

   Jianglan: "......"

   He didn't say much, but put it away.

   The inn probably has nothing to give away except peanuts.

   Ao Longyu didn't say a word, she still remained cold, without too much emotion in her eyes.

   Not long.

   A few people stood up and waited for the arrival of seniors.

   Jianglan was naturally on the side of several senior brothers and sisters in Kunlun, and the eighth prince returned to his position.

  Others of the dragon clan observe Ao Longyu from time to time.

   Jiang Lan can feel it.

  Because of these dragons even he observes together.

   is not so rude and will look away soon.

   "I didn't feel malice, but more curious." Jiang Lan thought to himself.

   He has been vigilant.

   spies, I have seen a lot in Kunlun.

   It’s not unusual for the dragons to have spies.

After   , he did not see the younger generation coming again. So, Kunlun was ten of them during this trip.


   The autumn wind blows.

   Suddenly there is power in the flying magic weapon.

   Then they felt that the magic weapon began to lift into the air, but they came to high altitude in the breathing room.

   The others were a little surprised.

   just before speaking, several figures appeared in the square.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   is Miaoyue Fairy, Jiu Zhongtian, Ran Jing Fairy and others.

   "Okay, let's go, find a place to rest.

   It will take some time, and you can ask us if you have any questions during cultivation. Fairy Miaoyue said to Jiang Lan and others.


   The sound fell, and the flying magic weapon broke through the air and left Kunlun.

   Jiang Lan looked behind her body and found that Kunlun was constantly getting smaller.

   When going out at this time, there is not much worry for him.

   The limit of God's position was tested last time, otherwise I really need to worry about it.


   Suddenly a voice came from the endless sky.

   Jiang Lan did not look up, nor did he see anyone looking up.

   "The position of God is here, I don't know if it is the Celestial Clan or the Sky Feather Phoenix Clan."

   Emperor Xihe had already informed him.

   So don’t even think about it. It must be the Celestial Race and the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Race, they will all succeed.

   As for who goes first and who goes after, it is unknown.


   There was another roar.

   Jiang Lan was quite surprised, this movement seemed to show two gods.

   "Did the Celestial Race and the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Race get the position of God together?" He was somewhat surprised.

   These two people got together.

   is not very friendly to him.

   If it's the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan, he doesn't need to worry.

   But now that the Celestial Race has also gained the position of God, it is possible to deal with him freely.

   The only thing to be thankful for is that he just happened to go to the Dragon Clan, and the Celestial Clan couldn’t get news the first time.

   When the Celestial Race gets news and wants to act, he has returned to Kunlun.


   The roar of endless height directly interrupted his thoughts.

   At this time, the ethereal voice came from high above.

  On the magic weapon, only he can hear it.

   "Ancient Imperial Zuo Palace Wutong Nine Heaven Phoenix Ancestor."

   Tianyu Phoenix Clan, Jiang Lan knew where he came from when he heard the name of this god.

   The other party is one step faster than the Heavenly Human Race, probably because of the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Race at the inn.

   But he also discovered one thing, Gu Yuyou Zuomiya.

   east, west, south, north, up, down, left...

   Then there is the right palace?

   The moment the thought fell, there was a sound from the endless sky.

   An ethereal voice appeared.

   "The ancient imperial right palace leaves the fire, clouds and heavens."

   The voice fell, and everything was calm.

   But Jiang Lan could perceive that the stars where the gods were shining lightly.

   is two ways.

   should represent the left palace of the Tianyufeng clan, and the right palace of the sky-human clan.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   "One nine days, one cloud."

   Jiang Lan said with emotion, are these two dominating in a vacuum?

   As for Lihuo, that is Lihuo Island, where the Celestial Race is located.

   "The Celestial Race and the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Race are about to truce, and follow-ups must pay attention to the movements of the Good Celestial Race."

   Make sure that you can resist the follow-up methods of the Celestial Race.

   "These two are left and right, so it seems that all the gods should be east, west, south, north, up and down, left and right, and the most special middle palace." Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows, and had more thoughts in his heart:

  "There should be only one person from east to west, north to south, and two in the lower palace.

   So, are there two people up, down, left and right?

   If yes, does it mean that there are still four gods? "

   There are four places in the east, west, south and north, eight places in the top and bottom, and one place in the middle.

   A total of thirteen gods?

   Whether it is or not, he still has no idea.

   "The Position Hypothesis" may be able to provide him with the answer.

   But this is not the yard where he is after all, showing it out is exposing himself.

  You don’t need to care when you are in the yard. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com books are sent by Master, so there is no need to care.

Sister    knows, there is nothing.

   They are a husband and wife, so the concealment will make the elder sister think about it.

   But watching "The Whole World of Wonders" probably makes the senior sisters think more.

   felt that she had secretly passed her.

   In fact, this is not the case. From the time he met the senior sister in the secret world, he was the stronger one.

   did not secretly transcend.

   Flying magic weapon is very fast.

   And the flight path is a bit weird, and the distance seems to be receding constantly.

   In just over ten days, Jiang Lan heard Ba Taizi say that he had left Xihuang.

   is currently located in the North Wilderness.

   It takes a few days to reach the Sea of ​​Siming.

   When he heard the news, his heart was quite shocked. He didn't know how long it would take to leave the Western Wilderness.

   And this flying magic weapon took more than ten days.

   This may still be slow.

   "It should be some path problem, it may have the ability to travel through space."

   he thought to himself.

  In this way, it is impossible to take a good look at the landforms of the Western Wilderness and the Northern Wilderness.

   Three days later.

   "It's the sea."

   Jianglan and Ao Longyu sat on the rocks of the mountain and looked at the endless sea ahead, quite shocked.

   This is the first time Jiang Lan has seen the sea in the Great Wilderness.

   This is the first time I have seen Ao Longyu grow up so big.

When    was born, she was ignorant.

   When sensible, not in Si Ming.

After    came back, he was already visiting relatives.


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