The difference between a real fairy and a human fairy is almost insurmountable.

  Don't talk about Ao Longyu.

   Even Jiang Lan, who possesses the power of the Nine Tribulations, is insurmountable.

   The body of a person and an immortal is still a human, but the body of a true immortal is the ranks of the immortal.

   The gap is so great that the power of immortality is not enough to make up for it.

   The body of the true immortal can be lowered and can restore the human condition, but it can only hurt the watch but not its root.

   It is like Jiang Lan has a golden body but can still be scratched by Ao Longyu.

   is the effect of deliberately suppressing the golden body.

   No matter how much it hurts, it is also a skin trauma, and it will definitely not hurt the root.

   So losing with one move, rather than hitting hard with one move, is already a powerful performance of Ao Longyu.

   She is a talented person after all.

   The two tiger monsters looked at Ao Longyu quite surprised, without any hesitation, they took a palm into the air and shot them, intending to directly injure each other.

   Ao Longyu looked up, the pressure of this palm made her a little hard to move.

   But her fighting instinct drove her to reach out and force her to fight.


   The power began to touch, and the palm power of the true immortal level constantly defeated the palm power belonging to Ao Longyu.

   Ao Longyu Longhua's hand is being pushed back.

   is not an opponent.

   can't resist at all.

   She actually didn't know if the two uncles had left behind to comfort the juniors.

   Really powerful.

   If the power of this palm hits her, it will definitely be hit hard.

   is inevitable.

   When she wanted to use real dragon blood to find a way to survive, she suddenly felt that someone came behind her.

   is a familiar taste.

   At this moment, Ao Longyu was a little stunned.

   was moved, but very angry.

   Junior brother is not obedient.

   When she thought about this, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind her and placed it on the back of her Longhua hand.

   A voice belonging to Jiang Lan came over:

   "Sister, take out your palm."

   For an instant, the originally weak hand, I don't know why it is full of power.

   Without hesitation, Ao Longyu once again took the palm.

   This time she felt an unprecedented power, which surpassed her cognition.

   Then the power exploded as she took out her palm.


   The palm wind whistling, directly defeated the palm power of the true fairy, and penetrated the true fairy tiger demon who clapped in midair.

   With a palm, Ao Longyu didn't feel too much, but she saw that the real fairy tiger demon was replaced by horror, and even before she screamed, her body was full of cracks.



   A huge roar erupted.

   Tiger demon directly turned into blood mist in mid-air.

   Killed with one blow.

   The soul flies away.

   At the same time, she felt that the hand she was holding the sword was also being held by a big hand, and lifted it up.

   "Sister, I teach you how to cut the dragon sword, you are optimistic." Jiang Lan's voice came over.

   Ao Longyu watched Jiang Lan hold her sword and then waved it.

   Another tiger demon was stunned when he saw his companion turned into blood mist by a blow.

   Without hesitation, he chose to escape.

   However, the sword belonging to Ao Longyu has been raised, and the sword is down.

   without any fancy moves.

   The sword fell, sweeping across all directions.

   Ao Longyu could see clearly, the sword slashed on the tiger demon.

   A scream came out.

   just appeared and stopped abruptly, and then she saw the tiger demon's body shattering every inch, and she quickly banged.

   also turned into blood mist.

   Really immortal like a chicken and dog, vulnerable to a blow.

   At this time, Jiang Lan put down Ao Longyu's two hands and said softly:


   Ao Longyu did not answer, she looked back at her familiar face in disbelief.

   Jiang Lan didn't care, just looked around and said:

   "Sister, wait for me."

   There are five other immortals at large around.

   Naturally, he would not let these people escape here, which would easily affect his follow-up plans.

   Moreover, he has no habit of letting the enemy escape.

  Since I did it, I didn’t leave it.

   Ao Longyu nodded, and in the next second she saw Jiang Lan disappear in place, and then appeared next to one of the five immortals.

   In the past moment, Jiang Lan's voice went to the next one, and all the people who were approached lost their actions in an instant, as if they were set in place.

   After breathing, Ao Longyu saw Jiang Lan passing by five immortals, and then appeared in front of her.

   is coming slowly.

   When she was puzzled, there was a roar.


   The five immortals exploded at the same time, turning into endless blood mist.

   and the younger brother is walking towards her facing the blood mist.

   Five immortals were killed just like that.


  Fire began to appear, all the blood mist was swallowed by the flame, and finally disappeared.

   Jiang Lan also came to Ao Longyu.

   He picked up Ao Longyu's hand, cast a healing technique, and heard a calm voice:

   "Sister, remember to hide behind me next time, don't run in front of me stupidly."

   Ao Longyu looked at Jiang Lan in a daze, and opened his eyes wide, unable to contain the doubts in his heart:

   "Brother, when did you secretly pass me?"

   Jiang Lan, who originally looked down at her senior sister's arm injury, raised her head and glanced at her, and saw a shocked face.

   It was the first time I saw a normal senior sister with such an expression.

   Ao Longyu looked down at his chest, but also felt wrong, and then turned into light rain.

   At this time, the expression on her face is more, as if there is a clear understanding in her eyes:

   "I said how the younger brother had an epiphany every day, and he actually surpassed me secretly, trying to shock me."

   I wanted to make gestures while talking.

   But the light rain at this time is half-dragonized.

   The patterns on the cheeks all appeared, which shows that she used all her strength.

   "Sister, don't move around." Jiang Lan whispered, holding Xiao Yu's hand.

   "Skin trauma, and soon recovered, I am a dragon.

   The physical body is strong, and the recovery ability is extraordinary. "Despite that, Ao Longyu still did not move.

   Let Jiang Lan take good care of his injuries.

   "If I just ran away, will Senior Sister be lonely?" Jiang Lan lowered his head and asked softly.

   "Anyway, I was a little happy when my junior brother didn't escape, but I was more angry.

   So next time Junior Brother escapes, remember to shout something that makes me happy. "Xiao Yu said softly.

   Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu in surprise, this dragon arrogantly failed to figure out the situation.

   Haven't figured out who needs to escape?

   "Junior Brother, tell me the truth, what is your realm?" Xiao Yu asked curiously while looking at Jiang Lan.

   Her arms are much better at this time. U U Reading

   The half-dragonization was fading, and the dragon scales on his body disappeared.

   The pupils naturally became normal, and the only thing that did not fade was the pattern on the cheeks.

   Jiang Lan put down Xiao Yu's hand, and at this time he had returned to his white jade-like arms.

   "There is indeed a slight gap between the cultivation base of the senior sister." Jiang Lan replied softly.

   Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Lan, and came over:

   "So the younger brother told me that there was a gap, is it the gap from top to bottom?"

   Jiang Lan nodded slightly.

   Regarding strength, he didn't want to keep his senior sister secret.

   If you know it, you will know it, and there is nothing.

   They are husband and wife. When there is no need, it's fine to leave it alone.

   When necessary, hiding it again is not suitable.

   Sister Sister knew that it would not affect anything, and he had no plans to abandon Sister Sister.

   "Say it in advance, you can only use your normal strength for the next challenge." Xiao Yu said seriously to Jiang Lan.

   The normal strength is the early stage of human immortality.

   Jianglan: "......"


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