Tiandao appeared and shocked many people.

   And the only person who really feels the power of the Heavenly Sword is the Black Dragon.

   This knife seemed to have become the world in his eyes. He was not killed by this person, but at the moment when he encountered the sacrificial knife.

  It was Aolong Heavenly Sword that killed him.

   He who felt this, no matter how much he resisted, it wouldn't help.

   At last he felt the knife slash through him.

   At this time, he can clearly perceive that his body is disintegrating, and his soul is shattering.

   The world is quiet.

  He is extremely calm inside, and a kind of enlightenment emerges from his heart.

   He looked at the person swinging the knife in front of him, watching the opponent's body was hit hard by the extra breath of the sky sword.

   He seems to understand.

   "It turned out to be like this."

   In the tranquility, the dark voice of the black dragon came out.

   When the Aolong Heavenly Sword was swung out, the whole world seemed to be silent.

   The surrounding waves no longer flow, and the thunder stops.

   Everything seems to be frozen.

   Only Jiang Lan and Heilong Diane are not affected.

   A knife holder, a knife sacrificer.

   "You are..." Heilong looked at Jiang Lan quietly and said:

   "Innate fairy?"

   Jiang Lan held the Aolong Heavenly Sword, and a crack appeared in his arm.

   The body was severely injured, and he must find a place to heal.

   Otherwise, there is a possibility of coma.

   As for Heilong's words, he couldn't understand.

   The black dragon is dead, and the opponent's body is ruining. The only thing he can do is to say a few words.

   "It must be so." Heilong quietly said a bit desperate and unwilling:

   "The Cangyuan Ancestral Dragon appeared, and belonged to the dragon clan's spell, Aolong Three Swords, and was born again with the modern congenital fairy.

   is the good fortune of heaven and earth.

   But, but..."

   Heilong looked at Jiang Lan's eyes being unwilling to occupy him, he was a little weak:

   "But why are you, not us?

   We are not bad at all except that we are not mean to you. "

   Jiang Lan looked at the black dragon and never spoke. He is not a dragon and does not understand the grievances between the two parties.

   But the wild world is not that simple.

   He is just a small disciple of Kunlun, and he didn't even dare to walk around the Great Wilderness. This trip was only because someone had to deal with his wife and him, so he settled the problem.

that is it.

   Black Dragon Ann Ji did not seek the answer from Jiang Lan, but was unwilling.


   The huge waves began to fall, and the thunder began to shrink.

   And the black dragon was silent, turned into dust in unwillingness, and shattered in layers.

   Watching Heilong die with his own eyes, Jiang Lan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but when he wanted to retreat, suddenly a gaze locked on him.

   and came towards him at a very fast speed.

   "Deep sea?"

   He looked down for the first time.

   At this moment, he felt a kind of insignificance, as if a scorching sun was coming to him in the deep sea.

   "Above the absolute immortal? How is it possible?"

   He was shocked.

   There is such a terrible existence.


   Without any hesitation, Jiang Lan wanted to leave here quickly, but the other party seemed to lock him directly.

   Not only him, but also the Heavenly Sword in his hand.

   did not dare to hesitate, raised the knife and threw it directly.

The direction of    is the deep sea.

   The remaining power of the Sky Sword cut off the opponent's eyes, catching the gap in this moment, Jiang Lan fled from the place.

   But Shui Ying was left in place by him.

   All kinds of means are used, and you will die if you don’t escape.

   This is the first time he feels such a terrible pressure.

   is Da Luo?


  The gap was too big, and at this moment he suddenly realized that he knew nothing about power.

   The sea is surging, and the black dragon emerges from the deep sea.

   He opened his mouth wide, and bit at the flying Aolong Heavenly Sword.


   The Heavenly Sword was bitten by the black dragon, and the powerful impact spread to the surroundings, and then he exerted heavy force.



   The sky sword shattered.

   At the same time, Tiandao seemed to have completed its mission, and all the fragments moved and went directly back to the previous position.

   is back in the crystal statue of the dragon.

   Waiting for the Heavenly Sword to leave, the black dragon turned his head and spit out something, and the thing sank directly into the sea.

   No longer caring about the whereabouts of the heavenly sword, the huge black dragon looked at the water shadow, and at this time the power spread to the water shadow.


   The water shadow collapsed, and there was no figure above it.


   Black Dragon looked at Longming Island.

   "Innate fairy?"

Since    has come out, he naturally needs to do something.

   Congenital fairy, Yaochi goddess, one of them is enough.

   Of course, he glanced at Fairy Ran Jing in advance. How many people are holding each other in check?

   This makes him a little uneasy, but...

   also have to do it.


   on the stone pillar.

   The moment when the giant dragon appeared, Fairy Ran Jing and others were a little surprised.

   actually touched a dragon of this level.

   After Tiandao returned, Fairy Ran Jing planned to do it.

   Otherwise the previous knife holder will be in danger.

   Just when she wanted to do something, Fairy Miaoyue put her hand on her shoulder and stopped her.

   And she naturally wouldn't let the opponent stop her, her power began to surge.

   Aoli and others are naturally planning to do it.

   "Don't worry, it seems that the Dragon Race Tianjiao has escaped, and you can continue to look down." Fairy Miaoyue's voice was with a slight smile.

   At this time, Fairy Ran Jing did see the person missing.

   But she never relaxed.

   "Heilong never planned to leave. He wanted to come and have a goal, so Kunlun didn't care about the life and death of the goddess?

   You don’t care about your life or death, but our dragons care. There are people from my dragons on the island. "Fairy Ran Jing's voice was a little cold.

   You know, the dead black dragon left a sentence, the most recent innate fairy...

   The opponent's target will naturally be the innate fairy and...

   Yaochi Goddess.

   Aoli and the others are not good-looking, yes, there is an innate fairy on the island, and the only one recently.

  Eight Prince, Ao Man.

   "Keep watching, there will be no danger. If there is danger, we will naturally take action." Fairy Miaoyue replied softly.

   There is a sense of confidence in his words.

   Fairy Ran Jing was a little surprised.

   Although the people of Kunlun have a dark heart, they are confident.

   belongs to their self-confidence and rarely fails.

   Now that I said, there must be some support~www.readwn.com~What have you left? "Ao Li was a little puzzled.

   Yes, they don't understand it very much.

   "Keep reading and you will know." Fairy Miaoyue has a mysterious expression on her face.

   So, Fairy Ran Jing and others don't say much, but the power is still surging to prevent the rescue from being too late.

   And in the deep sea, the sword that has been condensed can burst out at any time.

   Fairy Miaoyue squinted her eyes, she was curious if Jiang Lan would use it.

   "According to the brother, Jiang Lan is very opinionated and well-measured in his work, but he knows too little about whether he will use it or not.

   But the possibility of using it is still very high.

after all...

   Heilong's targets are all by his side. "

   Fairy Miaoyue was a little expectant.

   Jiu Zhongtian looked at the black dragon and drank the wine, and he also had some judgments in his heart:

  "It should be the weaker of the deep-sea black dragons.

   is not at the peak, he is under the suppression of thunder, which is a fatal threat to the people on the island.

   But I found us, but I still have to do it...

   is there another purpose? "


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