Kunlun's feet.

   in front of the old wine inn.

   Tianyu Fengzu Hongyi, looked around and walked inside after making sure that there was no one.

   "Why are you here?" Hongya looked down and wiped the tea cup as if asking.

   At this time, she never looked up, but she knew who came.

   is naturally the same clan who caused her troubles, the one who was beaten by the eight princes and the boy.

   It's not good to provoke anyone, I have to provoke the people of Ninth Peak.

  The importance of the other party to Kunlun is very high, and it is easy to cause huge troubles.

   "I was contacted by my clan just now." Hong Yi walked over and lowered his head and said cleverly:

   "I feel a little strange, the clan only asked me to come and look after Master Hongya, but why suddenly someone of my clan asked me to tell you that when I go outside Qingcheng, I have extremely important news to tell?"

   Hearing these words, Hongya stopped her hand on the mouth of the glass, and then whispered:

"Do you have any idea?"

   "I don't know, but it is true that the same clan is not wrong. It seems that it is still in a severely injured state." Hong Yi shook his head.

   "Did you tell anyone else about this?" Hongya asked, looking up at Hongyi.

   As if under the other's majesty, Hong Yi couldn't lie at all.

   "No, no." Hong Yi lowered his head a little scared.

   "As it can't happen, go back." After Hongya said, she continued to lower her head to wipe the cup.

   Hongyi lives in Kunlun, she dare not live in the inn.

   "Huh?" Hong Yi was puzzled, and finally nodded.

   She feels very strange, but she shouldn't pass.

  Who knows if it will be dangerous.

   never stayed, she left the inn and wanted to go back to where she lived in Kunlun to see if her family would contact her.

   just not long after leaving the inn, three people surrounded her in front of her.

   are the eight princes of the dragon clan that she has been avoiding, the tavern boy, and the qilin clan of the earth who want peanuts.

   Then Yan Xiyun jumped aside and raised his hand:

   "Okay, it has nothing to do with me, it is my brother and the younger brother who want me to eavesdrop on you."

   "Don't talk nonsense, stun and take it away." The Eighth Prince took out Fang Tianji, and the true immortal power surged.


   Hongya, who was originally at the inn, heard Hongyi's screams.

   did not hesitate, and immediately left the inn.

   She came to the place where Hongyi met the Eight Princes and them, frowning.

After   , she returned to the inn. After a delay, she walked out of the door and closed the door by the way.

   After doing this, he disappeared on the way to the small town of Qingcheng.


   "You, what do you want to do?"

   In the field, several people moved forward quickly under the guidance of Yan Xiyun.

   At this time, Hong Yi was grasped by Yan Xiyun.

   "What did you do." The Eight Prince grabbed the knife and patted his hands.

   "You just need to listen to ours. Now go and contact your clan, ask him where he is, and say that you have brought someone here."

   "But..." Hong Yi hesitated.

   Although I don’t know what’s going on, the opposite is after all her kin.

   "I heard not long ago that someone was going to deal with the little sister, it was the Celestial tribe who wanted to kill people, and said that they would find a chance to lead the little sister.

   Now someone is contacting you to go out, indicating that the other person may be from the Celestial race.

   Big brother and little brother plan to kill them all at once.

   I have a human character guarantee, and I will definitely not lie. Yan Xiyun immediately explained.

   Her potential line is to say, don’t resist, you will get beaten.

   Brother and younger brother are very heavy.

   Hongyi was a little stunned, so there is such a thing?

   She somewhat understood why Lord Hongya asked her to go back, because she was sure that the other party was here to kill.

   "What are their cultivation bases?" Hong Yi was a little curious.

   "There may be two true celestial beings consummated. I don't know if they are stronger or not. Anyway, I didn't find out." Yan Xiyun replied.

   She didn't want to go, but she couldn't help it.

   If you don’t go, you will not only be beaten, but there will be no peanuts to eat in the future.

   There is no one to help when going out, she can't go back.

   If you ask for a way, you will die. It's too dangerous outside.

   "Two, two true celestial beings are perfect? ​​I'm only being perfect." Hong Yi felt that he was going to die.

   "It's okay, I am also a perfect person." Yan Xiyun said.

   Hongyi: "......"

   "Our time is precious." The boy said with Fang Tianji.

   If grandpa finds out, he will be punished.

   Hongyi didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and tried to contact his family.

   She doesn't believe that someone of the same race travels all the way to harm Master Hongya.


   was also made by the same family last time.

   She got in touch soon, and then looked at the Eight Princes and said:

   "The opponent is in the canyon outside Qingcheng Town, and he seems to be unable to hold on." Hong Yi was a little unbelievable:

  "Could it be that the Celestial race was chasing her, and she was forced to deliver the message?

   and then used by the Celestial Race? "

   The Eighth Prince wiped his Heavenly Sword and said nothing.

   The young man touched his hand, Fang Tianji was leaned aside by him and did not speak.

   They are thinking in their hearts.

   When seeing the silent two people, Hong Yi felt the intention of killing, and the other party didn't care about the situation of his own clan at all.

   just used to clean up the enemy.

   What a dangerous creature.

   Yan Xiyun didn't feel anything, she blinked and continued on the road.

   She sees many dangerous people.

   "The sword seems to be made up of fragments. If it is broken, can it be recovered?" Eight Prince thought, wiping the knife.

   "If I help Hongya solve the enemy, and take the opportunity to pat her shoulder with her hand, will she dislike me even more?" The young man hesitated.

   Is the span a bit large?

   After a while, the eight prince suddenly remembered something, then looked at the boy and said:

   "Are you showing the way?"

  The young man was taken aback:

   "Aren't you showing the way?"

   Two people: "......"

   Then they looked at Yan Xiyun.

   "It's okay, I know the road." Yan Xiyun said confidently.


   Outside the canyon to the east of Qingcheng.

  Eight Prince and others hid in the mountain jungle and watched the gorge.

   "It feels dangerous." The boy frowned as he looked at the canyon.

   "I also felt an inexplicable anxiety." The Eight Prince frowned and said softly:

   "There may be an existence above the real fairy."

   "But I heard that it is difficult for Tianxian to get close to Kunlun, right?" Hong Yi asked curiously.

   She can't do anything.

   can only follow. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   Yan Xiyun was beaten and hid far behind.

   Ask for directions and fight, and fight without asking.

   "It's really hard to get close to the gods, but..." The Eight Prince looked at the canyon and said:

   "What if there are gods in some places?

   It is so easy for us to perceive the crisis, which means that this place has already been occupied by some strong man. "

   "It may be a certain fierce beast, which was then used by the Celestial Race. It is dangerous to rush in now." The young man squatted on the ground and sniffed, trying to figure out the outline.

   "It's okay, we call people." Eight Prince believed himself.

   "The price of the last time has not been paid..." The boy naturally knew who the eight prince was going to call.

   "Give it together at the end this time, and ask how to give it by the way," said the Eight Prince.

   Hongyi and Yan Xiyun have no idea what these two people are talking about.



   At the same time, Jiang Lan, who was in the void, was heading towards the light spot.

   He didn't approach fast enough to prevent the opponent from a thunderous blow.

   As long as you dodge a blow, there should be nothing wrong.


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