The young man walked to the front, and a violent aura began to appear on him.

   "Without strategy, I rushed."

   there is no one of them, and they are here to clear people.

   Hit if you can, and run if you can’t.

   was originally the other side's territory, and it was easy to detect conspiracies and tricks.

   "Come on, I will support you behind."

   The Eighth Prince received the Heavenly Sword and took out the Thunder Fang Tianji.

   Heavenly Sword has no effect except sharpness, so in the face of the battle behind, he needs Fang Tianji.

   There should be no major problems.

   If God of Fist and Emperor Xihe are useless, he still has a back hand.

   is naturally the boy who rushed to the front.

   The teenager is here, and they all dared to make a break near Kunlun.


   A low growl came from the boy's mouth, and a violent aura appeared on him.


   The inn boy rushed out, aiming at the gorge ahead.

   The Eighth Prince was covered by thunder and disappeared in place.

   The young man took the lead to attract firepower, he was clean.

   The two behind are kept to go back for help.

   Watching the boy rush out with the eight princes, Hong Yi was a little stunned:

   "I remember the inn boy is not much better than us, right?"

   She really didn't feel how strong the inn boy was, although they couldn't beat it.

  "My brother said that the skin of my little brother is very thick, and the ordinary real fairy can't hurt him, but his destructive power is not very good.

   Well, it's just that normal immortals can't hurt him, but he can't beat him either. "Yan Xiyun squatted and looked ahead. She had to plan to flee here if she had a problem.


   "Somewhat reckless."

   Under the courtyard of the ancient imperial gate, Jiang Lan looked at the boy and the eight princes.

   I feel that this kind of action is a bit unsatisfactory.


   and the most direct.

   "They can't hide themselves well, so they can't make preparations around them.

   Formation traps are also not so good.

   Direct rushing is also the best. "Jiang Lan thought to himself.

   The other party is roughly waiting for the boys to enter.

   suddenly rushed in, and it really surprised the people inside.

   Of course, these two are mainly fearless.

   is because you are young.

   Jiang Lan watched quietly, he acted alone, naturally, this would not be the case, but his behavior does not mean that he is right, it is just the most suitable for him.


   At this time, the boy bumped into someone.

   Both of them stepped back some distance.

   "The middle stage of the true fairy."

   "Heaven and Human Race."

   Jianglan looked at the opponent's strength for the first time.

   has started, now the eight princes and young men can't escape.

   It happened that these two people had a chance.

   Tianyu Phoenix Clan is nothing.

  Whether the enemy is killed by a single net or a single net depends on the preparations of the Celestial Race in the canyon.


   It should be inevitable that there are gods.

   Jianglan stood under the gate, looking at the picture in front, without any intention of making a move.


   In front of the canyon, the violent aura of the teenager collided with the power of the Celestial Race.

   He stepped back a little.

   Although the life of the Celestial Clan was surprised, he did not hesitate to take a step directly to attract the momentum, and shoot it with one palm.

   He recognizes this boy.

   is the person who does bad things.


   Facing this palm, the boy never panicked and stretched out his hand to defend.

   But it was shot off with a palm.

   Just at the moment the boy was knocked into the air, a thunder appeared from below the boy, and the thunder Fang Tianji directly took the Celestial Race.


   Thunder passed by, Fang Tianji cut down.


   The true immortal was killed by the Eight Crown Prince with a thunder strike in the mid-term.

   didn't even give the other party time to shock.

   At this time, the boy landed and moved on without any lingering.

   The Eight Princes follow behind, making it hard to find.

   The violent breath, the sound of fighting shocked the people inside.

   Three people appeared at this time, one Sky Feather Phoenix Clan, and two Celestial Human Clan.

   One true fairy stage, two true fairy early stages.

   The moment he saw the three of them, the boy went straight to the late True Fairy stage.

   His speed is constantly accelerating, and his violent aura is raging crazily.

   But while breathing, the real fairy late stage was already in front of him.


   With a roar, the boy ran into him.


   The phantom of Ten Thousand Fas belonging to the Celestial Race appeared. The boy was knocked out, but the other party showed no sign of backing away.

   The young man landed and stopped paying attention to the other party, because the eight princes behind him had already killed him.

   And he is going to solve the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan.

   With a slight force, he jumped directly in front of the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan.

   However, the opponent had been prepared long ago, and the power of the flame hit the boy.

   What she didn't expect was that the young man withstood this powerful blow abruptly.


   Flames are raging.

   And the young man had grabbed the shoulder of the Tianyu Phoenix Clan, and the violent aura seemed to make him lose his mind.


   He bit directly on the neck of the Tianyu Phoenix Clan.


   then pulled away.


   screaming sounded.

   The blood was spilled all over the place, it was the hot blood belonging to the Tianyu Feng Clan.


   There was a phoenix sound, and the phantom of the fire phoenix appeared, knocking the boy out.

   When the boy was knocked into the air, the thunder flashed.

   Crossed the Tianyu Phoenix tribe.

   The Tianyu Phoenix Clan, who was holding his neck in pain, was taken aback, and then he felt his body corroded by thunder.

   then fell to the ground and couldn't afford it.

   She was instantly beheaded by Fang Tianji.

   At this time, there is only one Celestial Race from the early stage of the True Immortal.

   The young man got up, with blood falling from the corners of his mouth, and looked over.

   Facing the boy's gaze, the Celestial Race took a few steps subconsciously.

   After a while, screams sounded.

   The boy and the Eight Princes walked into the canyon step by step.

   Behind them, only the corpse was lying on the ground, and blood was spilled on the ground.

   "Can you stop biting with your mouth next time? Like a beast, you are a human."

   "It feels like there is no need for teeth, there is no easy weapon."

   "I suddenly thought of how to make your Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan like you."

"any solution?"

   The boy spit out a few saliva and cleaned his mouth, but these are not important.

  The important thing is the way.

   "Find a time in the dead of night, bite towards your Tianyufeng clan neck, bite it for a few days."

   "Stealing kiss... Hongya will hate me."



   The Eighth Prince and the young man entered the canyon, Tianyu Feng Clan Hongyi, his face pale in fright.

   Don't ask the Kill when you meet, kill decisively, and never be merciless.

too frightening.

   She also wanted to ask her family why they did this, but they didn't say a word.

   directly killed the four people who appeared in front of him.

   Fortunately, Master Hongya saved her, otherwise she doesn't know if she can live till now.

   Yan Xiyun is still vigilant around, she doesn't feel anything like this.

   After all, when he was killed, those people didn't say a word.

   didn't even give her a chance to talk.

   Kill when you meet.


   Jiang Lan looked at the eight prince and the young man and nodded slightly.

"not bad."

   At this time, his gaze followed the boy and the eight princes to the canyon.

   As soon as he came in, he saw a huge beast, a green python, in the depths.

   The early days of Tianxian.

   And it was controlled by the means of the Celestial Race.

   Jiang Lan did not rush to do anything.

  Wait for the Celestial Race to move, and then see if you want to do it.


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