My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 451: People appear sacred before, and the **** of war returns

   Zhou Shu and Lu Qian also looked up at the sky, they were still on their way back to Kunlun.

   But I was attracted by the gate of heaven.

   "What's the matter with this door? Is something going to happen?" Zhou Shu frowned.

   Fairy Luqian was also very shocked. The appearance of the door completed the beyond recognition, so he couldn't know whether it was good or bad.

   "Will it be related to the natural disasters of these years?" She was a little less confident.

   This is not the same kind of thing at all.

   "I don't know, but I also know that the door that appeared suddenly is not normal. Could it be that a new race has emerged?

   Go back to Kunlun as soon as possible and ask the brother or senior in the door, maybe you can know one or two. "Zhou Shu said.

   "Well, but don't you really need to go to the inn to thank you?" Fairy Lu Qian asked curiously.

   This time when they went back, they were going to accompany the two elderly people.

   They are coming.

   has actually been alive for a long time, and everyone is very satisfied.

   It’s just an accident, and the parents who were about to come to an end suddenly regained their energy.

   After asking, I realized that it was the boy in the inn who had continued the lives of the two old men.

   They don't know the specific reason, but it is indeed something to be happy about.

   "Father won't let me, let it go, there should be a secret between them.

   The inn boy is not bad at all.

   Besides, we have nothing to do with him. "Said Zhou Shu suddenly said here:

   "For a while, I remembered that we were going to pay a high price to buy other people's wine. At that time, I really didn't know the heights of the world."

   "I still remember you said you wanted to give a reward to Brother Jiang." Fairy Lu Qian said.

   "Looking back on the past, you are too much than me, I said you are not happy." Zhou Shu said.

   What else Luqian wanted to say, but suddenly there was a dim light in the sky.

   came from the huge gate.

   They looked at the door as if there was someone under the door, but they were very vague and could not be sure.


   At the same time, Jiang Lan waved Fang Tianji in his hand.

   With the help of the power of the ancient Imperial Court, he has completely suppressed the opponent.

   The sun and the moon change in the surroundings.

   The Fang Tianji that belonged to him was also breaking through everything.


   Fang Tianji seemed to have expanded countless times, and directly swept across the left arm of the heavenly man.


   Tianren's left arm began to fall.

   The Celestial Man who lost his arm did not change his expression at all. He still waved his own spells, trying to defeat Jiang Lan's condensed figure.

   However, Jiang Lan's Fang Tianji began to wave quickly.


   The power passed through the avenue battle and directly slashed on the left leg of the heavenly man, and soon the power penetrated the avenue battle again.


   The right leg that belonged to the devas disappeared.

   At this time, the light of thunder appeared from high above.

   The only arm of the Heavenly Man was cut off by Jiang Lan.

   At this point, the power of the sky began to subside.

   "I lost."

   The heavenly man lowered his eyebrows and looked at him, and he heard a calm voice.

   Jiang Lan held Fang Tianji and looked at each other.

   It's a pity, I need to be there.

   He couldn't borrow the body of the eight princes or juveniles like Emperor Xihe.

what is that?

   God descended?

   is indeed very similar, but he doesn't know how to do it, but he can provide strength for the Eight Princes and others.

  The limit is the appearance of the figure and the use of Taoism.

   But his real power is not Dao Fa.

   Fortunately, the other party is not in person, otherwise...

   He is definitely not an opponent.


   Jianglan looked at the surrounding world, and felt an aura that resembled too much forgiveness.

   Avenue to public.

   is extremely powerful, he can win because this is Kunlun, where he is.

   Many thoughts passed by.

   When he wanted to wave Fang Tianji to send the other party for the last time, he found that a small amount of chance had begun to condense, heading towards the heavens and humans.

   "It seems that there are gains from this trip."

   The heavenly man looked at the small chance and was integrating the chance into himself.

   It turned out to be for this, Jiang Lan was a little shocked.

   At first, he thought that the other party was for the young three, but now it seems that the Celestial Race wants to use those people to condense new opportunities.

   Inspired by the battle between them.

   He doesn't know the specifics, but it is difficult for the other party to guess.

   Need to pay attention to in the future.

   Without any hesitation, Fang Tianji waved.

   At this moment, countless thunder and Fang Tianji echoed around the canyon.


   Thunder rises from the ground, echoing the sky.


   Thunder is like a sword, cutting through the sky.

   directly beheaded the heavenly man.

   And the opportunity that was about to be absorbed is also divided into two.

One hit kill.

   At this time, the heavenly body began to disintegrate and disappear.

   "I have a feeling that maybe we will meet in the Central Plains in the near future." Tianren doesn't care about the chance of being divided into two.

   It seems that the result has already been known.

   In the end, he took half of it and left half.

   As for being beheaded, he never showed the slightest anger.

   just looked at Jiang Lan, talking about the feeling in his heart.

  The calmness of heaven and man did not surprise Jiang Lan. He also moved his lips gently, and a steady voice came out:

   "At that time, it was your death date."


   Fang Tianji was received behind him, then turned around and walked into the ancient palace.

   After he turned around, the heavens and humans turned into light spots and disappeared in place.

   This battle is over.

   And just as Jiang Lan walked into the ancient royal gate, he was a little surprised to see each of the gates.

   Around Kunlun, they watched a person appear in front of the door, saw that person grow bigger, and saw him enter the door holding a Fang Tianji.

   Like the **** of war returning triumphantly.

   "Who is this...?" Looking at the sky between the roads, he was a little shocked.

   They couldn't see people in the first place.

   But at this moment, they saw it, and a figure walked through the huge gate.

   "Just ahead, go and ask." Leng Wu said.

   "It started to disappear." The north looked at Heavenly Dao.

   Lujian and others looked over and found that the person had disappeared.

   Zhou Shu on the other side was also shocked, the figure shocked their senses.

   holding a square halberd, the thunder light is dazzling, enters the void gate, and the person shows the sage in front of him.

   Among all the people, Hongyi saw the most clearly. She saw that the man killed the Celestial Man, walked into the gate alone, and disappeared in the gate.

   That person Not only where did he go, but after that person entered, the door also disappeared.

   As if the door appeared because of him, and disappeared because of his return.


   Above the Kunlun Hall.

   At the edge of the temple, there is a robe moving in the wind, and the edge of the robe has a fiery red pattern.

   is a middle-aged man.

   He looked at the disappearing Gu Yumeni with a smile on his face:

   "Certainly, he really is special.

   Ancient Imperial Gate Court.

   He can go, but no one else can go.

   The gate of the ancient imperial palace, the first time I saw you. "

   At this time, the little demon dragon on the shoulder of the middle-aged Taoist scratched his head, as if saying something.

   "Haha." The middle-aged Taoist smiled twice:

   "The way you can go as far as your mind is.

   A young man.

   Kunlun is really tolerant, tolerant.

not to mention..."

   He looked at the direction in which the ancient Imperial Palace had disappeared and continued:

   "He is most likely my personal disciple of Kunlun, that is our future."


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