Old Wine Inn.

   The innkeeper stood in front of the door, watching the sky change, quite surprised.

  "Fantastic, what happened to Kunlun these years?

   Ten of the same generation is not enough?

   It seems that many people are going to sleep all night, but they don't know when they will know. "

   shook his head, and the innkeeper entered the inn.

   He went straight to the backyard and continued to be busy with his affairs.

   There will be more Kunlun, it won't affect him anyway.

   As for the shadows, it doesn’t affect other people...

   has nothing to do with him.

   Just don’t know which peak is the person, is it the older generation or the younger generation?

   I'll ask again when I have time.


   And Ao Ye, who originally planned to go for a drink, looked at the sky, and the wine gourd fell directly on the ground.

   He was a little unbelievable:

"How can it be?

   In the Great Wilderness, it has been a long time since you have appeared in such a vision, right?

   Is it Human again this time?

   Is it true that Human Race is the chosen one in the Great Wilderness? "


   At this time, the sun is surging, and everything grows.

   There are stars in the sky.

   Something seems to be affecting the changes in the surroundings.

   "There is a vision in the sky, which disturbs the four seasons, and the Taoism blooms. Daluo." Standing in front of the Kunlun Hall, Jiu Zhongtian was a little surprised:

  "Who has walked out of his own way?

   still looks amazing.

   But already has the qualifications to enter Da Luo.

   Give him time, Daluo is at your fingertips. "

   The vast majority of people have to wait until the end of the ultimate immortal or consummation before they can walk out of their own way.

   But the vision that appeared this time was a little different from their previous perceptions.

   is slightly weaker.

   It is very likely that there is only the mid-term.

   With such a cultivation level, he can walk out of his own way. He is talented and unparalleled in ancient times.

"  " is also possible, because of weak strength, which gives this illusion.

   ask who it is.

   I have confirmed the first peak, and no Jue Xian has walked out of his own way. "Feng Yi smiled as he looked at the sky and heard a voice.

  When this kind of vision appears, the first thing is to determine who this person is.

   This is no small thing for Kunlun.

  The Da Luo of the future.

   The entire wilderness needs to be taken seriously.

   Da Luo, not much.

   "I asked carefully, and there is no second peak." Liu Jing said.

   "The third peak too." Fairy Zhuqing followed.

   "I asked about the fourth peak, at least not on the bright side, and definitely not on the fifth peak." Fairy Miaoyue paused and continued:

   "Senior Sister Chenxi just heard the news, not theirs."

   "I went to ask about the seventh peak, and it's not theirs either." Liu Jing said.

   "Nothing was discovered at the Eighth Peak, unless some people hide their cultivation base, none of the absolute immortals walked out of their way." Jiu Zhongtian also shook his head.

  Mo Zhengdong did not speak.

   Others didn’t care.

   Everyone knows that Peak Ninth is only a disciple.

   This disciple has just been promoted to the immortal, so there is no need to care.

   "Nothing, that's the one who is hidden." Fairy Miaoyue said softly.

   Other people have guessed too.

   "Wushuang Fist God?" Fairy Zhuqing asked.

  "According to the strength he showed in the battle against the Celestial Clan Celestial Man in the past few years, he has indeed reached the realm of absolute immortality.

   But only in the early days of Jue Xian. "Jiu Zhongtian said.

   He has a great say in strengths and weaknesses.

   "If it is really him, it means that he has stepped out of his own way with the realm of Jue Xian's early stage?" Liu Jing's eyes were shocked.

   The same is true for others.

At the beginning of    Jue Xian, you can step out of your own way.

   and it's a complete beginning, otherwise it won't lead to a vision.

The appearance of    anomaly means that there are great roads that interfere with the world.

   But I can step in at the beginning, which is a bit weird.

   "Did you overlook one thing?" Fairy Miaoyue squinted, her voice smiling:

   "Wushuang Fist God was crowned with this name for the first time, when?"

   "When the ghosts of the country of Pakistan come." Fairy Zhuqing thought for a while and said:

   "About four hundred years ago."

   "What cultivation base was he at that time?" Fairy Miaoyue asked again.

   Hearing this, Fairy Zhuqing frowned slightly:

   "Hongluan mentioned to me that it should be around the middle of the real fairy..."


   Kunlun Hall fell into silence.

  True immortal, he became an absolute immortal in four hundred years, and walked out of his own way.

  In the records of the Great Wilderness, there is such an existence?

   Take the example of Eight Princes who practiced the fastest in the world.

   When the Eighth Prince came to Kunlun, it was roughly four hundred years ago, when he was in the early days of being a real immortal.

   Now it's a perfect fairy.

   And that person is a perfect fairy...

   even looked at Daluo.

   is going to the extreme of immortality, such a terrifying growth.

   simply subverts cognition.

   "Let it grow?" Liu Jing asked.

   "What do you want to do, brother?" Fairy Zhuqing asked.

   The existence of this person is too special.

   And they have not been able to determine the identity of each other so far, even if they go to deduction, they can't know anything.

  Even Emperor Xihe couldn't see the true face of the other party.

   "I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted to find out where he came from when facing this kind of person." Liu Jing sighed with emotion.

   The other party is too special.

   "In fact, after careful investigation, there is still some possibility to find out." Feng Yi smiled and said.

   "Do you have any opinion, brother?" Fairy Miaoyue turned to look at Mo Zhengdong in the corner.

   Regarding Miaoyue’s question, Mo Zhengdong just said casually:

   "You can figure it out."

   He has no opinion.

   Miaoyue turned her head and didn't ask more.

   "What if you don't find any clues?" Jiu Zhongtian asked curiously.

   "Will the other party have a sense of crisis?" Fairy Miaoyue tried to say.

   Once they start to look for it, the other party will definitely notice it and hide it.

   This is a very dangerous signal to him.

   "Relatively speaking, it is not without clues." Liu Jing looked at everyone and said softly:

   "Not long ago, I went to the head teacher.

   reported on the big and small things in Kunlun, during which we mentioned Wushuang Fist God.

   As for Wushuang Fist God, the master teacher said a word. "

   "Which sentence?" Jiu Zhongtian was quite curious.

   Other people are also curious.

   "Wushuang Fist God is very likely to be you sitting down, a certain disciple who passed you down." Liu Jing whispered:

   "This is the original sentence. Although there have been similar sayings in the past, this time it seems to be determined."

   If you really are a direct disciple...

   There are not many personal disciples in Kunlun, but not so few.

   There are very few Jue Xian and ~www.readwn.com~ but the opponent should have hidden their strength.

   "Do you still need to investigate?" Fairy Zhuqing asked.

   "No, since it is a personal transmission, it is not necessary." Feng Yi smiled and shook his head slightly.

   The other people didn't raise any objections, it just depends on how long they can hide.

  "But for safety's sake, Junior Sister Miaoyue and Junior Sister Zhuqing waited for a trip to the Sixth Peak to see if there was any hidden danger to Kunlun.

   The precautions that should be taken are still not to relax. "Liu Jing said.

  Miaoyue naturally responds with Zhuqing.

  It is also quite interesting to find a sister.


   After the meeting.

  Mo Zhengdong looked at the sky vision and smiled and shook his head.

  "I thought it would be fine if there was progress in 300 years, but...

   Progress has been made before ten years have passed.

   Even if there is, I just walked out of the road that others could not walk out for thousands of years. "

  Does he think he should expect his disciple to become Da Luo the next day?

   In this way, I will not lag behind my disciple's growth rate.


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