The next morning.

   Jianglan sits under the peach tree and blesses the wooden sword with the true meaning of cutting the dragon.

   Xiaoyu kept swimming in the Yaochi.

   seems to be dancing in the air, which is a rare beauty.

   Just watching the goddess atlas, there is a white dragon spinning around.

   It's autumn now, and the breeze is slowly blowing Jiang Lan's clothes.

   He didn't leave Yaochi in a hurry, let's be two years later.

   Going out just after the retreat is not suitable.

   Two years will be seventeen years. For normal people, children will be sixteen years old when they come in and go out.

  Maybe all peak owners also hope so.


   glanced at the still swimming light rain.

   Jiang Lan felt that Senior Sister had never had this kind of consciousness.

   Of course, I don’t know when it will take to know whether the child born by the sister is shelled or unshelled.

   Is that better with a shell or without a shell?

   This question has always annoyed him, and there is no answer yet.

   He is also reading this kind of book.

   The Great Wilderness Race, he knows everything.

   However, although it is not a small number of interracial unions to give birth to children, there are very few records.

  Dragons and Humans, even fewer and fewer.

   is only a rumor, but there is no actual record.

   It is possible for him and Xiaoyu to enter the record, mainly about the record of the goddess.


   The sound of water appeared, and Xiao Yu leaped to Jiang Lan.

   The clothes were never wet.

   "The clothes are dry, I always remember what the younger brother said." Xiao Yu sat beside Jiang Lan and said:

   "What kind of cultivation is the younger brother now?"

   "The mid-term of the immortal." Jiang Lan replied.

   This is his first level of cultivation, the second level of the human fairy dynasty.

   The true cultivation base is still only the early stage of Jue Xian.

   But he has taken his own path. He had been promoted in one or two hundred years, but it has been shortened to several decades.

   can't be any faster.

   has reached the limit of bonus.

   The Tao that belongs to oneself has been completed, only the accumulation of time.

   There is not enough time for promotion.

   If it goes well, you can become a big Luo within a thousand years of entry.

   He saw the extreme of the immortal, and he would surely be able to enter one day in the future.

   After entering, maybe you can know something from the position of God.

After   , we should consider going further.

   Just what would be on Daluo?

   He doesn't know.

   didn't plan to go to see it in advance.

   In his opinion, it should be sanctification.

   But or not, it needs him to reach that realm.

   Of course, Ronaldo is about to arrive, and it's time to mention the process of looking for his wife.

   It's still in the early stage of Jue Xian, even though Shi Niang's matters are still not in progress, she can still inquire about it.

   prepare for the future.

   It’s just that Uncle Miaoyue feels dangerous to others, in case she really succeeds in becoming her own teacher.


   Does it count as a wolves into the room?

   "Hmm~" Xiao Yu's contemplative voice came over, and then she looked at Jiang Lan and said:

   "Brother, has our challenge been delayed for a long time?

   When will I go to the Ninth Peak to finish it?

   I'm sure to win this time.

   Junior brother should listen to me. "

   arrogant, without self-knowledge, dragon. Jiang Lan thought to himself.

   But he nodded.

   Sister wants to lose, but he can only win.

   "Brother, when are we going to the Ninth Peak?" Xiao Yu came to Jiang Lan's back, leaning on Jiang Lan's dangling calf.

   "Two years later." Jiang Lan replied.

   "Two years? What are we doing then? Are we going to retreat?"

   "Help the elder sister get used to not becoming a dragon."

   "I feel that I am not used to being in the Ninth Peak in Yaochi, and I can't control it."

"Take it easy."

   This kind of thing can't be forced, let alone the sister is a dragon.

   Let it be.

   They still have a lot of time.

  Life is very long.

   There was a smile in Xiao Yu's eyes, and the younger brother had to stay in Yaochi for two more years, which was nothing to her.

   I haven't won the challenge yet, so naturally I have to listen to my younger brother.

  If you win...

   Junior Brother’s proposal is acceptable.


time flies.

   For two years, Jiang Lan did not practice in retreat, but was familiar with the changes in Tao a lot.

   Let his own Tao become his combat power.

The influence of    is not that big, but many things do have more understanding.

   Array and some spells.

   Especially Aolong Three Swords, now if he wants Teacher Sister, he can already do it.

   But the elder sister does not learn.

   still have to teach him spells.

   Picked left and right, taught a more powerful dragon spell, Qianlin Longming.

  The basic technique is to portray runes in each dragon scale to bless oneself.

   is similar to a secret technique, allowing the body to reach a higher level.

   While the secret technique usually hurts, it is different from the Qianlin Longming, which is accumulated in the dragon scales in advance.

   One-time consumption when used.

   does not leave internal damage.

   At most, the body is a little unbearable and has some trauma.

   is really useful.


  He has no scales.

   "Skins are also okay, but runes are similar to dragon language. Do you want to paint by yourself, or should I paint for you?"


   Finally, Xiao Yu began to draw runes on his hands.

   Two years have been enough for him to learn, and he has also laid out many formations in Yaochi.

   is the experience of these years.

   Go back to the ninth peak and reapply these experiences to the formation.

  In this way, the Ninth Peak Formation will be even higher.

   As for the half-dragonization, there has been little progress.

   There are only one or two no scales in two years.

   The arrogant dragon felt that she was all right, and was beaten in the face the next day.


   early morning.

   "I don't know if the plant eggs are okay." Xiao Yu had a smile on his face.

   Today they plan to go to the Ninth Peak.

   I haven't returned in seventeen years. I don't know what happened to the Ninth Peak and how many changes have been made in Kunlun.

  The problem is naturally no problem.

   The eight princes and the young men are still free to send game, which shows that Kunlun has not changed dramatically.

   But the Eight Prince has a Heavenly Sword, is it suitable to teach him the Three Swords of the Dragon?

   He is not worried about the Eight Princes becoming stronger, but he needs to care about what impact the Dragon Clan will have on Kunlun.

   After thinking for a moment, he remembered what the nether creature said, heaven and earth will fall.

   The Great Emperor of Ba Kingdom Youdu also had similar words.

   Those people knew that Emperor Xihe must also know this.

  Under Kunlun, people of all races wandered for the special breath of Kunlun, which seemed to be helpful to the gods.

  Heaven and Human Race, Dragon Race, Sky Feather Phoenix Race, Earth Underworld Demon Race, Monster Race, all come from this kind of thing.

   Kunlun did not do any cleanup work.


   "In order for them to gain the throne as soon as possible, UU reading will become stronger?"

   After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Lan made a decision.

  Wait for the next time the Eight Princes and the others will come to deliver game.

   "Brother, this time you fly with the sword, I will stand behind you." Xiao Yu rarely teaches the sword to fly.

   never refused.

   Jianglan took Xiao Yu and left Yaochi to the Ninth Peak.


   is like the rebirth period.

   "Junior Brother, can I be faster? I don't know the strength of your Yujian." Xiao Yu asked when he approached Jiang Lan.

   Looking back at Xiao Yu, Jiang Lan began to think.

  The dragon standing on the flying sword should be overloaded, so it should be reasonable to affect the speed.


   "I will definitely get a response this time, I think it's almost time, Wushuang God should leave."

  Eight Prince took the game and walked to the top of the mountain.

   "If you believe the dragon, I can knock Hongya on the forehead." The inn boy expressed disdain.


   ask for a monthly pass!


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