My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 465: Master and Uncle Miaoyue’s illegitimate daughter?

The ninth peak.


   In front of the peach blossom forest.


   There are three young fairies waiting in place.


   "Master asked us to wait here, and she went in first.


   This brother Jiang has such a big weight? "Fairy Yanling asked curiously.


   She is the youngest of the three.


   **** with double pony tails, looks like a juvenile.


   But the cultivation base is returning to the virtual perfection.


   is not far from the fairy gate.


  This shows that she has been practicing for about 600 years.


   More likely.


   "I don't know whether Brother Jiang is heavy or not, but I'm just a little puzzled. Why do I need to come here to learn the formation?


   In fact, we have only just finished the formation of the mountain peak, a lot of things to learn.


Can Brother Jiang really teach us?


  He does have an array of skills, but we are not weaker than our peers. "Fairy Yali doesn't feel that she needs to come to the Ninth Peak.


   There is nothing better than the fifth peak here.


   Yali Fairy is taller, with long hair falling, and an outstanding appearance.


   is still returning to the virtual perfection.


   The eldest of the three.


   "What the master said, we listened to it, but I heard that the goddess is often here, I don't know if I can see it." The last Han Qi had no complaints.


   She is more obedient, delicate and well-behaved.


   also returns to the virtual perfection.


   The three of them are relatively close to Renxian, and after studying at the Ninth Peak, they all begin to prepare for the tribulation.


   is as long as 50 years, and as short as 20 years.


   "Speaking of which, when I first started, when I mentioned Brother Jiang, many people felt that they would rely on resources to keep up with our cultivation.


   Now let him teach us.


  Is it..." Fairy Yali felt a little uncomfortable.


   I still want to stay on the Fifth Peak.


   "Senior Brother Jiang has become an immortal, but we are still returning to perfection." Han Qi said.


   "Yes, how did Brother Jiang become an immortal?" Fairy Yanling was quite curious:


  "His talent is not well known, but he entered the immortal earlier than Kunlun's top geniuses.


   I heard some people say that it is the credit of each peak owner. "


   "I don't care about these, I just want to know if you can really learn the formation here.


   can only see Master's follow-up arrangements. Ya Li sighed.


   Naturally, she can't go against her master.


   I can only accept it no matter how unwilling it is.


  "Sister Yali, don't be dissatisfied when the brothers and sisters come out.


   The respect that should be given can not be lost. "Han Qi is a little worried.


   "Well, no matter how much questioning in my heart, I won't say it." Ya Li looked to the side of the fairy Yan Ling and said:


   "Sister Yan needs to pay attention to her words, don't shame her master."


   Yanling Fairy stuck out his tongue, not paying attention.






   waited for a while.


   Jianglan and Xiao Yu saw a fairy named Miaoyue walking in with a veil.


   The formation can't trap her.


   "I don't know how high Master Miaoyue's formation skills are, I still can't see it."


   Looking at Master Miaoyue's calm appearance, Jiang Lan was very curious, where is the ultimate Master Uncle's formation.


   Unfortunately, his practice is too short.


   It takes a long time to see it.


   The formation method is not a cultivation base. At the same time as comprehending it, it takes a huge amount of time to move forward easily.


   And most of his time is spent on cultivation.


   "Uncle Master."




   When Fairy Miaoyue came over, Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu bowed their heads for the first time.


   Fairy Miaoyue looked at the two voices with a smile:


   "Listen to your master, have you lived in Yaochi for more than ten years?"


   Xiao Yu lowered his head, his face flushed.


   did not dare to speak.


   Jiang Lan kept calm and nodded slightly.


   Not much to say.


   Fairy Miaoyue came to the courtyard and sat down at the table and chairs, and said:


   "Do you remember what your master said?


   Let people learn the formation of the Ninth Peak. "


   This is for Jiang Lan.

   "Remember." Jiang Lan nodded.


   He couldn't refuse this kind of learning.


   I also went to the Fifth Peak to study in the same way.


   just some need to pay a price.


   For example, let Master Miaoyue personally guide.


   This is not a treatment that ordinary people can get.


   "I have brought people now, they are outside." Fairy Miaoyue said.


   After hesitating, Jiang Lan asked:


  "The Fifth Peak should be better. Why did Shishu bring people to the Ninth Peak?


   There is a ghostly atmosphere here, and it’s not good to stay for a long time. "


  "The main reason is that I want a certain disciple to learn more different things. This is very suitable.


   After all, her life experience is unusual. Fairy Miaoyue sighed in her words.


   Jiang Lan was quite surprised.


   Unusual life experience?


   He didn't dare to ask again, this kind of person is easy to cause trouble.


   Fortunately, he is not a disciple of Ninth Peak, so there won't be any problems.


   It’s just that Jiang Lan didn’t ask, Fairy Miaoyue didn’t mean to stop, she continued:


   "It's not ordinary, but it's also average."


   Having said that, she paused on purpose, then looked at Jiang Lan and said softly:


   "In fact, she is the illegitimate daughter of your master and I."




   The moment Fairy Miaoyue's voice fell, the air seemed to calm down.




   While playing with the light rain of his fingers, he twisted his index finger directly.




   Jiang Lan made a shocked voice, his face changed drastically.


   These are the most shocking words he has heard over the years.


   "It hurts, it hurts."


   Xiaoyu jumped on the spot with pain.


   seems to have just recovered.




   Fairy Miaoyue laughed.


   If it weren't for a veil, she would definitely be able to see her bright smile.


   "I thought that none of you were listening, and the other became immortal and expressionless." Fairy Miaoyue had a clear smile in her voice.


   Jiang Lan recovered, and by the way helped Xiao Yu break his finger back, but he was still a little shocked.


   He didn't know if what Shishu said was true or false.


   No, it must be fake.


   But he still wanted to ask.


   It’s just that Fairy Miaoyue has stood up, she looked at Jiang Lan and said:


   "Okay, I'll go up and say hello.


   The three little guys out there, I'll leave it to you.


   Remember to keep it secret. "


   After speaking, she disappeared in place.


   Jiang Lan knew that Shishu had gone to the top of the Ninth Peak.




   He always had that kind of doubt in his heart, was Master Miaoyue just joking, or was he serious?


   Said admiring Master, this is true.


   But an illegitimate daughter?


   This must be false. UU reading


   does not conform to his perception.


   "Junior Brother." Xiao Yu touched Jiang Lan's arm and said with a mysterious expression:


   "Do you mean what Uncle Uncle said is true or false?"


   "It is false, but if it is true..." Jiang Lan sighed.


   If it is true, do you really need him to find a wife for the master?


   Even if you look for it, you must look for Master Miaoyue.


   dare not look for others first.


   I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.


  Is he already hit by Uncle Miaoyue's plan?


   Besides, he can't send the three people outside at will.


   "It feels like Master Uncle's strategy." Jiang Lan said softly.


   "What strategy?" Xiao Yu asked curiously.


   Jiang Lan said about finding his wife.


   talked about Master Miaoyue again.


   After listening, Xiao Yu was stunned.


   "Junior Brother, do you want me to find one for Master?"




   I'll wait for you to be immortal.

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