Jiang Lan came to the table and sat down.


   Xiao Yu stood in front of him, he sat down, and Xiao Yu sat on the table with him.


   is still condescending.


   may be the last point of pride as a senior sister.


   I have to look up to see her.


   "Sister, please speak."


   Jiang Lan said.


   didn't want to compete with Xiao Yu, just follow it.


   Although the dragon in Yaochi has grown up, it can retain its youthful mind.


   He had no intention of sabotaging.


   "The elder sister of the three, Fairy Yali, she has a very ordinary background." Xiao Yu took out the wooden sword and drew a circle on the table:


  "She was selected by Kunlun's disciples, and she has been in the business for more than six hundred years.


   was originally just an ordinary disciple of the Fifth Peak, and later made some famous places in the formation mountain peak, and was accepted as a disciple by Master Miaoyue.


   then showed amazing talent, cultivation base talent and formation talent.


   finally became a direct disciple.


   What surprised me the most was that she had a Taoist couple three hundred years ago.


   is a fellow villager who came with her, and seems to be a very talented disciple, who should have just become a fairy. "


   "Who recruited her to get started?" Jiang Lan asked.


   "It seems to be the senior of the first peak." Xiao Yu shook his head and said that he did not know him.


   Jiang Lan never asked these more, but came to a conclusion:


   "It doesn't seem to be her, what about the other two?"


   "Fairy Yanling is the youngest of the three, and she shouldn't be." Xiao Yu jumped up and fell behind Jiang Lan, half of her body lying on Jiang Lan's head and said:


  "She is the daughter of the elder of the Fourth Peak. She liked the formation since she was a child and was sent to the Fifth Peak.


   was finally accepted as a direct disciple by Uncle Miaoyue.


   Her parents are still alive, so it cannot be her. "


   Xiao Yu lay on his head, Jiang Lan did not feel too much weight, but was curious about the second place:


   "There is a problem with the second one?"


Sister    jumped from the largest to the smallest, and the order of second was placed last, which shows that there are some problems.


   "There are some problems." Xiao Yu sat next to Jiang Lan and nodded:


   "As far as I know, Fairy Han Qi has a big problem.


   She said that she was picked up by the Fifth Peak elder, in an uninhabited wilderness.


   She had been there, there was no human beings, rocks, dead trees and grass.


   Her adoptive father said that no one could appear there, but she appeared there for no reason.


   If it hadn't been met, it would most likely not survive for three days. "


   "It is indeed a bit weird." Jiang Lan frowned.


   He doesn't believe that there is a master's illegitimate daughter among the three, but the origin of this sister is indeed somewhat different.


   "Any other findings?" Jiang Lan asked.


   "Yes." Xiao Yu was waiting for Jiang Lan's question:


   "There is a symbol on her arm that she was born with.


   I have seen that symbol, it is very complicated, and there may be some clues. "


   "Sister, remember that symbol?" Jiang Lan asked, looking at Xiao Yu.


   heard this Xiao Yu smile at the corner of his mouth:


   "I just waited for the younger brother to ask, I wrote it down specially, knowing that the younger brother will ask."


   said, she pressed her hand on the desktop, and then complicated symbols began to appear.


The    symbol seems to be distorted, but there is a positive line in the distortion.


   When he saw this symbol, Jiang Lan frowned slightly.


   He remembers this symbol.


   He saw this symbol when he watched "Gu Yu Ruan".


The    symbol represents ancient imperialism.


   But it is also different, there seems to be something different in it.




   Jiang Lan subconsciously stretched out his hand, wanting to check.


   Only soon, his **** position appeared touched, as if he was unlocking the formation above.


   For an instant, Jiang Lan retracted his hand to prevent himself from unlocking the formation in the symbol.


   "It seems that Master Uncle is joking with us, the origin of this junior sister is a bit unusual, it is impossible to be the daughter of Master and Master Uncle." Jiang Lan looked at the formation with a little shock.

   is the first time I have come into contact with symbols related to the ancient imperial court.


   It's just that Master Miaoyue must know this symbol too, I don't know if he has ever moved his hands or feet.


   Need to be more vigilant.


   "Not ordinary?" Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan with his cheeks supported.


   "Yeah." Jiang Lan pointed his finger at Heavenly Road:


   "It's related to the above."


   "Above?" Xiao Yu looked up and saw the sky.


   "It's the heaven." Jiang Lan whispered.


   Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan with a bit of amazement.


   Then I didn't ask, it was too far away from her.




   half a month later.


   Jiang Lan walked towards the Nether Cave.


   He is about to start practicing, so he will take a look at the formation brought by that symbol.


   Xiaoyu went to the third peak, and hadn't seen her master for a long time, so she needed to go.


   As for the three Fairies Yali, they are still studying the formation on the Ninth Peak.


   When they broke into the puzzle, although they made some progress, they couldn't go out in the end.


  The second-ranked formation is really not trivial.


   Xiaoyu occasionally went to see their progress, but Jiang Lan had never been to find out.


   They never asked.


   It will be more leisurely like this.


   Sitting cross-legged in the thatched hut in the Nether Cave, Jiang Lan took out the symbol left by the light rain.


  "This symbol must be known to Master Miaoyue and cannot be opened directly.


   It must be a trap under Master Uncle. "


   sent three people over to learn the formation, and deliberately said that one of them was the illegitimate daughter of her and the master, so that he could inquire about this symbol.


   And the gods can react to this symbol.


   Once he turns it on, he may be spotted.


   So it must be possible that he was suspected.


   may have something to do with the master.


   He is not sure about the specifics, but he can't take risks.


   But he still has a way to find out something related to the formation.


   The mountain and sea mirror was taken out by him:


   "Using this symbol as a medium, I don't know what I can see."


   Thinking like this, he planned to try.


   just before running the mirror of mountains and seas, he suddenly found that someone was reciting his name.


   is the eight prince and the boy.


   Only then did he remember it, a month passed.


   Need to teach them the knife skills again.


   I wonder if there will be any progress this time.






   The sixth peak.


   In front of the bamboo house, Fairy Miaoyue sat opposite Fairy Chenxi. She looked in the direction of the Ninth Peak, frowning slightly.


   "What's wrong with Junior Sister?" Fairy Chenxi poured tea and asked curiously~www.readwn.com~ I felt that the pair of teachers and apprentices at Ninth Peak was guarding me. Fairy Miaoyue had a slight smile in her voice.


   "Junior Sister is too dangerous. Many things have a certain purpose and cannot be prevented." Fairy Chenxi didn't care much.


   "Senior sister exaggerated." Fairy Miaoyue turned around and poured tea for herself:


  "I also play tricks with the brothers, and I don't have any bad thoughts about children.


   But it's interesting to let some little guys guess what's wrong. "


   "Junior Sister's impression of Jiang Lan seems to be good." Fairy Chenxi said.


   "A person who is very cautious, but not afraid of things.


   Brother has always trusted him, and naturally there is a reason.


  I have been in contact a few times, and I am calm and calm about many things.


   But as long as he talks about something related to the brother, it is easy to shock him. Fairy Miaoyue continued to pour tea, with a clear smile in his words.


   "Don't fall, you don't drink." Fairy Chenxi grabbed the teapot:


   "Something may happen to the Ninth Peak, and I will probably go to the Ninth Peak in a few years.


  Don't ask me for details, I don't know, wait. "


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