
   Jiang Lan was surprised.

   It turned out that some of the disciples who were passed down from him have become immortals.

   This is a little beyond Jiang Lan's expectations.

   But think about it, he has been a golden core for his surface cultivation for the past fifty years.

   I don’t know how many years Kunlun was founded. Below the Jiufeng, there are many disciples.

   It's abnormal if no one becomes a fairy.

   But Jiang Lan has seen one at the moment.

   I don’t know if there are others.

   Maybe there is.

   Jianglan didn't look much, but continued to fly with the sword and headed to Yaochi.

   It's just that he didn't look at it, but someone was paying attention to him.

   Then Jiang Lan found that someone was coming to him.

   is the fairy that I just saw.

   "Junior, from the Ninth Peak?"

   A man fell beside Jiang Lan, and his sword was on Jiang Lan's edge at the same speed as Jiang Lan.

   Jianglan looked over, and immediately said politely:

   "The Ninth Peak Jiang Lan, I have seen my senior brother."

   "The Eighth Peak Road, I disturbed Junior Brother." Lu Jian looked at Jiang Lan and nodded slightly, and then continued:

  "The first time I saw a junior on the Ninth Peak appeared in Yaochi.

   I came to take a look when I was curious, I hope I won’t disturb the younger brother. "

   "No," Jiang Lan said softly.

   He didn't detect any malice in the other party's words.

   didn't feel any power to lock him either.

   The other person talks so well, which makes him feel a little weird.

   It is rare to see someone being so polite to him.

   But I don’t rule out the purpose.

   Anyway, keep the necessary vigilance.

   "Then I won't disturb Junior Brother much, just come and get to know him." Lu Jian left Jiang Lan's side as he said.

   returned to the eighth peak team.

   There are many people on other peaks.

   Only Jiang Lan is alone.

   But Jiang Lan feels that not everyone is a direct disciple.

   As long as the disciples are talented enough to cultivate, they are actually likely to go to the ceremony.

   But the number of places should be limited.

   As for the golden core and below.

   Jiang Lan felt that if he wasn't, there wouldn't be.


   In just a moment, Jiang Lan came to a huge mountain.

   There are fairy clouds curled up here, and there are many rocks floating in the air.

   But I can't see it above the mountain.

   One after another fell on the floating stones, Jiang Lan also found a relatively corner piece and fell gently.

   He was a little disappointed.

   This is not a Yaochi.

   can't even see Yaochi.

   There is no avenue reminder either.

   But Jiang Lan was not in a hurry, but looked at the back.

  The first time he came to observe the ceremony, he didn't know the specific process very much.

   It's not too early or too late for him to come.

   Later, some people fell on the floating rocks around.

   But he found it among many disciples.

   Jin Dan was the weakest in the early stage, and he was the only one.

   Fortunately, no one paid attention to him.

   Not long after, Jiang Lan saw a person falling in front of him.

   A person wearing a front blue and white fairy skirt.

   There seems to be a bright red pattern on the side of his face.

   Ao Longyu.

   As Ao Longyu fell, the same Lin Siya fell.

   is just beside Ao Longyu.

   Jiang Lan just watched, no surprises.

  The people in the corner are not very high in cultivation.

   However, Ao Longyu's cultivation level was completed in Jindan.

   really fast.

   Lin Siya is only close to the late Jindan stage.

   Unknowingly, Jiang Lan's surface cultivation is about to catch up with these people.

   However, it will be difficult to catch up afterwards.

   The other two people who were cultivating at the entrance of the Nether Cave for a short time also fell not far away.

   Both of them are in the late Jindan stage.


   A bright light flashed.

   A man fell in front of them.

   Gu Qi stood on the floating rock with a sense of war.

   Jiang Lan naturally recognized him.

   "The original spirit, and the appearance of entering some years, it is really true."

After    came, Jiang Lan basically didn't know him.

   He didn't care either, but was waiting, waiting for the follow-up.

   There are a lot of people coming, but no one is here to speak~www.readwn.com~ as if everyone is waiting.

   Soon after, there was a huge voice over Yaochi:

   "Yao Chi is about to open, disciples who want to enter Yao Chi, and disciples who want to observe the ceremony up close.

   Go up with strength. "

  The sound fell, and the mist appeared from all directions.

   Everything around is hard to see.

   It's hard to see five fingers when you reach out.

   Then Jiang Lan felt his rock rising rapidly, and then quickly moved back.

   seems to be disrupting everyone's position.

   Jiang Lan stabilized his mind.

   was not too surprised.

   Entering Yaochi with strength and watching the ceremony at close range are not unexpected.

   Although it is considered Yaochi here, it is not close to the main road.

   If he can get in, he will naturally try.

   I hope you don’t test your cultivation.

   He has been repaired on the surface to look at it now.

   is the lowest.

   After a while, Jiang Lan felt the stone stop.

   A stream of air passed in front of him.

   At this time, Jiang Lan saw that the mist in front of him was blooming, like a road leading to the sky.

   This is a road that leads to Yaochi.

   If you want to go in, you have to go to the end?

   "Whether you can enter depends on your ability."

   "Wherever you go, just watch the ceremony."

   The vast voice sounded again.

   After the voice fell, Jiang Lan knew that the competition had begun.

   But from beginning to end, I didn’t say what I would get if I went in.

   Probably entering Yaochi is a privilege in itself.

   If it's not to go in and sign in.

   Jianglan didn't want to go in.

   "Just do what you can."

   Jiang Lan stepped forward.


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