Faced with Ao Longyu's question, Jiang Lan did not think too much.

   The opponent's strength is OK.

   is at least much stronger than his apparent cultivation base.

   It should be impossible to find a better partner than Ao Longyu.

   "Sister Lao," Jiang Lan whispered.

   Ao Longyu nodded gently.

   After reaching a cooperation, Jiang Lan put away the spirit sword and continued to walk forward.

  He is in charge of the formation, so he can only walk in the front.

   After all, the formation is touched before the attack will appear.

  Of course, flying over from above is not possible, he has tried it before.

   Not long before this time, Jiang Lan ignored the others, but lowered his head to release the imprisonment of the formation.

   Then he felt an attack coming.

   He didn't go to avoid it the first time, but was waiting for Ao Longyu to do it.

   Sure enough, at the moment the attack appeared, a sword light flashed.

   Before the attack completely appeared, it was wiped out by a sword.

   Not surprised, Jiang Lan just bowed his head to release the imprisonment.

   Soon he released the imprisonment under his feet.

   "Sure enough, two people are much faster than one."

   Jiang Lan muttered to herself silently.

   Especially the partners are not weak.

   Ao Longyu watched Jiang Lan untie the formation and continue to move forward, she also followed.

   In her eyes, there is no wave.

   doesn't seem to care about anything.

   But she also felt that two people are much faster than one.

   Although Jiang Lan, who has been moving forward, would care about the attack, he did not make any obvious movements.

   Ao Longyu will solve the sudden attack as soon as possible.

   after a while.

   Jiang Lan felt that he had walked several times the distance before.

   Even Ao Longyu could perceive that the current progress has surpassed her previous progress.

   This time Jiang Lan was imprisoned again, and when he wanted to unlock it, he found it a lot more difficult.

   After this discovery, he went to check the attack as soon as possible.

  The attack may change.

   He will not despise any attack and will have sufficient follow-up preparations, but Ao Longyu, as a genius, controls a powerful force.

   may not be the same as him.

   "Sister Ao, the formation has changed."

   Jiang Lan reminded him that he couldn't talk too much under time.

   But the surrounding attacks are still a step faster.

   Ao Longyu heard Jiang Lan's words, but she attacked and couldn't change it for the first time.

   In the next instant, Jiang Lan saw that Ao Longyu's sword light did not directly cut off the attack from the fog.

   He moved his lower body, intending to avoid the attack.

   Just, just moved the position, a dragon chant sounded beside him.

   Long Ying appeared from behind him.

   Boom! ! !

   The mist that was about to attack was directly shattered by Dragon Shadow.

   "There is me around, don't worry."

   Ao Longyu's calm voice sounded behind Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan responded, without saying anything else.

   then continued to unravel the formation.

   Ao Longyu is really strong.

   But Jiang Lan's vigilance will not relax.

   This is a habit.

   Just when Jiang Lan unlocked the formation and planned to move on, Ao Longyu’s clear and calm voice came over again:

   "Wait if there is a loss, I will speak, Junior Brother, don't hesitate."

   Ao Longyu understands her own strength, and it is no longer her cultivation base that can be crushed casually.

   So she needs to let Jiang Lan know.

   "Okay." Jiang Lan nodded, and didn't ask much else.

   Ao Longyu nodded slightly, and said nothing more.

   Then the two kept moving forward.

   Jianglan's speed of unraveling the formation has been much slower, and the surrounding attacks have become much stronger.

   So their progress plummeted.

   But neither of them spoke, nor discussed what to do.

   One lowers the head to solve the formation, and the other defends against surrounding attacks.

   Currently, the two do not interfere with each other.


   "The road seems to be difficult this time."

   A few people stood outside Yaochi, among them a beautiful fairy spoke.

   She is the third peak Yuzhu Fairy.

   "The stronger the Yaochi breath, the harder it is to get closer." A middle-aged man said.

   "Will anyone enter Yaochi this time?"

   If there is, it is a good thing for Kunlun. "There is another human.

   "Sister Yuzhu, what do you think?"

   If there is ~www.readwn.com~ the third peak is the most likely.

   Because the third peak is coming, there is no girl disciple.

   And some specially selected disciples are also in the third peak.

   Yuzhu lowered his eyebrows and said calmly:

   "Who knows."

   The others didn't care too much. They looked at Yaochi and found that someone was approaching Yaochi.

   "Retreat, someone is already approaching, the fog here is going to disperse."

   "Whether someone can get in, you can only do whatever you want."


   early morning.

   Jianglan didn't stop all the way, he used all his knowledge of formation.

   The formation behind it is getting harder and harder.

   It's not just him, Ao Longyu's attack has also begun to weaken.

   The current Ao Longyu is once again half-dragon.

   Her slender and white fingers have become dragon claws.

   Dragon scales covered her arm.

   The most obvious is the pattern on her profile.

   extends from the face to the neck.

   This is the injury left last time.

   looks like it will appear once the dragon is transformed, or if you use your full strength.

   They have traveled a long way, but the road ahead cannot be seen to the end.

   Jiang Lan didn't know where he went.

   But he knew that he must have not entered the inside of Yaochi.

   The system has not been reminded by the main road so far.

   "I don't know how far it is."

   Jiang Lan looked at the front and muttered to herself.

   He continued to move forward, before he gave up.

   Ao Longyu walked behind, his strength a little unstable.

   But I didn't even think of taking a break.

   She wants to go as far as she can go.

   Just as Jiang Lan touched the imprisonment formation, a clear voice came in his mind.

【Ding! 】


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