"Cultivating here at this time is really fast."

   Facing the erupting Nether portal, Jiang Lan had to sigh with emotion.

   If you can enter the Netherworld cultivation, then the cultivation speed does not know how fast.

   It's a pity, even if he really enters casually now, he won't go to practice.

   because it will be affected.

   If you stay here to practice after being affected, it will only be counterproductive.

   Finally affects his own fairy road.

   Not long after, Jiang Lan got up and planned to exit the Nether Cave, build a house at the entrance of the cave, and practice again.

   It should be just one or two years.

   By the way, guard the Nether entrance to see if there are any Nether creatures coming out.

   Just when Jiang Lan just got up, he felt that someone had come in.

   is his master.

   At this time, Mo Zhengdong did walk in.

   He saw Jiang Lan as soon as he came in.

   The entrance to the Nether erupted to the highest peak.

   He was worried that Jiang Lan would fall into it.

   came here specially.

   seems to be overly worried.

   Jiang Lan had already planned to evacuate at this time.

   "Master." Jiang Lan called out immediately.

   "Netherworld entrance has exploded to its peak, how does it feel?" Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan and asked.

   "It's dangerous." Jiang Lan said solemnly.

   is indeed dangerous.

   Otherwise, he won't leave here.

  Mo Zhengdong nodded, his apprentice does things with a sense of measure.

   Then he didn't say much, but went to the well.

   Jianglan stood in place, did not follow, that well was not for him to see now.

   Although he is curious about what Well is like, he is not strong enough.

   Wait until the strength is enough, look again.

   needs to be immortal.

   Although it is still very far away.

   But it is much closer than before.

   is no longer within reach.

   Jiang Lan just watched his master grow in front of the well, and when he looked at the well, he could just see his master's profile from this angle.

   a little calm.

   It seems that this well is not performing supernormally.

  Mo Zhengdong didn't look much, just took a look, then turned his head and left.

   "Let's go, it seems that nothing will come out this time." Mo Zhengdong came to Jiang Lan and said.

   Jiang Lan nodded to follow.

   Although he doesn't understand why the master is so sure, but he knows, as long as he has read it, he will know.


   "Are you sure you want to continue practicing at the entrance of the Nether Cave?"

   "Yes, Master."

   At the entrance of the Netherworld Cave, Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan and said:

   "You are the most competitive disciple who inherits the Ninth Peak. You shouldn't stay at the entrance of the Nether Cave."

   Jianglan: "......"

  He is just for cultivation.

   Moreover, Ninth Peak seems to have no other powerful competitors.

  Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan with a smile, and then said:

   "Old rules, check the demons once a month."

   "Thank you, Master." Jiang Lan bowed his head and thanked him.

During the eruption of    Netherworld entrance, Jiang Lan was also very worried about himself.

   Especially in the previous situation.

   If something goes wrong, it can be found sooner.

   Then Jiang Lan built a small wooden house at the entrance of Netherworld.

   sat in there and concentrated on cultivating.

   During this period, he would go to the Ninth Peak every other month.

   Then water the plant eggs and take care of the road to the Ninth Peak.

   to ensure that the ninth peak will not be abandoned.

   The plant egg has not changed in any way, as always, it is a potted plant.

   The progress of Jianglan's cultivation has been at its peak.

   Three years later, the eruption at the Nether Intersection ended.

   Jianglan moved into the Nether Cave again.

   This time he brought in plant eggs together.

   At this time, his cultivation base has entered the middle stage of the soul.

   During this period, Jiang Lan signed in specially in the Nether Cave.

   The eruption at the entrance of the Netherworld has a high probability of making the check-in income a lot better.

  The experiment was successful.

  Whether it's medicine, magic weapon, or cultivation method, it's better than before.

   This also improved Jiang Lan's cultivation progress a lot.

   Jiang Lan never left the Ninth Peak during this period, he has been living on the Ninth Peak.

   is doing what he should do, what he needs to do.

   Twenty years later ~www.readwn.com~ The beads Ao Longyu gave him shattered.

  The essence of all things has been absorbed.

   At this time, Jiang Lan stepped into the late Yuanshen stage.

   After the breakthrough, Jiang Lan strolled around the Ninth Peak.

   is mainly to calm down.

   then read some books.

   learned some formations.

   By the way, water the plant eggs again.

   He rarely heard the news beyond the Ninth Peak.

   But occasionally I heard his master say that other peak disciples are working hard to cultivate.

   It seems to be going to participate in some witchcraft convention.

   Jiang Lan worried for a while.

  I am afraid that his master said that every peak needs to send outstanding disciples to participate.

   After all, Ninth Peak has no better disciple than him.

   After taking care of some roads on the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan returned to the Nether Cave.

  "The beads that Sister Ao gave have been exhausted.

   After so many years, no one should be thinking about it anymore. "

   When the beads are used up, there are some benefits.

   At this time, his surface cultivation base has also reached the late Jindan stage.

   Theoretically, it should be in the middle stage, but the beads are all consumed. It's not fast, and it's not justified.

   But staying a little longer in the late Jindan period is good.

   "The follow-up practice will use the Goddess Atlas. After so many years, the accumulated essence of all things should not be suddenly short."

After    cross-legged, Jiang Lan opened the Goddess Atlas in his mind.

   intends to practice.

   only opened this time, Jiang Lan found that he did not see the dragon by the lake.

   Then he looked at the lake.


   In other words, there is no Ao Longyu in the album.



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