Some days from Kunlun, there is a big ship flying.

   A white-haired old man and two middle-aged men sat in the cabin.

   All three gods have celestial powers.

   "Kunlun should have been there for some time since the Wuxian Conference started."

   Li Zhi sat on the side and said, he is one of the two middle-aged people.

   Black eyes and black hair, with some beard.

   "It is said that there is a goddess out of Kunlun Yaochi. There should be a chance to check the specific situation." Nan Yi followed.

  He is another middle-aged person.

  Different from others, he kept his eyes closed at this time.

   It seems that opening his eyes is very difficult for him.

   In other words, his eyes are inherently dangerous.

   "Our Celestial Clan has an agreement with Kunlun that young people under their name can come to ask for advice, but they may not be able to directly ask the goddess of Yaochi." The old man Miao Tian said.

   This old man has white hair and his cultivation is the highest among the three.

   "It's true, so we should challenge step by step, and finally ask the goddess of Yaochi for advice." Nanyi said with a smile:

  "Any good disciple will do for 300 years.

   Challenge from the first peak to the ninth peak.

  If we lose, we will naturally go home. "

   At this time, the old man looked at a young man in white outside the door and said:

"Have confidence?"

   "For the past few months, there has been no problem." Miu Xiu's voice came out.


   Kunlun Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan is reading a book.

   He has been familiar with the spell for a month, and now the power of nine cows has entered the power of eight cows.

   The last force is left, and it takes a lot of time to polish to enter.

   Tian Xing Nine Steps to get familiar with the current cultivation base.

   But it takes some time to enter the nine steps.

   In fact, Jiang Lan had some doubts during this period. The Power of Nine Bulls had upper level spells. I don’t know if Tianxing Nine Steps has upper level spells.

   Even if there is, it is difficult to sign in now.

   After all, the power of Nine Bulls' upper level spells were signed in after ten years.

   and still can’t practice.

   It's a waste of the accumulation of the past ten years.

   is also familiar with these two most important spells.

   Seven-Star Swordsmanship, Nine Heavens Flowing Fire, Thunder Sky Falling, Overturning Clouds and Rain, Word Spirituality, etc. I haven't had time to get familiar with it yet.

   He has learned a lot over the years.

   But they are all auxiliary.

   Naturally there is also some understanding of the formation.

   I read a lot of books, but it’s impossible to read them all.

   After all, I spend most of my time practicing.

   Just as Jiang Lan was cleaning the Ninth Peak Hall, he suddenly heard laughter from the sky:

   "Hahaha, confidant fellow, long time no see."

   Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

   He looked up at the sky and found a ship flying towards Kunlun.

   The voice came from above.

   And at this moment, someone from Kunlun flew out.

   "It feels like something is going to happen."

   Jiang Lan watched all this and muttered to himself.

  The Wuxian Conference has been out for one month now.

   Someone suddenly came at this time, it didn't look like they came to play.

   You must know that the Wuxian Conference means that a large number of proud children leave.

   "There is another mistake."

   Jiang Lan sighed in his heart.

   Wuxian Conference will indeed go to many Kunlun geniuses.

   It is indeed possible that something will happen.

   But Kunlun at this time is much more empty than before.

  Of course, some people will come to ask for trouble.

   "I hope it has nothing to do with outstanding disciples."

  He is the best disciple of Ninth Peak.

   There are certain things he will refuse, but there are certain things he cannot refuse.

   This is the responsibility of being the best disciple of the Ninth Peak.

   Jiang Lan looked down at the hall, which was half cleaned, and then continued cleaning.

   When he finished cleaning, he returned to the nether cave.

   He wants to improve his cultivation level and make sure that he is foolproof in the face of all situations.

   And other magic weapons, runes, also have to be prepared.

   "Practice first and adjust the state to the peak."

   Jiang Lan opened the Goddess Atlas and planned to practice.

   Only this time when I opened the album, Jiang Lan found that Ao Longyu was lying by the lake, as if she was a little Ill? "

   is unlikely.

  How can you get sick as a dragon?

   He remembered soon.

   "It's because the cultivation base has improved too quickly."

   Ao Longyu stayed in Yaochi for a long time, and his cultivation speed was not much worse than him.

   That's why she, who has a high talent for cultivation, has almost become one of the dragons with the fastest cultivation speed.

   And the boy in the inn said that if a dragon cultivates too fast, it will become weak.

   Jiang Lan shook his head, not paying attention.

   but began to practice.


   Three days later, Jiang Lan received a message.

   comes from his master.

   He knows that something is coming.

   I'm not sure what it is, but I can't hide it.

   Without hesitation, Jiang Lan went directly to the top of the Ninth Peak.

  Mo Zhengdong is indeed here waiting for him.


   Jiang Lan spoke respectfully.

   Today’s weather is very good, the breeze is fading, and there is a cool feeling.

   Jiang Lan likes such a sky very much.

   I just need to listen carefully to his master now.

   "Some people from the Central Plains Celestial Race came a few days ago and made a request, wanting to challenge the Goddess of Yaochi." Mo Zhengdong's voice came out slowly.

   Jiang Lan did not interrupt and continued to listen.

  Because the follow-up should have a long time.

   "The goddess of Kunlun Yaochi, naturally they can't challenge them if they want to.

   So they proposed a qualifier.

   Challenge Kunlun Jiufeng, the nine best disciples.

If you win, you can challenge the goddess of Yaochi.

   defeated, they left.

   The promise of challenge was given by the head teacher many years ago, and the head teacher is in retreat, so it is difficult for the peak master of Jiufeng to refuse. "

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