My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

334, Wanda's thoughts, Spider and Quicksilver

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar two-story small house in front of him, Xi Nian was surprised. It was exactly the same as what he saw in the past illusion.

The house number, style, green plants in the yard, bricks, tiles, and wood furnishings, and even the newness and oldness of the house were exactly the same.

But this house should have been destroyed in the New York War three years ago.

Wanda was dug out from the ruins of the current house by Xi Nian himself.

"Here is..." Xi Nian looked around and found that this street was the site of Wanda's home.

Three years have passed.

The alien remains in the New York War have been cleared, the blockade has been lifted, and many newly built houses are located on the original ruins.

"Master, this is my former home."

"A year ago, after the blockade of this area was lifted, Pietro and I rebuilt it on the ruins according to our previous memories."

Wanda spoke softly, her beautiful red eyes staring at the house in front.

Xi Nian looked at the young girl standing in front of the house, and his heart twitched inexplicably.

Xi Nian found that he seemed to pay little attention to Wanda's affairs.

It was like this three years ago, and it was the same three years later.

As a maid, Wanda regarded him as the whole world, and everything was centered on herself.

Wanda turned around and asked with some expectation: "Master, do you want to go in and sit for a while?"

"Of course, since you are here." Xi Nian nodded.


"Master, please come in."

Wanda took out the key to open the door, and seemed very happy. She took out the new slippers that had been prepared long ago from the shoe cabinet beside the door and put them on Xi Nian.

Xi Nian put on the slippers that just fit and walked into the room. There were ordinary old-fashioned electrical appliances, furniture, decorations, etc. inside, everything was the same as he saw in the illusion.

The house retained traces of the life of a family of four, and there was a faint warmth of the years.

However, Xi Nian knew that only the two children were left here.

"Now, who lives here?"

Xi Nian glanced at the living room. The coat was casually hung on the armrest of the sofa. There were game consoles, ping-pong rackets, and yesterday's newspapers on the table.

Because Wanda was around, his home was always clean and tidy. Seeing the slightly messy place, he was a little uncomfortable for a moment.

Wanda, who changed into pink slippers, walked lightly, preparing drinks while replying: "Pietro has been living here, and he is also attending a local high school in New York."

"That kid, he is also in high school." Xi Nian couldn't help but smile, and suddenly froze for a moment.

He remembered that Gwen's cousin Peter Parker was also in high school now... Could it be the same high school?

It shouldn't be such a coincidence.

Xi Nian gave up the funny idea and whispered, "Wanda. If you want to live here again in the future, you can."

Wanda's hand holding the coffee cup trembled, and the smile on her little face turned into fear. She asked with a trembling voice, "Master, don't you want me anymore?"

"That's not what I mean."

Xi Nian didn't expect Wanda's reaction to be so extreme, and hurriedly explained, "What I mean is - you have a magic portal, you can go back and forth to my house at any time. So, if you want to live here, it's no problem."

"I don't want it." Wanda shook her head violently and rejected the proposal very straightforwardly.

She whispered in a voice that only she could hear, "This place has long been no longer my home..."


In the afternoon, the sunset dyed the city red.

The light and shadow in the second-floor house were blurred.

Wanda walked out of the kitchen on the first floor briskly, holding a plate of fresh handmade cakes in her hand, but saw Xi Nian sitting on a single sofa, breathing evenly with his eyes closed.


Wanda tried to call out, but the figure sitting on the single chair did not respond, and was obviously asleep.

The plate was quietly placed on the table.

The girl in the dress came to the single sofa, squatted down slowly, and her petite and slender body, her amazing crimson hair against the light, like a ball of crimson rippling in the room.

Wanda raised her ruby-like eyes, and quietly looked at the boy who was resting on the sofa from top to bottom, until the sunlight in the room faded like a tide.

Until the night fell outside, the gorgeous city neon lights lit up.

What remained unchanged was.

Wanda's eyes revealed a passion that was hard to see on weekdays, as if it was only revealed when Xi Nian was asleep.

Love you, love you, love you, love you, love you.

Love you very much.

Wanda took Xi Nian's right palm, rubbed her face gently, and said softly:

"Master, this is no longer my home. Because, where you are is my home."

The master always let her pursue freedom, her own life and future.

In fact, Wanda's biggest wish was to stay with the boy, nothing more.

"It would be great if the mistress of the house in the future could also let Wanda stay, no matter what the price."

Wanda covered her chest with her little hands.

The future.

Whether it's Miss Diana, Miss Gwen, or Miss Kara...

It doesn't matter who it is, as long as she can stay and stay by his side.

Because Wanda is just a maid, so, just this is enough.

Let's bury the feelings that Teacher Gu Yi said in our hearts.

"Master, for three years, I have been waiting for you, waiting for you where everything is."

"If I have to leave you when I grow up, then I would rather never grow up..."

Thinking of this.

The necklace on Wanda's chest glowed with a faint scarlet luster, and a deep red light flashed in her eyes.



In front of a five-star hotel in Queens, New York.

A white boy about sixteen years old came to the door of the hotel and stopped. He looked down at his phone and muttered to himself: "It should be here."

"Look at the location, it's here."

Unexpectedly, another voice similar to his came from the side.

The white boy who was still carrying a schoolbag looked sideways and immediately looked at a silver-haired boy of the same age next to him.

"Peter Parker?"


The two looked at each other and said in unison: "Why are you here?"

"My cousin asked me to come here." Peter Parker explained.

Pietro adjusted the goggles on his forehead and spread his hands: "What a coincidence, my sister sent me the location and asked me to come here for a family dinner."

"It's a coincidence."

Peter Parker blinked. The two were not familiar with each other, but they were classmates in high school, so they naturally knew each other.

"Let's go in together." Pietro said casually.

"Okay." Peter Parker did not refuse.

The two walked into the magnificent five-star hotel together, and under the enthusiastic guidance of the manager and the front desk, they went to the private room booked inside.


Peter Parker and Pietro felt more and more that something was wrong, until they were both led to the door of the same private room.

"You are here too?" Pietro looked at Peter Parker next to him with a strange expression.

"It should be...right." Peter Parker scratched his head and said uncertainly.

But at this time.

A familiar voice came from behind the two: "You two, what are you doing standing at the door? Why don't you go in?"

Peter Parker and Pietro were shocked. Peter's reaction was fast enough, but Pietro's was even faster. They turned around almost at the same time -

They saw the black-haired boy behind them, whose appearance had not changed at all compared to three years ago.

The two were excited and excited, and shouted in unison again: "Brother!"

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