My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

574, Long time no see, Polaris Boss

Above the night sky.

A five-meter-long space gap appeared in the night sky.

Two golden whips were like needles and threads trying to repair the gap, but no matter how hard the young Ancient One tried, he still lost to the strange existence on the other side. The space gap did not close but continued to expand and tear!

Chi Chi!!

Soon, the space gap doubled in size, like a small rift abyss!


But at this moment.

There were countless metal creations in the town below, such as iron pots, shovels and other tools, all of which flew up under the drive of a force. The surface of the metal creations was attached with light green magnetic force, which surged wildly towards the abyss rift in the night sky, smashing the black shadow that kept protruding out!

The trend of the space gap expanding outward suddenly slowed down.

Ancient One looked at the bottom of the town and saw a green-haired woman holding one hand in the air, with green magnetic field fluorescence lingering on her body.

"I'm here to help!"

At the same time, a small figure actually flew into the night sky and pounced on the space gap.

"Don't go over there!"

Ancient One's face turned pale and he was shocked.

But she was soon stunned.

It was the little girl who pounced on the edge of the space gap. Her white and tender little hands seemed to really grab the empty space barrier and pull the space gap inward.


The space gap really closed slightly inward under the girl's pull!

Is there such a thing?

Not only the young Ancient One who had just become the Supreme Sorcerer, but also Dormammu in the dark dimension at the other end was stunned.

"She can actually touch the space boundary between the single universe and the multiverse... Is she also a multiverse-level existence? How is this possible?!"

Dormamu would never believe it.

When did the multiverse level become popular?


Several black shadow energies rushed towards the girl from the other end of the space gap, but they all stopped outside the girl's body surface.

It was as if there was another infinite universe dimension around the girl, isolated from the outside world.

Dormammu suddenly realized: "It's not at the multiverse level, but it has multiverse-level talents and abilities, and the potential has not yet fully grown..."

Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension, suddenly felt extremely jealous.

Comparing people makes people angry!

A human kid next door has grown into a multiverse existence stronger than him in less than 20 years.

Now, this mysterious girl who came out of nowhere actually has an amazing talent that can grow to the multiverse level!

Speaking of which, for some reason, this girl makes him feel inexplicably familiar, and even makes him feel inexplicably irritated.

"No matter, let's swallow this universe and time first!"

Knowing that the girl has not grown up yet, Dormammu breathed a sigh of relief, but he also became completely serious.


The space gap continued to expand little by little!

Despite the assistance of Lorna and the girl, Ancient One still found it difficult to repair the space gap.

Although Dormammu can only descend a part of the energy, his energy supply is endless!


The young Ancient One looked at the little girl who seemed to have used up all her strength, knowing that she had tried her best.

The Ancient One immediately made a decision: "Lorna, I can't hold on any longer, you two should leave this universe!"

"How can you, you haven't finished dinner with me yet!"

Below, Lorna clenched her fists, her dark green hair fluttered, and the green magnetic field almost used up all the metal within a radius of ten kilometers.

"I am the supreme wizard of this world, and I can only coexist and die with this world."

The Ancient One smiled with relief: "You are different. Promise me that you must return to your universe in the end!"

As soon as the words fell.

The golden whip on the hands of the Ancient One broke at the limit, and the space gap above the night sky suddenly expanded several times, becoming a veritable dark abyss of tens of meters, and the huge wriggling black shadow at the other end of the abyss could be clearly seen.

"It's almost too late. Go, I'll stop Him!"

The young Ancient One said loudly, holding the necklace magic weapon on his neck, and decided to risk his life.

"Damn it!"

Lorna gritted her teeth and stamped her feet hard, and a girl's face vaguely came to mind.

Is it time to escape from the current world again like the mutant universe before?



The metal necklace and pendant on the little girl at the edge of the space gap suddenly glowed with yellow gemstone light.

As if, some subtle resonance was produced.

The next moment, a colorful beam of light suddenly burst out from under the town, crossed the night sky, and plunged fiercely into the dark abyss formed by the space gap!

"Ah ah!!"

A sharp scream came from the dark dimension at the other end.

Wait, Dormammu is screaming?

The Ancient One was stunned.

"Why is it you again? I didn't provoke you this time! It's endless, right?"

The hoarse words from the dark dimension had a sense of exasperation and deep fear.

Afterwards, before the young Ancient One could react, the space gap in front of him that could allow part of Dormammu's body to descend actually quickly closed up!

The night sky, which was ravaged by strange phenomena, returned to its original state in an instant.

The young Ancient One had no reaction at all.

Dormammu... ran away?

As the Lord of the Dark Dimension, he actually retreated? It was as if he was afraid of and avoiding a more powerful existence!

Recalling the colorful energy beam just now, the young Ancient One couldn't help but look down at the town.


On the simple and primitive streets of the town.

Lorna's tall body stiffened for a moment. The colorful beam that had repelled Dormammu had burst out from behind her.

However, the energy beam that was powerful enough to annihilate everything passed by.

Lorna didn't feel a bit uneasy, but felt unprecedented peace of mind, as if the familiar colorful energy would never hurt herself.

No mistake, this feeling is-

Lorna's delicate body trembled slightly, and suddenly looked back, and saw a familiar young man with the characteristics of colorful light.

There was not much change from what she remembered.

It was still the same as four or five years ago. The young man smiled at her and said hello: "Hi, Polaris Boss, you are here!"

"Have you had dinner? Do you want to..."

Before the young man finished speaking, his waist-length dark green hair was lifted up, and the hem of his long skirt also fluttered. Lorna had thrown herself into his arms, with her arms tightly clasped around her neck.

"Stupid little brother... I thought I would never see you again..."

Lorna's voice was trembling, and her body was constantly shaking. She was not as calm as when she talked to the young Ancient One.

From childhood to adulthood, there are not many things that can make me feel scared.

The thing I am most afraid of so far is that I can't see you again.

That will be more desperate than death.

"Boss Polaris, long time no see."

Xi Nian hugged Luna tightly, smelled the faint fragrance of her dark green hair, and let out a breath that he had been holding for a long time:

"It's not easy to find you."

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