My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

577, Two years, the terrifying truth of the world

Somewhere in space and time.

In the afternoon.

A modern suite residence in downtown Washington.

Ding dong!

The doorbell rang suddenly.


Mary Jane, who was wearing an apron and preparing to cook dinner, walked out of the kitchen curiously.

"I didn't invite anyone to come to the door." Officer George, who was sitting on the sofa, shrugged. He was still wearing the sergeant's uniform that he had not changed out of and was reading an open daily newspaper carefully.

"I'm not even going to open the door."

Lady Mary complained and walked quickly towards the front door where the bell was ringing.

"Didn't I just see something important?" Officer George shrugged.

"Since Gwen left, you have become more and more lazy. You don't have to show it in front of me, right?" Mrs. Mary said angrily.

Officer George paused while turning over the newspaper and remained silent without answering.

Mrs. Mary also realized that she had said the wrong thing, but she still came to the door first and opened it.

Under her surprised gaze, a handsome curly-haired white young man and a middle-aged woman with intact appearance and figure stood outside the door.

"My God. George, look who's here!" Mrs. Mary reached out her hand to cover her open mouth in surprise.

"Peter, and May!" Officer George put down the newspaper in his hand with a happy face when he saw the familiar figure standing outside the door.

"Cousin, cousin, good evening to both of you."

Peter Parker smiled and said hello.

"Okay, okay, it looks like I've grown a lot taller." Mrs. Mary stepped forward, gently hugged the curly-haired young man, and kissed his cheek.

Immediately, she complained to Aunt Mei on the side: "Mei, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came here?"

"I have a surprise for you!"

Mei blinked and entered the house with Officer George's welcoming gesture: "Isn't it almost Christmas? I want to come over in advance to have some fun."

"Yeah, it's almost Christmas again."

Mrs. Mary sighed with emotion, then slapped her chest: "Don't worry, tonight's dinner will be sumptuous!"

It didn't take long.

The city outside was gradually shrouded in darkness.

Inside the house, under bright lights, the dining table is filled with steaming delicacies such as roast chicken, steak, sausages, etc.

George and Mary, as well as May and Peter, took their seats.

However, when the four people sat down on the seats, they discovered that there would be two empty seats anyway.

The four of them suddenly fell silent in front of the table full of delicious food.

Mrs. Mary said with an embarrassed look on her face: "I am also getting old and am so forgetful. I will take it back now."

Mei stretched out her hand to stop her, and said with a smile: "No need. Mary, really, just leave it like this, so that we can feel more at ease."

"I remember, when Cousin Gwen and Brother Xinian were here, this place was always very lively."

Peter Parker recalled in a daze: "Two years have passed, and I don't know how they are doing now."

His words seemed to completely open up the thoughts of several people on the field. No matter how much we go around, we can't avoid talking about those two people.

Officer George was no longer silent and cursed in a low voice: "That brat, you'd better take good care of Gwen for me."

"Don't worry, I believe in Xinian."

Mrs. Mary smiled slightly and gently put a hand on the back of her husband's hand.

In the past two years, there have been a lot more gray hairs on their heads.

After no longer deliberately avoiding talking about the two people who left this world, the four of them felt much happier.

Then, they no longer cared about the two empty chairs and began to enjoy the sumptuous dinner contentedly.

But, dinner was halfway through.

The cell phone in Officer George's pocket rang at an inappropriate time with a rapid incoming call.

"What did you say?!"

Get on the phone. Hearing the words reported by the subordinate police officer on the other end of the phone, Officer George's face suddenly became solemn: "I know, I'll go over immediately!"

Peter Parker paused while enjoying his dinner. With his keen hearing, he also heard the report on the other end of the phone.

In the next street, there was an extraordinary incident of unknown tentacled creatures hurting people on the street?

at the same time.

Justice League Headquarters.

In the huge meeting hall, there were sitting a tall man in a dark bat-style armor, a cloaked man wearing an S family totem Superman tights, a black man with more than half of his body mechanized, and a man wearing a red lightning-marked armor. As well as a burly alien with green skin all over his body.

There are also four young men wearing different bat-style uniforms, fully armed and guarding the entrance of the main conference hall.

Superman Clark asked calmly and forcefully: "Bruce, why are you calling us here in such a hurry tonight?"

Batman Bruce looked at Cyborg seriously: "Cyborg, you discovered this. Come and tell them."


Knowing that the situation was urgent, Cyborg immediately stood up from his chair and cast a holographic projection on the conference table with his red electronic eye.

It was a blue round planet model.

"Everyone, please look, this is Earth."

Cyborg said in a deep voice: "We humans have always longed for the mysterious starry sky, but very few of us have set our sights on the underground of the earth."

"You must know that the maximum observation limit of the earth from the surface to the center of the earth is only 12km, which is equivalent to less than 0.2% of the earth's radius!"

The Flash spread his hands: "So? Cyborg, you're not going to give us a geography lesson tonight, are you?"

"A few years ago, even with the most advanced technology on earth, it was impossible to detect the detailed conditions under the earth's crust."

Cyborg continued: "Until recently, I often felt irregular movements of the earth's crust, so I used the Mother Box's Apocalypse technology to conduct a detailed investigation of the interior of the earth."

He paused, cold sweat streaming down half of his dark face, and said in a deep voice: "Then. I peeked into an extremely terrifying thing hidden deep in the earth. It may also be one of the ultimate truths in the current world!"

For Cyborg to be so frightened, Batman was on alert.

Others realized that things were not simple and asked in unison: "Cyborg, what exactly did you find?"

"Look, this is the model of the Earth's interior that I got through scanning."

Cyborg said as the three-dimensional projection of the earth released began to show more details.

From the earth's crust, upper and lower mantle, to the outer core, everything is normal. But when the details of the model of the earth's deepest core were presented, everyone in the Justice League was stunned.

The Flash opened his eyes in surprise: "What is that thing like a human embryo in the core?"

Martian Manhunter said: "Obviously it's a creature, a biological embryo that's so big that it's unimaginable!"

Superman Clark raised his eyebrows: "That's too big. I'm afraid it's not hundreds of kilometers across."

Cyborg smiled bitterly and said: "This is still in the process of incubation by absorbing the energy of the earth's creatures. When it hatches and grows, its normal size may be larger than a planet!"

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