My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

Chapter 74: Extraordinary everywhere, kiss everywhere

With a "click", several books scattered and fell under the table, and the seemingly empty laboratory returned to silence again.

The small square space under the podium table was narrow and dark. Xi Nian and Gwen were almost face to face. They were so close that their warm breaths blew on each other's faces, and they could vaguely hear each other's accelerated heartbeats.

"Xinian, what are you doing?" The blond girl blinked in confusion, her sapphire eyes flashing with clear light.

"I want to borrow your ability." Xinian said seriously.

Although we don’t know why the female agent Natasha came, it is best to take preventive measures in advance and obtain Qingmei Gwen’s super spider ability. If any emergency situation arises later, she can handle it.

"Borrow ability?" The blond girl Gwen was stunned for a moment, and then quickly understood what Xi Nian meant. Her fair cheeks and ears turned red, and actual steam almost came out of her head.

"In school, or in this place?"

Gwen bit her shiny pink lower lip and glanced at the laboratory outside. The exposed skin was slightly red.

"If you don't want to, forget it." Xinian didn't force it. After all, for Gwen, who was still the squad leader, it was really too exciting under the podium...

"Who said, unwilling..." Gwen tried her best to spit out these words, and the sound she made was as small as a mosquito, making people doubt that she was not bitten by a super spider.

Xinian didn't think anything of it at first, but now that he saw Gwen being so shy, his heart beat loudly, and his body temperature rose along with the close body.

"Then I'll start." Xi Nian looked at the small girl's face nearby and suddenly felt that his lips were a little dry.

Gwen closed her eyes nervously, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, her chin raised at a suitable angle, and her bright pink lips slightly opened.

Xi young took a breath, gently held the girl's shoulders with his hands, and lowered his head forward.

Seeing that the two were about to touch each other, however, at this moment——


A sudden sound of footsteps came from the corridor, and the man crossed the door and entered the interior of the laboratory.

Under the podium table.

The bodies of Xinian and Gwen suddenly stiffened, and they remained motionless, even their breathing slowed down subconsciously.

I wish I were a classmate and would leave soon.

However, the sound of footsteps was still approaching, coming towards the podium where they were!

"I almost forgot something again..." The man muttered to himself helplessly, came to the laboratory podium, and began to clean the glassware and other items on the table.

It's Dr. Curt Connors.

Xinian and Gwen didn't dare to take a breath, looking outside the table at the shiny leather shoes of the PhD teacher close at hand.

If discovered, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Fortunately, Dr. Kurt didn't tidy up for long. In less than half a minute, he put away all the things on the table, and did not find the two Xinian hiding under the table.

However, just when Dr. Kurt was about to leave with his things.

There was a "clang" sound.

A glass cup fell from the lectern to the ground. The cup did not break. It fell on the ground and continued to roll inward, rolling into the bottom of the lectern.

Dr. Kurt sighed and immediately bent down to pick it up.

"This!" Xinian and Gwen's pupils shrank slightly.

But the next moment, changes occurred!

Before Dr. Kurt's waist could bend down, his body suddenly trembled violently, his hands suddenly rested on the desk, and he let out a low growl deep in his throat that was unlike anything a human could make!

"Damn it, at this time!" The originally gentle voice became hoarse, and Dr. Kurt covered his mouth with force to prevent himself from actually roaring.

His gentle face was filled with an expression of pain, the desk he was holding on with both hands made a squeaking sound, and his shirt and suit were inexplicably torn apart by the swelling muscles!

Under the lectern.

Xinian and Gwen watched this scene in amazement. They saw that from the leather shoes that Dr. Kurt had forced open, two ferocious, wide, green-scaled feet were revealed, which overall resembled a lizard. !

at the same time.

A thick green-scaled long tail stretched out from behind the white coat Dr. Kurt was wearing, violently pumping the air left and right, and a whirring sound suddenly occurred in the laboratory!

The floor was trampled to pieces, the blackboard was cracked, and deep scratches were left on the tabletop!

Dr. Kurt at the table reveals his true monster form!

"The doctor is actually a lizard?!" A thought came to Xinian's mind, and along with the sweet breath, a soft and gentle touch that could not be ignored came from his lips.

Xinian opened his eyes wide, and what came into view was the girl's small and delicate face.

Without thinking too much, Xinian suddenly took the initiative and forcefully demanded the medium inside Gwen's lips!


The two highly tacit spider senses first touched tentatively, then became deeply entangled, and even wanted to completely merge into one!

The account password is entered correctly.

The Extraordinary Spider version of Xi Nian is back online!

Tap! !

Unaware of what was happening under the table, Dr. Kurt, whose body transformed into a giant lizard, stumbled out of the laboratory door!

The next moment Dr. Kurt left.

In the laboratory, the table on the podium flew open!

"Gwen, your clothes are in my schoolbag!" Xinian said quickly as he stood up.

"Okay. I'll change my clothes right now, and you find a way to get everyone in the school to evacuate urgently! By the way, there's something in my locker for you, remember to get it first!" Gwen quickly threw this sentence, and without waiting for Xi Nian's response, he rushed out of the laboratory nimbly and quickly!

Xi Nian followed Gwen out of the laboratory and rushed to the office building opposite the teaching building alone.

Arrived at the main entrance of the office building.

Xi Nian happened to meet Instructor Roth who was walking out of the office building.

When Instructor Roth saw him, he immediately waved and said, "Xi Nian, I just wanted to find you!"

"Looking for me?" Xi Nian was stunned.

"It's the new dean of teaching. She specifically mentioned your name and asked you to go to the dean's office right now." Instructor Roth patted him on the shoulder and said.

"That's no problem." Xi Nian agreed first, and then said seriously: "Instructor, listen to me! I just saw Dr. Kurt turned into a lizard monster. I'm worried that the teachers and students of the school will be in danger. Please take the students in the teaching building to evacuate first!"

Instructor Roth was shocked and asked in disbelief: "Dr. Kurt, lizard monster? Is it true?!"

"I just saw it with my own eyes!" Xi Nian said firmly.

If it were an ordinary teacher or instructor, facing such bizarre words from students, I'm afraid they would just treat it as a joke.

But Xi Nian believed in Instructor Roth. After all, they had experienced the New York War together!

Instructor Roth was silent for a moment, then nodded seriously: "I know, I will go to evacuate the students of the school now!"

Xi Nian breathed a sigh of relief and continued to walk into the office building and headed to the director's office.

He was afraid that Instructor Roth alone would not be convincing enough, and it happened that the dean of teaching had something to ask him...

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